The most aggravating feeling in the world is the feeling of abandonment. You can talk all you want yet you will never get your point across and it will be hurtful for your pride to speak whenever you are feeling abandoned. You feel as if the world has ended and no matter who comes to help you, ... Views: 1370
To believe in your abilities is great, but to remain humble is also just as great.
Many people believe in what they do. Whenever there is a cause for the thing you do, you have to believe in it. Whenever you want to accomplish something, you have to believe in it. When you believe in something, ... Views: 864
Life can be very boring every now and then. You could be sitting at home, doing nothing. Not even willing to go take a walk or call a friend to hang out. It gets that boring especially when you are living alone. Sometimes it makes you reach the point where you want to sleep for the whole ... Views: 3589
Falling in love is never easy. It comes with its fun time, its memories, but it can also bring you pain and agony that you will wish you had someone else. Sometimes you will seek to be with any one just to keep your thoughts off the person that you have chosen to love.
But what's worse than ... Views: 696
Confidence may be one of the most intimidating characteristics that anyone could have. Your confidence reflects on your foes as it does on your friends. Once you show that you can do something and show your capability of doing it without hesitation, people around you begin to form an idea around ... Views: 796
Misconception can be the method in which you would fool someone into believing that something based on a lie is the truth, and it can be used in the other way around. Art is one of the most well-known methods to spread ideas, but not through telling the truth. Art and literature use lies to ... Views: 1166
Many people out there are naturally gifted with talents that they do not use and they only wait for the right time to use them. The reason is not because they can't, but they don't believe in their abilities and they lack the confidence that they need in order to make things happen. It only ... Views: 984
Knowledge is a double edged weapon that would fill you in with things you would be happy knowing about ad things that you would very upset to know about. It is curiosity that forces one to seek more and to want to know about more. It is one of the most significant needs of humanity. The idea of ... Views: 1604
Many of us have goals and only need a little bit of motivation to get fired up and skyrocket toward where we are. But while many of us have great goals that we could accomplish with a little bit of patience and motivation, only very few of us reach for those potentials. Many of those few people ... Views: 1003
There are plenty of things about us that we do not understand; things that we do not notice or see even when they are available right in front of us. Sometimes those things are abilities that we have long forgotten about and sometimes they are skills that we have earned through time. We might ... Views: 1191
Sometimes confidence is the most important thing that you will need to show in order for others to show you the respect that you need. Sometimes you will have to show that you know more about something than you actually do only to make yourself seem stronger. Sometimes you will feel that you ... Views: 891
Through the time you spend with people, you get to understand their habits, what makes them sad and what makes them happy; you get to know the good things that they do and you get to know the bad and you become a part of them as they become a part of you. It's the cycle of life where one person ... Views: 1206
If there is something that you cannot live without, then it would be water. It's not your cellphone; it is not your 48 inches screen; it's not a particular person in your life.
Your life is full of things that you do not need but you shouldn't give up on them unless they are harmful or if they ... Views: 1221
Rejection is a devastating state that would cause depression and immediate loss of self-confidence. Dealing with rejection can be a difficult and a long process that many people would not even dare go through.
The causes of rejection come from two places, the receiver and deliverer. If you are ... Views: 896
Sometimes we get so lost that we feel that anything we are going to do is not going to do is not going to be getting us anywhere. Sometimes we feel that we are abandoned and we feel that our work is appreciated. Sometimes the people around us do not show us the appreciation we deserve or need. ... Views: 959
If you want to make someone think about something, you don't simply repeat the idea to them. You do repeat it, but not in a direct way. When you want to convince someone with something or when you want someone to think about something, you give them a reason to think about it. When you want to ... Views: 735
Hatred can be seen through actions. Hatred is a very strong emotion that can ruin things. But sometimes we do prematurely judge someone to be full of hatred. A common synonym of hatred can usually be seen as anger and rage, but that does not mean hatred. But if think that a characteristic of ... Views: 1468
A strong personality is not necessarily a dominant personality. People who believe that they have a strong personality will not necessarily be dominant because a strong personality is merely based on your ideas, idols and thoughts. You could have a strong personality and yet still listen to ... Views: 2556
Sometimes we have to deal with people that we do not want to be around in order to please someone. It takes time to get used to the people that you didn't like at the beginning or people that you held a grudge against but if you do take the time to know more about them, you will find out a great ... Views: 894
If you want to leave a long lasting impression on someone then you will have to work your way until you leave that impression. It takes effort and dedication to be something that you have not been. It is very difficult to convince people of how good you are when you are not and it is even more ... Views: 1994
Many people underestimate knowledge and some will even pretend that they know everything. Some people will go to limits where they do not seek to learn anymore and instead they will stay where they stop learning and go far into their belief that they know about everything.
But before you ... Views: 881
It occurs to me that whenever I would say that I am proud, people would look at me and shake their heads. Once, I was even accused of being proud as if it was a bad thing.
But that is not necessarily the case. There are two sides of pride, one of which is an extreme negative feeling that people ... Views: 9296
Hope is the most beautiful thing in life. It keeps you going at darkest times and it keeps you alive. As long as you have hope, you will survive to live another day and no day will ever be as bad as long as you allow hope to support you.
Aside from the silly introductions, I am not going to ... Views: 1902
When you think about your dreams and the means to accomplish them, you should always keep a number of things in mind. In general, you should have a number of things set in mind. As you go into your personal trance of dreams and wishes and start setting the future of your dream. Before starting ... Views: 1002
If you are going to make a mistake willingly then you better be able to live with the consequences and forget and forgive yourself for it because otherwise torment will haunt you and take you down into depression with many forms. Some people say that regret is the hardest thing you would live ... Views: 924
A friend once told me to have faith. I remember the exact words they said and I quote, "Have faith. Have faith in people. Have faith in God, if all else fails. Just have faith."
If my memory serves me correctly, I was feeling down because life was not fair. Life is never fair. Sometimes I have ... Views: 930
Love is the most beautiful thing in life, not because it's good, but because you would live it to every dimension in life. Love can be conditional, unconditional, from two sides, a love triangle, you can even love someone whom you have never met or spoken to because you feel that they are good ... Views: 926
There are so many things around you that could distract you. You might actually have something to do at this moment but once you start doing something else you never stop until you get it done even though you aren't working on the task that you are supposed to work on.
Distraction can ruin your ... Views: 1325
It is often that we make decisions which are not going to be popular with our friends and family. Usually one will think that his family and friends would accept any of his decisions and support him into them without arguing or throwing any blame on him.
But that is only what we expect and not ... Views: 8271
When stress starts to ruin your life and business, then you need to start thinking of taking a break, not just to relax and chill but also to recalculate situations and decide what is best for you.
Stress is a dark path with many gates along its way. One of those gates is success and the ... Views: 1027
Sometimes we tend to give people less attention than they deserve; showing disinterest in them in manners that would be called rude. In other situations, we might give someone more attention than they need that they get stuck to us, being with us in every situation in a way that one may consider ... Views: 1190