We have entered an Age of Enlightenment. Millions of people are becoming more aware: aware of their own true nature, aware of a deeper calling, aware of an awakening of consciousness that is occurring throughout the collective consciousness of humanity. You are at the very front of this global ... Views: 1297
Love...Everyone in the world seeks it. You can have fame, power, billions of dollars, but without it you have nothing. Without love you are impoverished; without love you will die. Love is what gives real meaning and purpose to our lives; it is the reason for our very existence; to receive it ... Views: 1751
For everything that exists, there lies a latent potential for it to exist. The realization of that potential is an expression of consciousness. As consciousness is expressed we observe it as energy, it appears to us as time, space, energy and matter. We engage it in light and sound, through ... Views: 1939
Looking back at my high school yearbook, the senior class asked what you wanted to attain in life, most people said simply to “be happy.” Of those who I have kept track of, I think very few have found true happiness despite having attained financial success. You readers, you ... Views: 1294
Each day you wake up to a new beginning. Each day you turn the page of your life story and can begin to write whatever you want. Stories change and what makes any book interesting is reading how the hero makes a transition, has an epiphany, or saves the day. What’s the story of your life? ... Views: 1509
There is an awakening of consciousness occurring within humanity. You are part of a small but rapidly growing segment of the population that is awakening. You are amongst the first to develop that inner knowing and who recognize the shift in consciousness that is occurring in the world. Spirit ... Views: 1246
No matter how stressed you get, no matter how life tests you or what challenges come up in your life, you can always find peace within. Everything you experience is teaching you something about yourself. You are being stretched to evolve your conscious awareness to its highest expression. Life ... Views: 1513
What if you could think whatever you want whenever you want? What if you felt joy, love and peace all the time, or even just most of the time? Can you think of some old feeling that you would rather not be carrying around, or a behavior that just doesn’t serve you anymore and you would ... Views: 1139
As we learn, grow and evolve ourselves and are guided to the fulfillment of our life purpose we inevitably come to areas where we appear to get stuck or stagnate. Whether it is in our career, our relationships or spiritual development we rise to the capacity of our own awareness and any ... Views: 1394
After years of studying and writing about world religions and spiritual paths a common message appears in each of the world’s major teachings, whether it be an eastern or western religion, spiritual group or master, and that is that one day we humans will all live together in happiness and ... Views: 1360
Your body is energy. Energy is absorbed through the air you breathe. It flows in your nervous system, like electricity flowing through wires, to all your extremities and vital organs. It flows in streams through channels of low resistance and high conductivity called chi, or ki. Your central ... Views: 774
Have you noticed that life appears to be speeding up? We are trying to "fit" so many things into our schedule, trying to keep up, stay on top, working harder and harder to get ahead. The whole world is stressing out. The recession is creating a fear of survival; a "lack" consciousness is ... Views: 1904
Hundreds gather from around the country and abroad to the vortexes and natural beauty of Sedona, Arizona, to learn The Exact Science of Manifesting from some of world's leading experts. One of the highlights of this weekend retreat was when leading clinical psychologist and best-selling author ... Views: 729
Do you feel a sense of absolute awe and wonder with your life? Does your life flow effortlessly with synchronicity and abundance? Do you feel you are aligned with your purpose and feel fulfilled, completely happy and at peace? If not, why not? You already know the answers lie within you. You ... Views: 741
Imagine meditating on an active volcano. Mauna Loa, on the Big Island of Hawaii, is the most massive mountain on Earth; measured from its base on the seafloor it rises 56,000 (27,000 higher than Everest from the base) and lies over 13,700 above sea level. It was snowing on the peak even as we ... Views: 895
For the world to enlighten we must first enlighten, and bring this higher awareness into every facet of our lives including business. Capitalism affords the opportunity to aspire to achieve a better life, liberty and happiness, but all too often also breeds greed and corruption. At a lower state ... Views: 867
Within one generation technology has brought the world together in ways unimaginable to most people. We have extended our awareness through satellite, cellular and fiber optic applications. The World Wide Web has created a global mind with information being shared with millions in seconds; ideas ... Views: 843
That which causes life within you, is you. The spirit that animates your physical being is an expression of your consciousness…it is known as Shakti. Your consciousness is what is reflecting upon these words and guiding you to read them. Observe your mind thinking. Who is observing these ... Views: 843
In 1990 I received a calling to go to India with my good friend and partner Jim Smith. I closed down my business, packed away a few belongings and said goodbye to my family and friends to meet up with my first guru, Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi ("Swamiji"), a Kundalini Master from an ancient ... Views: 855
In the last decade we have learned so much about how to use our mind and manifest what we want. The Law of Attraction goes back thousands of years to the ancient Vedas of India. When Yogi's would align with the Innate Intelligence of the Universe, and realize their true nature, they would gain ... Views: 883
That which you are seeking is causing you to seek. Your true self is already realized and is directing your mind to read these words and think about them. The key to self-realization is for your mind to realize that you are NOT your mind. Observe that part of you that can observe what your mind ... Views: 832
What do you want? What do you want from life? Do you know that you can create whatever you want? If there is any part of you that doubts that, the first step is to clear that limiting belief out of your mind. It doesn't serve you anymore. The more open you are to receive, the more you will ... Views: 818
That which you are seeking is causing you to seek. Your true self is already realized and is directing your mind to read these words and think about them. The key to self-realization is for your mind to realize that you are NOT your mind. Observe that part of you that can observe what your mind ... Views: 834
Human beings have been evolving for millions of years, our minds have developed significantly in the past few thousand, and our consciousness really began developing only in the last few hundred years. But it is only in the past few decades that we have consciously been evolving our ... Views: 835
We human beings are instinctively being guided to evolve. As with all creatures, we must adapt to changes in our environment to survive and flourish. We can see evidence of this evolutionary trend in our physiology, our society, and in our technology. Our brains continue to develop, an ... Views: 992
That which caused life within us is us. The life force energy, or spirit, that animates our own existence is an expression of the consciousness that lies at the very core of our being. The same spirit that is causing my heart to beat is also causing yours to. This underlying spirit is creating ... Views: 1268
Your source of power lies within you. The answers lie within. Happiness and peace lie within. You know this all already innately. The same life force energy that makes your heart beat enables you to create the world you want to live in. The same innate intelligence that knows how to regenerate ... Views: 976
Each of us have an instinct to learn, to grow and evolve. Everything you experience is teaching you something about yourself. Life lessons that we miss we tend to get tested in again and again until we learn the lesson. The more we learn the better life we live. The more we evolve the greater ... Views: 1126
There is power in dreaming. What you direct through your mind has energy; what you dream of you can create. What do you want? At the very core of your being, what is you soul searching for? What would you like to manifest in your life? I would like to invite you to join me in visualizing and ... Views: 866
There is literally a power running through your body causing your heart to beat, causing your cells to regenerate, and your hair to grow. A life force current with innate intelligence is flowing through you right now providing the volition to move your eyes across this page and to think about ... Views: 864
As we celebrate the upcoming holidays a message of "Peace on Earth and Good Will Towards Man" is echoed by people of varying faiths from around the world. If we all wish for that, why have we not created it? We have only to look into our own lives and ask ourselves "am I at peace right now?" We ... Views: 938