A good leader has a list of responsibilities to a business
and all people involved should hold them accountable.
A good business leader should see to it that every business
investment he/she might make is treated and evaluated on
the same basis. They are also responsible for the return on ... Views: 3747
Business owner seem to have one thing in common. They work too much.
If we look closely, many businesses follow the same path.
1. You work to learn a trade and become good at it.
2. Then you use that knowledge to open your own business.
3. Next is to hire others to begin helping when you can't ... Views: 1305
Four Crucial Keys to Small Business Success
Every business I have ever coached or spoken to has the same needs.
No matter the size - no matter the niche.
If all four of these pieces are assembled correctly, the chances of success are hugely increased. If they are ignored -well four out of ... Views: 2025
What would you do differently in your life if you were
given the chance? What would you change now if you
were able to wave a magic wand and start from scratch?
No ties, no burdens, no limits, no memories, and no past.
What would that life look like? If the answer that comes
to your mind ... Views: 1555
There are two ways to start your day.
The first is to dive in; tackling whatever is in front of you. You might check your emails. This is an interesting beginning as it is always possible something fun and new came in since you last looked.
Next thing you know you are deeply involved, ... Views: 1386
We have a small problem. My wife of two decades has fallen
for horses as hard as I fell for boats back when I was a kid.
Now we have to figure out how to move a horse farm with 8
of our horses, 15 boarded horses, 65 lesson students and
a 12 stall barn onto a boat.
You see, the two boys, Ian ... Views: 1671
Life is perfect is a way of living for me. If I understand
that I have the ability to create my life by the actions I
take, then I understand that both the life I live today
and the life I will live tomorrow is perfect in that sense
Except when it is not.
Last week we had the flu bug. ... Views: 1372
Take a quick inventory of where you are in your life. On a scale on 1-10 where would you score yourself for these questions?
I live where I choose.
My life is under control.
I am consistently successful at reaching my goals.
I have enough of what I need, and am building my reserves.
I ... Views: 1598
A Perfect Life - Step 1
In the last few issues, we have talked about creating instead of coping in our lives. Last week I gave some examples of how to do this.
Find it here.
Beginning this week, we are going to talk about creating a complete - and perfect - life.
Before we begin this ... Views: 12841
Does it sometimes seem like no matter how hard you work, little gets done? It does to me.
Last week it seemed like every time I looked around we were either having to redo something or some new semi-crisis would present itself. All work towards building the barn got put on hold to fix a broken ... Views: 1606
Each and every day, we all make promises. We make these promises in many different ways, and in a variety of forms. A promise can be as simple as "I'll call you back", or as committing as "I promise to get that done!"
Often we can make promises and commitments without thinking through the ... Views: 1170
I am reading a book named Anam Cara-A Book of Celtic Wisdom by John O'Donohue. It is fascinating!
Anam Cara in Gaelic means “soul friend”. Your Anam Cara is a person who you could reveal the deepest intimacies of your life to -- someone with whom to share your soul. Do we have friends like that ... Views: 1411
How many times and how many ways can it be said that you have complete control over your life; in any area of your life? This was recently brought home to me in a very powerful way.
I was sitting at my computer writing this article. My computer clock read 6:00am, but it was light yesterday at ... Views: 1216