Ever thought about about all the treatment plans that are available with regard to ADHD? Despite the fact that psycho-stimulants will be the standard treatment of ADHD, people still need a lot of questions regarding the basics. Mothers and fathers are searching for options to traditional ADHD ... Views: 3118
The Crown Chakra, or Sahasrara, balances the inner and outer self, and serves as the connection to our Higher Self. The Crown Chakra is situated at the top of the head, and it is the channel through which we receive Divine wisdom and our sense of purpose. Divine guidance flowing through the ... Views: 2948
Do you feel you have you lost your spiritual direction? Does your life seem unreal, like a bad dream?
The Third Eye chakra (Ajna or Brow Chakra) is the source of inner vision, dreams, wisdom and spiritual direction. The abilities within the Third Eye include seeing clearly, both literally ... Views: 2845
Are you at a loss for words, and unable to speak your Truth? Do you feel like you are you living a Lie?
The Throat Chakra (or the Vishuddha or Fifth Chakra) is the chakra of communication, self expression and judgment. It rules speaking your truth, poetry and the written word, will power and ... Views: 3069
Chakra awakening can be a very controversial topic, with two very opposite trains of thought. The answer may be, positive or negative, depending upon which school of thought you accept. Let's first cover the school of thought that would say yes to helping an inexperienced person to have a Chakra ... Views: 2633
The 4th Chakra is the space for compassion, tolerance, unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion and empathy. The Heart Chakra is the center of the Soul. The Fourth Chakra nurtures life lessons of hope and inspiration, love and compassion, generosity, self confidence and acceptance. On the ... Views: 2951
Do you fear rejection and criticism? Are you unable to trust your Self? A boost of self esteem is deep inside you, just minutes away!
The Solar Plexus Chakra, or Manipura, contains lessons regarding rejection, your self esteem, sensitivity to criticism, a distorted self image, and worry ... Views: 4071
Do you stuff your emotions? Is your closeness stifled? Do you 'treat' yourself with medicines, alcohol or food? There is another way to fulfill yourself...
The Sacral Chakra encapsulates your sex, self-confidence, creativity, delights and frustrations. It is also referred to as the ... Views: 3785
Are you continually worried about paying the bills? Have problems and family situations? Frustration, concerns? Are you burnt out?
The Root Chakra influences your physical vitality, physical survival instincts, 'fight or flight' reaction, and the emotions of jealousy, rage, desire and greed. ... Views: 3487
You CAN quit drinking, and you take your life back from alcohol addiction. You can regain your health, have peace of mind, and gain the confidence you need to do the things you really want to do. Simply lay back, close your eyes, and relax; a healthier, happier, longer life can be as easy as ... Views: 4654
You may understand, anxiety is a part of the instinctive "fight or flight" reaction, anxiety is the body's natural response to danger. Anxiety is not always a bad thing; anxiety can keep us focused, alert, motivate us to action, and to find solutions to our problems. But if anxiety is ... Views: 2824
Understanding Depression Symptoms
Feeling sad, or down every so often is a normal; we live in a fast paced, demanding, stressful society, a we often have little or no social support system. Life can sometimes be depressing, but when these mild feelings of depression linger, you may be ... Views: 3155
It is a universally known truth, music can affect your mood; it is also well known, mood can also can affect our appetite. Many of us, especially those with a few extra pounds, will often reach for high carbohydrate snacks when we are suffering from anxiety or depression. Doesn't it make sense, ... Views: 4215
Yes, and no.... weight loss hypnosis, or self hypnosis for weight loss, will only work if: #1 the hypnotic script contains suggestions to the user for a proper, healthy diet and calorie reduction, #2 the hypnotic script encourages the user to excercise more, and #3 the user actually acts upon ... Views: 1769
You can stop drinking alcohol, and you can take your life back. You can regain your health, have peace of mind, and truly attain the confidence to do all the things you want to do in life. Just lay back, close your eyes, and relax.... you can stop drinking, and a happier, healthier, longer life ... Views: 4123
The meaning of the word Chakra in Sanskrit is "spinning wheel of energy". The chakras are energy centers within our bodies. Receiving and transmiting energy, each chakra is located within the physical body, at a major endocrine gland, and nerve bundle called a plexus. Each chakra is connected ... Views: 9197
Modern science is only now recognizing what the ancient mystics, alchemists and wise men have told us for thousands of years; that everything (including you) is in a constant state of vibration.
The most elemental and primal state of vibration is that of sound. Everything has an optimal ... Views: 2359
Solfeggio frequencies are the old European musical sound frequencies were used in Ancient Gregorian Chants. The chants and their Solfeggio tones were believed to bring spiritual blessings when sung in harmony, and more recently, they have been used in the modern sciences of sound and energy ... Views: 2486
Did you know that...
"The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this- decide what you want."
Ben Stein
Can you really make significant and positive changes in your life? Can you really have the success that you desire? The answer is yes! And the first and ... Views: 1568
Your subconscious mind is not as inaccessible or mysterious as you might think… do you know that same old running dialogue you keep going over and over in your head? What are the things you keep telling yourself? What are the thoughts you find annoying, disturbing, push away, and try to ignore? ... Views: 1670
Did you know...
The Universe desires you to have everything you want to have.
Nature is friendly to your plans.
Everything is naturally for you.
Make up your mind that this is true.
~Wallace Wattles
and there's the trick.... ... Views: 1516
Did you know, you and everyone else is made up of vibrational energy?
Every thing within our Universe, animated or not, solid matter and mere thought, is made up from, and held together, with energy. Yes, it’s true. The chair you are sitting in, the music you may be listening to, what you ... Views: 6507