There are still many people who are hesitant about doing the Umrah on their own. Due to the high cost of Umrah Packages the Umrah agents are not particularly informative. Of course, agents are not superfluous; in fact, in some circumstances, they are quite important, since not everyone is able ... Views: 313
Umrah is a holy pilgrimage for Muslims that remains the sunnah of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW). Like Hajj, it also gets performed in the city of Makkah, situated in Saudia Arabia. As a matter of fact, some of the rituals also resemble. That’s why it has been advised in Islam to do as many ... Views: 905
Fasting in Ramadan is the 3rd pillar of Islamic faith and thus remains obligatory on every Muslim provided that he/she is physically fit and mentally healthy for it. Fasting is one of the best Ibadah that you can perform in Islam. Because;
1. It helps you get closer to Allah Almighty.
2. It ... Views: 980
Ramadan is a month of obligatory fasting for Muslims. From all across the globe, Muslims begin the month of Ramadan with fasting and marking its end by the celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr. While some also travel for the holy rituals in Haramain through their cheap Ramadan umrah packages.
Iftar and ... Views: 1073
Ramadan holds exceptional significance for every Muslim. It’s the month in which Allah Almighty blesses with infinitely many benefits, rewards, and bounties. Fasting for the complete 29-30 days in Ramadan from dawn to dusk is a religious obligation for all the adult, physically and mentally fit ... Views: 823
Makkah is a city of great religious and historical significance for Muslims. Not only Holy Kaabah is here but also Makkah is the birthplace of our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW). In addition, Makkah houses some of the most sacred sites of Islam; hills, graveyards, caves, wells, mosques, ... Views: 1544
Certainly, the Holy Kaaba is the holiest place for the Muslims of all over the world. In fact, there are four corners of the Holy Kaaba and each of them has great significance. These blessed corners are Rukan Al-Aswad, Rukan Al-Iraqi, Rukan Al-Shami, and Rukan Al-Yamani. The corner of the Holy ... Views: 937
Abu Hurairah was one of the devoted Sahabah and the most prolific narrator of Hadith. His prodigious efforts regarding transmitting hadith are considered the authentic ones. He embraced Islam at the hand of At-Tufayl Ibn Amir belonged to Daws tribe. He lived in the Tihamah region stretches along ... Views: 1353
Sa’y between Safa and Marwa is the mandatory ritual of Umrah Al-Mufradah which is performed by the pilgrims. Sa’y is an Arabic term which actual meanings are to make circumambulation as back and forth between Safa and Marwa from those who appear for pilgrimage. Indeed, the act of Sa’y is the ... Views: 1429