I saw him hobbling around with a cane and a walking boot on his right foot. I wondered if Ryan was accident prone or just a weekend warrior as this was the second time in 2 years he was in the same situation. Curious, I asked him what had happened: “I stepped out of the truck wrong and broke my ... Views: 763
Amy, 30, wasn’t getting much sleep. For the past month she woke 7-10 times each night feeling the urge to urinate. During the day it was different, voiding only 4 times. But as soon as her head hit the pillow, her bladder became hyperactive. Sometimes she felt the need to urinate every 2 ... Views: 790
It has been said: Using garlic is the secret to good health; the problem is keeping it a secret.
Garlic (Allium sativum) is in the same botanical family with onions, leeks, chives, shallots and turnips. Two common features of this family are that they have strong odors, and, when eaten, ... Views: 847
Anne, 73, was first diagnosed with GERD (Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease) 10 years ago. It had first begun as general heartburn symptoms, but when antacids were ineffective, she sought medical care for her condition. Several different drugs were tried; in the end, she was given Prilosec ... Views: 967
One of the most commonly prescribed drugs for adults is a drug from the Statin class; these drugs are intended to lower cholesterol in an effort to decrease the risk of developing a heart attack
Look around you at your co-workers, family members, friends, or even just those at the ... Views: 733
Jane, 26, was seen in the Emergency Room three times in the past 2 months for what Jane called an “attack:” chest pain behind her sternum (chest bone) and severe nausea. Usually while in the ER she also had a bout or two of severe, explosive diarrhea. Once the diarrhea occurred, the ER doctors ... Views: 697
As my first draft of this article was approaching that of a big novel, I realized I needed to shorten it for an article. I originally intended to discuss 3 of the homeopathic aphorisms in detail—now I will touch on the first and shorten the second to just have the key points. I think you will ... Views: 861
With over 4,400 homeopathic remedies to choose from, most Homeopaths have a rough time narrowing down the one that will begin the person’s healing process. Today I’d like to discuss some of the different methods available to Homeopaths to help them determine the best remedy.
But first, I ... Views: 799
Jason, 17, rarely missed school; he was a Junior in high school. He loved school and was looking forward to college in 2 years. It was one fateful day while looking at a college that started it all. He had been playing around in a park after viewing a school he wanted to attend. He climbed a ... Views: 1458
By definition, according to the Oxford Dictionary, rheumatism is “inflammation and pain in joints, muscles or fibrous tissue.” Arthritis is “painful inflammation and stiffness of joints.” The key difference here is that, although both affect joints, rheumatism also affects muscles and fibrous ... Views: 847
It didn’t sound like great advice when my friend Galen dispensed his wisdom after I told him my dilemma. “Write an article.” I had written dozens of articles already; how would writing another change things?
Still, I sit with pen and paper to write my thoughts. The problem I seem to be ... Views: 848
It wasn’t the first time our cat had brought a surprise back with her. It wasn’t even the first time she had brought in a live bird. Perhaps it was that she released it in the bedroom instead of the basement or living room (her usual places to set her prey loose).
I think what really ... Views: 760
Illness occurs in everyone—no one is immune, if you’ll pardon the expression. The way an illness expresses itself is through symptoms; symptoms are the way the body communicates when something is amiss. Too often, however, people see these symptoms as the disease itself, with the belief that ... Views: 997
Steve, 68, had just retired. It had been his second attempt at retiring. The first was when he was 65, but his wife was still working, so he found it difficult to adjust to retired life. When his wife retired 3 years later, Steve thought he would be just fine.
But then he had difficulty ... Views: 999
The patch of eczema didn’t just itch, it wept, causing 20-year-old Kayla to seek the help of an “alternative health” doctor. She was due on a large photo shoot in week; the rash HAD to be gone by then. The model had seen several skin specialists, taken several different drugs, used a few ... Views: 1140
The patch of eczema didn’t just itch, it wept, causing 20-year-old Kayla to seek the help of an “alternative health” doctor. She was due on a large photo shoot in week; the rash HAD to be gone by then. The model had seen several skin specialists, taken several different drugs, used a few ... Views: 1475
Her asthma had actually started in Third Grade even though she didn’t develop the signs of asthma until some 6 years later.
Anna, now 25, had been shy and withdrawn as she lived in fear. Her step-father, Mike, was a tyrant; his focus, it seemed, was how much he could punish Anna in one day. ... Views: 1691
The connection between Folic Acid (Folate) deficiency and Neural Tubal Defects (NTDs) in newborns was first realized in the early 1980s; hence the recommendation that all pregnant women take a supplement of Folic Acid during pregnancy to prevent spina bifida. As the risk of developing spina ... Views: 4138
Cranberry Juice is commonly known to help with decreasing the frequency and/or severity of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) and other urinary troubles including kidney stones. One of the chief causes of UTIs is the presence of the bacterium E. coli which adheres to the cell walls of the bladder ... Views: 11405
Nothing brought a smirk to my clients’ faces quicker than the statement that I valued my medical doctor. It wasn’t that people don’t actually value their medical doctor—it was more that I valued my medical doctor.
People automatically assume that Naturopathic Doctors and Homeopaths do not ... Views: 2648
The sinus infections were becoming unbearable. It was a cycle: infection-antibiotic-a couple of days of relief-infection-antibiotic…. This is all Joshua knew. His whole life centered around the suffering of his sinuses, the doctor’s visits, and the antibiotics. Occasionally, things changed: ... Views: 1220
The beach at the lake was filled, surprisingly so for a Monday; but it was unusually hot, even for a summer day in Wisconsin. Children of all ages laughed with and splashed their friends. Those not braving the cool water hugged the small amount of shade offered by the bushes or trees, moving ... Views: 1825
Iron-deficiency anemia (IDA), also referred to as just plain “anemia,” is a medical diagnosis given to those who have fewer Red Blood Cells (RBCs) than normal. As a chief component of RBCs is iron, when there is a shortage of RBCs, deficiency in iron is usually the culprit. Although there are ... Views: 2154
I really love the picture of the kitten looking into the mirror; its reflection in the mirror was that of a lion.
We all have beliefs and perceptions about ourselves. Sometimes these are very evident; and sometimes we are unaware of them but they shape our lives through the decisions we ... Views: 1536
John wanted to lose 15 pounds before summer. Mary had gained 45 pounds in two months. And Janet was very unhappy about her appearance—she refused to step on the scale.
Weight management has become a serious problem in America today. In fact, “obesity” was recently labeled a “medical ... Views: 1168
Sinus infections ruled Kit’s life. They determined if she was going to have a good day at work or if she was going to suffer with a headache. They determined if she could sing that night or if she was going to have a nasal voice. They determined if she was going to cough through the exam at ... Views: 1108
Q: “I’ve been working with a homeopath now for 2 years and I am not healthy yet. How long does it take to heal with homeopathy? I thought by now I would be healed.”
With Classical Homeopathy, the goals is “cure”—meaning there will be no symptoms of a disease, and hence, no disease. ... Views: 1160
I thought I’d step away from homeopathy and address a very serious health concern: Low Adrenal Function.
For the most part, people tend to overlook their adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are small glands that sit atop each kidney; so most people have 2 glands because they have 2 kidneys. ... Views: 1397
“But I’ve always eaten those foods so they can’t possibly be causing my asthma to kick up again!” Having difficulty breathing was nothing new for Joshua; the 26-year-old had first been diagnosed with asthma when he was 10. Like others with asthma, Joshua’s symptoms were under control most of ... Views: 1269
Each homeopathic remedy belongs to a certain class of remedies that have their own set of overall characteristics. The three main classes or kingdoms are Plants, Minerals and Animals. Within each of these kingdoms are sub-kingdoms, such as in the Mineral Class there are the salts and the ... Views: 1816
Homeopathic remedies are great healers, but even the best selected remedy may not work, or may cause a condition to worsen. There are a few key reasons why an indicated remedy doesn’t work. This article will explore those common reasons.
1. Factors that Derange Health
This reason is the ... Views: 2935
“He [the physician] is likewise a preserver of health if he knows the things that derange health and cause disease, and how to remove them from persons in health.” Samuel Hahnemann, the Founder of Homeopathy, included the above statement as the fourth aphorism in his Organon of Medicine—the ... Views: 4131
Living in the city has never been easy on Andrea’s sinuses; but her mother needed to live close to the hospital where she was a practicing physician. Hence, the city was where Andrea had to live (Andrea is not her real name).
Within a month of moving to Green Bay, Andrea’s sinuses swelled to ... Views: 1256
During my schooling in natural health, I worked as a chiropractic assistant. I learned that nerve impulses from the spine to the body organs are the brain’s way of communicating with those body organs or systems; and if there was interference with that communication, then problems can occur. ... Views: 1898
Her name was Mary. I had never met the woman. All I had been told was that she had died and that my brother-in-law needed the storage unit cleaned out so that he may rent it to another. She had been only two years older than I am today; but she hadn’t had a peaceful life.
As we sorted ... Views: 1198
Caroline and I went out for a ride. It was a very nice late-fall day. The sun was shining, the wind was blowing—it was a perfect day to drive around with the windows open, allowing the hair to fly away in the breeze.
When we had stopped at the gas station to get gas, I had noticed the ... Views: 1049
In the “modern age of health care,” the “medical mindset” is the general way people perceive health. In a nutshell, a person believes that anything that is unpleasant should be directed to the care of a medical doctor and a pill must be taken. Hence, any form of pain, a stuffy nose, or a ... Views: 3378
What follows is the case of a woman with asthma; discussed here both for teaching purposes and to help you, the reader, understand the analysis of a case from a healer’s viewpoint.
Kate Smith (not actual name) was a 36-year-old divorced mother of three boys, ages 5, 7 and 12. She came to ... Views: 1521
Jane just bought the car; this was her first drive around the city. It sputtered, lurched, and then stalled. And night was rapidly approaching as were the storm clouds the weatherman had predicted.
The car mishap was out of Jane’s control. But how she reacted to the stress was in her ... Views: 1467
Emily was a 50-year-old woman who had been diagnosed with degenerative disc disease in the lumbar and cervical spinal regions seven years ago. She had also been diagnosed with severe osteoporosis of the spinal vertebrae. She became “legally” disabled five years ago.
Emily came to see me ... Views: 2151
Your focus determines your reality; your focus is determined by your beliefs and your point of view (perspective). We are a sum of all our experiences to date as each experience causes the formation of thoughts and beliefs. Some of our beliefs we are very aware of; others influence our lives ... Views: 1720
Jim slept, but he probably shouldn't have been doing so as he was headed for trouble. Bonnie was also sleeping; she was unaware that her heart rhythm had changed; in the next room, on the same night, David was about to have the same experience. Andi came to the hospital unconscious; she was ... Views: 1210
There are those who believe everyone should take a multiple vitamin-mineral supplement and perhaps some fish oils or omega-3 fatty acids too. Others believe you can get all the nutrients you need from your diet. And still others believe no supplements of any kind are warranted for any ... Views: 1164
“Everything that happens in your life is either because you subconsciously wanted it to happen or it is a mirror of your own inner beliefs.”
The absurdity of this statement, and others like it, were not realized until Rachel was scribbling her Last Will and Testament. There was no ... Views: 1642
Let me tell you about the skin. It technically is considered a body “organ” because it has functions just like the other organs of the body (brain, liver, stomach, etc). It is the largest organ because, well, what part of you isn’t covered by some form of skin? I suppose the nails and eyes ... Views: 1378
I guess she wasn’t ready to heal. Anna, 24, called to cancel her appointment for the third time of rescheduling. Each excuse was not something I would’ve considered a valid enough reason to put off healing: “my car broke down last week”; “my mom needs me to drive her grocery shopping”; and “I ... Views: 1258
John hated going to the doctor’s office, but the pain in his knee was really starting to interfere with work. As he sat in the waiting room, he couldn’t help but be fidgety. He hadn’t seen the doctor for twelve years, and as far as he was concerned, another 12 years could go by and he wouldn’t ... Views: 7007
“Sticks and stones might break my bones but names will never hurt me.” An old saying.
People don’t like the unknown. People don’t like unanswered questions. And many people don’t like mysteries that have no end.
So, unfortunately, too many people spend years having tests and seeing a ... Views: 1314
“Have you ever heard of PRP? Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris?” the woman asked on the phone. “It’s a rare skin condition. My daughter is covered with it—from head-to-toe.”
Nine-year-old Ally was generally healthy until a couple of days after an audition for modeling, which had occurred a few days ... Views: 2961
How will you choose to spend the next 20 years?
Sally, now 40, spent the majority of her life battling a combination of depression and anxiety, as well as a mix of physical symptoms associated with these emotional battles. The best she could hope for was a day when she didn’t cry or become so ... Views: 1107