Are you a student of success? I'm guessing since you are reading
this, you probably are.
I have been a student of success for as long as I can remember.
For decades I have asked the question, "What makes one person
succeed and another person struggle?" Even in my childhood I was
a virtual ... Views: 2443
I recently spent some time in Door County, Wisconsin on a relaxing little weekend getaway.
On my last day there, I set out with a girlfriend to explore Peninsula State Park, a beautiful nature preserve located on a bluff high above the waters of Green Bay.
As we went through the park, we ... Views: 2365
Some of my most cherished memories from childhood are from pickup football games my friends and I played on the school lawn down the street from my house.
The other day I was going through an old box of pictures and I found a picture of myself and my friends in front of the schoolyard where ... Views: 1876
If a Goal is worth setting, it's worth examining it's relationship to the values and priorities in your life.
The Goal is the what, the priority and value is the why, and where it fits into your life. When you know the what and the why, the how is easy.
One of the most common complaints ... Views: 2397
One of the biggest struggles of working from home is creating a space to perform at your peak. Ringing phones, you've got mail, kids tugging at your leg, laundry piling up, dog barking to go out...sometimes it seems you'll never get anything done. How will you ever raise your kids and be able to ... Views: 1781
Can You Create a New Habit in 21 Days?
"Fake it 'til you make it." We've all heard the cliche for approaching something that seems out of reach. There may be some method to the madness of that approach.
But have you ever given much thought to what it takes to bridge the gap between where ... Views: 2962
Have you ever set a Goal and in the following days, weeks, months or even years, took little or no action towards it's achievement?
If so, you're not alone.
The world moves so fast these days. Not to sound like an old timer, but back in my day... we didn't have cell phones, computers, PDA's, ... Views: 1741
Today I would like to cover about a topic I think every one of us can relate to: Fear.
The dictionary defines fear as: noun 1. an anxiety caused by real or possible danger 2. pain, apprehension, concern.
At one time or another we have all experienced the emotion of fear.
There are so many ... Views: 2941
Millions of people started the day today "hoping" for
motivation to get them through the week. They woke up
waiting for some external force to inspire and light a fire
under them so they could make it through the day. Not an
exciting way to begin the week, do you agree?
Does it make sense to ... Views: 4234
Danica Patrick’s first racing season was in 2005 at
Homestead-Miami. That year, she became the first woman to
lead the Indy 500 for 19 laps and finished the race in
fourth place. It was the best finish by a woman at Indy,
and she took Rookie of the Year honors.
On April 20th, 2008, the ... Views: 1728
You've defined your Goal, identified your key strategies, created an action plan and have started to put it into action.
What's next?
As you proceed, it is important to measure your results and track your progress (or lack of it). This is the least exciting part of the journey of any Goal, but ... Views: 1010
One of the greatest quantum leaps you will achieve in the advancement of your most cherished Goal occurs when your Goal transforms from being something that is a distant possibility to an absolute, unstoppable certainty. The good news is that you can begin creating that quantum leap ... Views: 1758
There is a saying that one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch. And one negative person can affect everyone they come into contact with.
I was recently sharing some of my short term business Goals with someone in my professional peer network.
While I do have a tendancy to aim high and set some ... Views: 899
The question of the day is:
What Are Your Dreams?
If I asked you what your Goals were, you might struggle to describe them in detail. If I asked you what your "dreams" were, you would most likely be excited to provide a clear, concise, colorful desription. The greatest life skill is learning ... Views: 1163
None of us will make it through life without committing a series
of mistakes or errors in judgment.
I know I have made my share. Mistakes are a part of life.
I don't mind making them, however I don't want to keep repeating
the same ones over and over.
Some of them have been very costly and ... Views: 1251
We just reached the half way point of 2007.
Six months of 2007 are gone.
Six months of 2007 remain.
How are you doing on your Goals?
Are you on track to reach them?
The sad reality is that the vast majority of people won't even take another look at their Goals again until January 1st, ... Views: 912
Rosa Parks
Napoleon Hill
Rhonda Byrne
Mother Teresa
What do those legendary individuals have in common?
Throughout history, every human being at some point in their
life is faced with at least one pivotal life changing
Some will even experience a series of events that change the ... Views: 3437
I used to feel threatened by discipline.
In my youth, my greatest passion was art and my ability to
create a masterpiece was based purely on spontaneous
inspiration, which didn't always jive with discipline.
I used to think that too much discipline would interfere with my
creativity, or ... Views: 936
Let me ask you, how did you begin your day today?
And how do you approach your week?
With positive determination and strength, eager to seize the day and opportunities before you?
Or with apprehension, dreading all you have to do?
Do you guide the direction of your week based upon your ... Views: 1229
Think back to a time in your life when you tried something new.
When I was a teenager I volunteered to work the water station at a 10k (6.2 mile) race.
It was called the "Heaven Can Wait" 10 K run and iroically, it was sponsored by the local cemetery.
My job was to pass out water to the ... Views: 1200
I'm sure if you're a serious Goal Setter, at some point you have heard the acronym of S.M.A.R.T. goals.
Specific Measurable Attainable Reasonable Time Bound
That's logical except for one thing.
Most people are not inspired by "Reasonable" Goals.
And who decides what is reasonable?
Most of ... Views: 1137
The number one reason people don't reach their goals is because
they never fully committed to them in the first place.
Let's begin by looking at the word commit.
Commit: to bind, as by a promise: pledge: entrust, consign,
Too often people use the word "committed" rather ... Views: 1315
You embody a ray of sunshine
Renew your dreams on March Fourth
May your light shine ever so brightly
And may you always March Forth
A body and soul forever growing
Right before our eyes
A life rich with possibility
As endless as the sky
There are many lessons you will learn
As you go through ... Views: 2284
Back in 1939, a Russian Jewish immigrant songwriter was away from home for an extended time, working on a movie in Beverly Hills.
Legend has it he was homesick while separated from his wife and children, and at that time, wrote some parts of a song and then stored away the incomplete, half ... Views: 994
(excerpt from Jill Koenig's book "Goal Rush!")
With Today's fast paced lifestyle, it is crucial to embrace and implement simple strategies for achievement and fulfillment. Your job in this life is to follow your bliss, design your destiny and consciously direct the steering wheel of your ... Views: 962
When I first set out into business on my own, I quickly learned that despite my infinite determination to reach my goals and create a better life, there were huge gaps between where I was and where I wanted to be.
Someone once told me if you want to be a Success, then study Successful ... Views: 1626
Have you noticed around you that expectations are already starting to change?
We are heading into the Holiday Season and this is when I start to hear rumblings about how production declines and things slow down, except for the retailers who magically cash in on the droves of Holiday ... Views: 1121
Every goal you aspire to achieve can be broken down into five simple steps.
There is a formula for success that works over and
over and over. The bigger a goal seems, the longer it takes to achieve, the more complicated we can make it and the more likely we are to become distracted.
If you ... Views: 1122
The most precious and valuable resource today is not real estate, it is not gold, it is not sex, it is not oil or gasoline.
The most precious and valuable resource is time.
Time is more valuable than money.
You can make more money, but you cannot make more time.
Time is perishable, and the ... Views: 1063
Within every human being, exists an infinite supply of creativity, strength and wonder.
You are capable of more than you know.
Let me tell you about a real life Superhero I know. His name is Mike Berkson.
Mike Berkson was born a few minutes after his twin brother David, on February 4th, 1989. ... Views: 1446
When I graduated high school, I received a partial scholarship to study at a prestigious Chicago Art School. At nights and on the weekends I worked as a Firefighter/EMT, which gave me a unique perspective on TIME and how fragile life can be. I saw things at the age of 18 that most people will ... Views: 1047
This past weekend I celebrated another birthday. Lately I have been working extended hours on some special projects so I carved out some time to absorb the majesty of wilderness, in my favorite place to reflect. I decided to spend the day hiking at Starved Rock State Park. It's my top day trip ... Views: 962
If you are seeking to achieve greatness in any area of your life, the two critical subjects you must strive to improve on are Goal Setting and Time Management. Those two subjects should be studied as much as or more than any other key component of your business.
You cannot succeed in one ... Views: 1062
This past weekend I celebrated another birthday. Lately I have been working extended hours on some special projects so I carved out some time to absorb the majesty of wilderness, in my favorite place to reflect. I decided to spend the day hiking at Starved Rock State Park. It's my top day trip ... Views: 1006
Do you remember your first job?
When I was in grade school, I earned money shoveling snow, mowing people's lawns, washing cars and picking up dog poop for neighbors. (I did it free for the elderly). I still carry with me the lessons I learned back then. I learned to be willing and eager to work ... Views: 2051
By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker
I do believe that anything a human being can conceive, they can achieve. The bigger question becomes, is the person going to have the desire, commitment and determination to see the goal through.
Nothing is impossible.
There are ideas and ... Views: 1161
I am a sponge. I am always learning, no matter what activity I am engaged in. I derive inspiration from everyone and everything around me. I heard a great deal of positive buzz about a movie called "Akeelah and the Bee" which was just released in theaters in America so I went to see what it was ... Views: 3538
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
When I look at my list of 101 Goals, some of them seem downright daunting. Especially the long term goals. Some people have absolutely amazing ideas but they abandon their goal because it seems too overwhelming and they quit because they become ... Views: 1025