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The pancreas is a gland located behind the stomach. The pancreas is composed of two glands
The exocrine gland helps digest foods
The endocrine gland produces insulin and glucose that helps manage blood sugar levels in the body.
Pancreatic cancer begins in the pancreas and is considered one ... Views: 723
Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis is a skin condition that causes it to become red and itchy. It’s a condition that is common in children but can occur at any age. Eczema is a chronic condition that flares up occasionally. It can be accompanied by asthma or hay fever. Eczema cannot be cured but the ... Views: 450
Neurodermatitis is a condition which targets the skin, an itchy patch of skin appears on the skin, which can be itchy and painful also.
Due to irritation when you try to scratch it, it makes it itchier. This itch-scratch cycle causes the affected skin to become more thick and ... Views: 868
What's useful for the goose is useful for gander
In the event that you are in any way similar to me, at that point you will in general treat your pets superior to anything you treat yourself. My four felines (truly, I have four felines, don't pass judgment) eat the best nourishment I can ... Views: 576
Transverse myelitis is an inflammatory disorder resulting in chronic spinal cord injury which is mostly immune-mediated disorder. (3) Some studies show that this disease affects about 1.34 per 100000 people annually and can occur irrespective of age and gender.
What is Transverse ... Views: 1144
Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease that occurs in tropical and subtropical countries. Dengue has emerged pandemic viral disease in many parts of India. In Bangalore alone, we had over 1000 cases in 2019. Mild dengue fever causes a high fever, rash, muscle, and joint fever. Severe Dengue ... Views: 519
Osteoporosis is a condition associated with your bones becoming weak and brittle. People with osteoporosis get fractures easily caused by stress or a fall. Osteoporosis causes fractures in the hip, wrist or spine. Bones are living tissue and are constantly breaking and regenerating. In ... Views: 524
High levels of sugar in the blood leads to diabetes. So, blood sugar levels are needed to be checked regularly. Strict consultation and medication can only treat high blood sugar levels. Apart from that, home remedies can be followed to lower the risk of high blood sugar and control it. The home ... Views: 411
High levels of sugar in the blood leads to diabetes. So, blood sugar levels are needed to be checked regularly. Strict consultation and medication can only treat high blood sugar levels. Apart from that, home remedies can be followed to lower the risk of high blood sugar and control it. The home ... Views: 423
One of the biggest problems we face in the world of Present Pollution is hair loss. No matter how many precautions are taken, it is difficult to completely eliminate this problem. However, leading dermatologists, hair transplant experts are giving new tips. Let Us Know.
Hair Care Tips:
* ... Views: 672
Why should I choose BIOAYURVEDA acidity product for my acidity?
Acidity products from BioAyurveda a combination of herbs and nutrient sources that is formulated to empower digestive functioning and gut health that are at the core of overall health and vitality. It supports intestinal ... Views: 504
Headache: A Common Condition
Headaches are one of the most common medical condition that causes pain and discomfort in the head, scalp, or neck. Regardless of age, gender and race, most people experience it at some or the other point in life. It is estimated that 7-8 people or the adult ... Views: 510
Organ donation is the process when people allow their organs to be removed and transplanted to another person legally either with consent when a person is alive or with the permission of next of kin when a person has died. Organ donation is usually done as a transplant where organs are ... Views: 468
Organ donation is the process when people allow their organs to be removed and transplanted to another person legally either with consent when a person is alive or with the permission of next of kin when a person has died. Organ donation is usually done as a transplant where organs are ... Views: 480
Air pollution in India has become a serious problem. Statistics published in 2018 suggest that 22 out of 30 of the topmost polluted cities were in India. The data published by the World Health Organization or WHO shows that 12.4 lakh deaths in the country could be attributed to air pollution. ... Views: 474
As defined by the National Wellness Institute, “Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence.” Following the same meaning and belief, Ayurveda has its own science of wellness that caters to optimal health and well-being ... Views: 789
Air pollution in India has become a serious problem. Statistics published in 2018 suggest that 22 out of 30 of the topmost polluted cities were in India. The data published by the World Health Organization or WHO shows that 12.4 lakh deaths in the country could be attributed to air pollution. ... Views: 490
Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease that occurs in tropical and subtropical countries. Dengue has emerged pandemic viral disease in many parts of India. In Ahmadabad alone, we had over 1000 cases in 2019. Mild dengue fever causes a high fever, rash, muscle, and joint fever. Severe Dengue or ... Views: 394
is taking a toll on human health and is gradually becoming the cause of the highest number of death rates in the world. Talking about the Indian scenario, the National Cancer Registry Programme of the India Council of Medical Research reveals that more than 1300 Indians die of cancer every day ... Views: 868
Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that increases the life cycle of skin cells. In this condition cells rapidly build up on the skin surface. It is an auto-immune disorder. Extra skin cells form scales and red patches which causes itching and sometimes is painful. The sign and symptoms of ... Views: 816
High blood pressure (hypertension) is a condition when your blood pressure (the force of blood pushing against the walls of the blood vessels) is too high. When your heart beats, it creates pressure that pushes blood through a network of blood vessels. Blood pressure is composed of
Systolic ... Views: 660
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) or Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) which were previously called Lyell syndrome is the modified form of same skin conditions. Stevens-Johnson syndrome affects less than 10% of total body surface area and can affect anyone with the genetic predisposition ... Views: 798
Spending hours in a queue at the diagnostic lab or the hospital affects many and consumes a lot of time or at least prompts them to concede stepping out for diagnostic tests. The importance of health tests and understanding the need for making the right diagnostic services user-friendly. ... Views: 560
Ayurvedic healing bodywork is a specialized form of massage that simultaneously balances your physical and energetic layers and can help lead you to health, vitality, peace, and harmony.
The practice of Ayurvedic bodywork, which originated under the umbrella of Ayurvedic medicine, has long ... Views: 403
Quality sleep is paramount for your health, and as bedridden patients, it can be quite challenging to stay on the standard mattress for too long. This is why hospital bed mattresses are designed.
Prominent Benefits of Hospital Bed Mattress
An adequate amount of sleep is imperative for a ... Views: 846
World's Most Ancient Whole Body Healing System which is commonly known as "Ayurveda – The System of Medicine" was developed more than 3,000 years ago in India. The main aim of Ayurveda is to maintain the health of a healthy individual and to treat the diseased one with the help ... Views: 1299
The spinal cord is one of the most important parts of a human nervous system that caters to form the main structure that is a complex formation of muscles, nerves, ligaments, and bones. Any malfunctioning occurring at any of these points, the entire spinal cord comes into the problem.
It is ... Views: 1045
What is Cutaneous Mucinosis?
Mucinoses are commonly defined as a diverse group of Rare Skin Diseases. All types of Cutaneous Mucinosis involves the accumulation of an excessive amount of mucin in the skin. In general terms, mucin is a jelly-like complex which is mainly composite of carbohydrate ... Views: 924
Skin is the largest organ of the body. It is the index of mind. The mental status like pleasure, anxiety, stress, fear, anger, shyness can be anticipated from the colour and texture of the skin. The skin is the protecting covering of the body. It protects body from external factors like ... Views: 583
Ulcerative colitis is a form of chronic immune-mediated inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes long-lasting inflammation and ulcers in digestive tract. This is characterized by rectal bleeding, diarrhea, tenesmus and abdominal pain which causes weakness and weight loss. According to ... Views: 777
“Time spent in India has an extraordinary effect on one. It acts as a barrier that makes the rest of the world seem unreal.” – Tahir Shah
One of the largest nations in the world and a country with the second largest population, spanning more than a billion, India has a lot of secrets that you ... Views: 1054
पेट कि चर्बी कम करेंगी ये महत्वपुर्ण टीप्स
-Dr.Yogesh Chavan, MD(Ayu.)Kerala
पेट कि चर्बी बढना केवल सौंदर्य के लिए हानिकारक नही है बल्की ये स्वास्थ्य के लिए भी नुकसानदेह है।
आज कल की फास्ट जीवनपद्धती, फास्ट फुड का अधिक सेवन और व्यायाम का अभाव और ऎसी अन्य बहोत सी वजह से पेट के क्षेत्र मे ... Views: 875
Confronting some sort of sexual issue is typical, nonetheless, individuals start freezing about it. So on the off chance that you are one of those folks who is encountering a sexual issue and you are stressed over how to fix the turmoil then this article is for you.
Sexual brokenness ... Views: 590
What is Ayurveda
Ayurveda is a branch of health science that prevents or treats health disorders with the help of natural herbs and therapies. In other words, Ayurveda is defined as a type of Alternative medicine, which is a traditional medicine system of India, used to treat ailments by ... Views: 860
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine which now even modern science and allopathic doctors are recommending. This is because Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine which aims at your overall well being and not just physical cures. More and more scientific research is being aimed at ... Views: 922
Ayurvedic tips to cure Flu & Cold
1. To reduce or avoid congestion, treat yourself to a soothing tea, using fresh or ground spices: 2 parts ginger, 3 parts cinnamon, and a pinch of cardamom. Steep in hot water for 10–15 minutes. When the tea has cooled down, add a ... Views: 941
Cancer: The Problem
Cancer can start any place in the body (in the lungs, the breast, the colon, or even in the blood). It starts when cells grow out of control. This makes it hard for the body to work the way it should.
Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for an ... Views: 828