We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Ayurveda". If you have expertise in Ayurveda and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Ayurveda in India is a much popular medical therapy, and this form of treatment has gained acceptance around the world as well. Ayurveda is referred as a holistic system of medicine and health native to ancient India. Ayurveda has not only restricted itself as the path which treats diseases, but ... Views: 562
Thailand's turquoise and white beaches, golden Buddhist temples, bloody history, and market culture are loved by both ends of the travel budget scale. Some visitors simply travel the country in a straight line towards the coast, while some take months to meander; Either way Bangkok, the nearby ... Views: 193
History of Ayurveda is long, copious and loaded with a rich past, deeply seated in the antiquities. Nearly 5,000 years ago the great sage, Vyasadeva for the first time penned downs the Vedas. The Vedas also included a branch called Ayurveda meaning "The Science of Life". Thus began the journey ... Views: 566
Footwear is considered one of the most essential fashion accessories today. In fact, this is the reason why fashion-conscious men and women are always looking for shoes that match their outfit. Now when it comes to buying shoes, buying shoes online is certainly a very popular idea. By opting for ... Views: 208
Embracing the parenthood after 30-35 years of age has seemed to set a trend and more people are going for it and we can see more women are pregnant in their 30s as compared to the earlier times when the age was 20s. There are certain factors which are responsible for this drastic ... Views: 803
CBD Oil For Dogs And Cats Living Together - Not In Harmony
Generally when an animal is territorial or aggressive, pet parents turn to CBD oil to help bring a sense of calming relaxation to their pet and, in turn, peace to the home, especially when there is a dog and cat living there together. ... Views: 643
A heat pump is pretty much the same as an air conditioner, but with an extra feature added. On cold days, a heat pump turns its work upside down and heats the house instead of cooling it. What makes heat pumps stand out among other heaters is their heat increase. Today's heat pumps at 0 degrees ... Views: 124
Go back a few decades and learn more about how our mothers and grandmothers were keenly fond of oiling.
What is so good about the whole oiling process? It all comes down to the nourishment one gets from the oils that deeply penetrate into the layers of our skin and the scalp.
One of the ... Views: 623
There may be different goals for developing a particular product, but one of the common mistakes they make is to overlook creating a prototype for it. A prototype, on the other hand, is crucial to product design.
Ideas come and go, but converting a raw product idea into reality requires ... Views: 142
Scheuermann’s disease is condition characterized by hump back or rounded upper back. It is also termed as Scheuermann’s kyphosis. This disorder is one of the most common reasons for back pain in young adults. Pain appears after severe exertion or long duration of inactivity. ... Views: 662
best healthcare app
AstoCare is the medicinal and healthcare assistance platform that closely takes care of all your medical needs. We are among one of the most trusted doctor-patient platforms that especially concentrates on providing valuable healthcare delivery ... Views: 680
बहेड़ा का पेड़ बहुत लम्बा और ऊंचा होता है| बहेड़ा का पेड़ लगभग 17 -से 32 फिट ऊँचा होता है| बहेड़ा पेड़ की छाल लगभग 2 से 2 .50 सेंटीमीटर चौड़ी होती है| बहेड़ा का पेड़ ज्यादातर पहाड़ी जगहों पर अधिक मात्रा में पाया जाता है| बहेड़ा के पत्ते बरगद की पत्ते की तरह होते है| बहेड़ा का पेड़ भारत देश में करीब -करीब ... Views: 958
गुड़मार पौधे का परिचय
यह प्राकृतिक पौधा भारत देश में बहुत ज्यादा पाया जाता है। भारत के अलावा गुड़मार का पौधा चीन ,श्रीलंका ,अफ्रीका आदि देशों में अत्यधिक मात्रा में विकसित होता है। यह एक बारहमासी जड़ी बूटी है। इस पौधे का आकार बहुत बड़ा होता है यह पर्वतों पर अत्यधिक मात्रा में विकसित होने वाली ... Views: 994
Due to several reasons, creatinine level and urea level in the blood raises. Urea and creatinine are toxins. Creatinine is produced from the normal muscle metabolism of the body. The healthy kidneys must excrete them; otherwise, it may lead to other health-related severe disorders.
Too much ... Views: 522
What is creatinine?
Increased creatinine in kidney disease is a sign of kidney weakness or kidney failure. As kidney failure increases - creatinine goes on increasing.
Creatinine is a type of waste that comes out of the muscles.This process of muscles takes place in all of our bodies - and ... Views: 652
Natural deodorants after natural skincare? Is this even real? YES!!!
Why leave behind your body when you can go green all the way!
Natural body and personal care have come a long way with the increasing benefits to our health as well as the body.
What makes natural deodorants ... Views: 462
What is SGOT?
SGOT is a test to determine the quantity of Aspartate aminotransferase.
The Aspartate aminotransferase(AST) is an enzyme found in the heart and liver. This enzyme is a protein that helps to stimulate and triggers the chemical reactions that your body needs to function. It is ... Views: 865
Creatinine is the waste product present inside the bloodstream of humans. This is the result of the metabolism of the muscle or says the weathering of the muscles. To some extent, the creatinine can also be produced when we eat meat or do heavy workouts. When the kidneys are healthy they can ... Views: 543
If you are in the market for one of the most relaxing ways to relieve stress or to improve your appearance, the right medical spa may be just the solution you need. If you are looking for one of the top-rated medical spas in Santa Barbara, you are in luck because we have been able to find the ... Views: 391
Hemihyperthrophy or Overgrowth syndrome is a condition in which one side of the body grows inappropriately more than the other side of the body. The other name used for Hemihypertrophy is Hemihyperplasia. Usually, the facial features, upper extremities, or lower extremities are ... Views: 972
The human anatomy, something we study in brief from a young age. Our course books have taught us that kidneys are the filtration center of the human body that expels out the waste and toxins. The human waste (internal) is the result of metabolism. But have you ever thought of the diseases that ... Views: 517
India's population is equivalent to 17.74% of the world population, and it holds 2nd rank in the list of countries by population," some recent reports claim. Along with this drastic change, the number of kidney failure patients is also increasing very rapidly in India. To heal this kidney ... Views: 512
Until recently, my familiarity with the name A.E. Waite was confined to her tarot deck, which my mother liked. Most of the enthusiasts of the "new age" know it through tarot. I don't know your work very well. I know that he was something of a historian, having written numerous books related to ... Views: 120
The Mayan prediction offers some insights to modern astronomers about what will happen in the world in 2012. Many people do not understand how the calendar works. They simply judge that the earth will come to an end on December 21, 2012 because their calendar ends on this date. In reality, the ... Views: 111
The subject, or rather the "Kingdom of Pleasure", has always interested me a lot. When I look back over the many years of my enchanted life, I can clearly see that my decisions to choose the paths of pleasure have been wiser and more powerful, not to mention that they are completely more ... Views: 107
Cannabis has been one of the most discussed topics of the present century. It has a history of use with many tribes and cultures all over the world. However, it also has a negative reputation, especially with most countries. It has been banned all over the world, and even its use and possession ... Views: 1534
Tzanck tests are an old school yet important serological test done to detect the Tzanck cells that are characteristic and peculiar of herpes simplex, herpes zoster, varicella and pemphigus Vulgaris. This test is also used to differentiate between Toxic epidermal necrolysis, ... Views: 897
If your child already has Woody and Buzz and the whole gang Andy's toys, there are now many other toys to collect since part three was released. In Toy Story 3, Andy's toys go to a daycare, where they meet many other toys in their adventure. There are good toys and bad toys and you can make sure ... Views: 124
Neither oily nor dry! Do you know what skin type it is called?
Combination skin! Caring for combination skin isn’t as complex as it seems.
The forehead seems dry but the cheeks are oily. The nose is greasy but the chin seems flaky.
Well, this skin type can be troublesome enough in our ... Views: 578
Creatinine is a chemical waste that is produced by the daily motion of the muscles. Creatinine is present in the urine and blood of the human body and is excreted out by the kidneys. When an organ becomes malfunction, they cannot filter out the excess toxin called creatinine, ... Views: 489
Wegener's granulomatosis (granulomatosis with polyangiitis) is a disease characterized by damage to small vessels, with the formation of specific granulomas, in various organs and systems of the human body. In this article, we are going to discuss what Granulomatous with Polyangiitis ... Views: 1002
The musculoskeletal system is the most important system of body responsible for various body movements and moving to-and-fro. If there is a certain deformity in the single body part or joint, the dependency on other human beings increases due to which the daily activities are ... Views: 763
Kidneys are well known for the life-supporting functions they perform. Life quality gets affected by a considerable fall when they suffer from any ailment in the kidneys. It has been found in many pieces of research that kidney failure and CKD are majorly responsible for the mortality in humans. ... Views: 466
13 signs related to kidney disease
One of the worst things that happen during chronic kidney disease is the diagnosis. Kidney diseases are hard to figure out in the early stages. Many individuals stay abstained from the fact that their kidneys are damaged and do not take treatment on time. It ... Views: 545
For smooth functioning of processes, highly reliable industrial Wireless Temperature Monitoring Platform for Temperature, Humidity, Differential Pressure— providing real-time Logs, Alerts, and Monitoring is basic prerequisite. The pharmaceutical sector, warehousing, hospitals, labs etc have ... Views: 681
What’s your skin type - dry, combination, normal, oily? Have you also gone through the extensive search of finding that one moisturizer that works just perfectly with your skin type? Not too greasy and not too dry as well?
Too many products and brands and still the infinite search does not ... Views: 534
If you ever experience sudden chest pain, always get it checked out by a doctor to make sure your heart is healthy.
Chest pain isn’t always due to heart troubles. It could be caused by a condition called costochondritis, an inflammation around your upper ribs. According to a study, ... Views: 840
It’s that time of the year when all you wish for is to grab a hot chocolate and cosy up in bed binge-watching your favourite movies?
Monsoon season for everyone leads to uncalled breakouts and patchy skin? And let’s not forget the stressful hair loss!
Yes, there is a never-ending list of ... Views: 541
Gynecology is the process or part of physiology and medication which manages the functions and ailments exclusively for ladies and girls, particularly those who experience reproduction issues, as it helps to repair menstrual issues from its main causes and again.
What Ayurveda is?
Ayurveda ... Views: 558
Kidney treatment is required when your kidney functionality becomes impaired. Kidneys are a pair of organs in the human body that perform a number of tasks for contributing significantly to your wellness. Primarily, the cleansing of blood and the removal of wastes and toxins are the main ... Views: 629
Something that is very common and yet hated by all of us, is dandruff. All those white flakes on your scalp and hair just kill the entire look plus it's embarrassing too.
Dandruff is basically dead skin from your scalp that eventually shreds off.
Let’s talk about some reasons why you ... Views: 542
What is acne?
Acne is a universal skin condition that happens when our skin becomes exposed to dust particles, oil, or gets infused with dead skin cells.
Acne is a very common problem mostly with teenagers during their puberty but that doesn’t mean it stops just there! Acne is also a ... Views: 541
Sensitive skin is extremely hard to treat and with even a slight moment of irritation, it gets flared up with redness. Situations such as sun exposure, intense workout etc. can lead to even worse. Are you too seeking some relief from such discomfort? Here’s what can help you.
1. Ohria ... Views: 466
Who doesn’t love rain? The weather, the wind and the atmosphere that makes you all happy and childlike.
But with rains also comes issues related to skin and hair that need to be tended to.
Afraid not, we have some very effective products and tips listed below that will help you take one ... Views: 455
Are you facing sleep problems? Are you not able to sleep peacefully? Then don't sit quietly and wait for things to go worst. You can take the help of Ayurveda. An Ayurveda medicine made of herbal extracts helps to reduce depression, anxiety, and sleeping disorder. Best Ayurveda medicines for ... Views: 675
Shampoos for Hair fall is one of the most undeniable problems which can happen to your hair. Well, these problems might occur naturally to you or they may be the consequence of a bad shampoo. Using a bad shampoo on a regular basis is definitely not a good choice and if you are already a victim ... Views: 690
Ayurveda has been a principle of life in the past and it is now pacing its way to the present and how. The benefits of ayurvedic products are known by all. The value of these products formulated with pure ingredients from the bounty of nature is mountainous. These formulas are nothing but the ... Views: 546
Your face needs some super-powerful ingredients that solve your skin issues and make your face look radiant. Facial oils are one of those important products that are a must-add in your vanity to help your skin stay nourished and hydrated at all times. Find out some really amazing face oils to ... Views: 521