Helen and James Jay are The Official SelfGrowth.com Guides to "Feng Shui". You can find complete information on Helen and James Jay and their products by visiting Fengshui Designs.
The things that lead to stress in your life can be wide ranging and often vary as much as individuals vary. The one stressor that seems to be a common denominator in many lives is clutter and the chaos it causes.
Clutter, when it is everywhere in your home or office, prevents the home from ... Views: 1312
School is starting for the year so let’s explore Feng Shui and children. There’s a lot that’s involved in this topic, so today I’ll begin by discussing yin and yang within their environment.
There’s no question our environment influences us. Our body reacts with all its senses (sight, smell, ... Views: 982
One aspect of feng shui that can cause confusion is the ba gua (sometimes spelled pa kwa). Most people have heard that there is a “wealth corner” or a “relationships corner”. But how to figure out where they are?
Different approaches determine this differently, so the ... Views: 1718
Feng shui is big business. Really. A certain pharmaceutical company keeps a feng shui consultant on a million dollar retainer and doesn’t make a move or change to its offices without talking with their consultant first.
Many businesses think that feng shui means Asian decorating style. This ... Views: 3154
There's a saying that success is just the accumulation of good habits. It’s true. The more you do to help yourself and to be successful, the more successful – and prosperous – you’ll become. Success and the wealth and acclaim that comes with it isn’t as much a secret as much as it is a habit. ... Views: 1842
What is your target marketing cost per investment property you buy? What is your maximum marketing cost per deal? And, why should you care?
Here's why. For the most part, real estate deals cost money to find. Spending less to get the same results is better than spending more. ... Views: 843
Over the last couple of weeks, millions of viewers have watched the Democrats and Republicans put on their best faces. Both parties have been successful in their own ways. Some were trying to portray themselves in a different light; others were trying to put their best qualities forward. ... Views: 949
Some years ago I walked out to my automobile with the estimate to get it fixed in hand and said aloud in a rather disappointed and somewhat angry tone “not again?” Meaning “why are you, car, doing this to me”? How often have you witnessed yourself or others speaking nay ... Views: 2343
PART I. Uncluttering with Feng Shui
Through the many years of working with people one- on- one in their living and working environments, and as groups in classroom settings; I observed an unchanging rule. When people are in balanced and harmonious environments, they are much happier. They work ... Views: 1240
According to advertising experts, the average person is bombarded, even assaulted by more than 4000 impressions daily in the form of print, email, voice mail, radio, television and blaring advertisements. Additionally, you are constantly attacked with negative energy about the housing crisis and ... Views: 979
Kathy, an attractive woman in her mid thirties has a reasonably good job, a few good friends to spend leisure time with and enough money to live in a pleasant but small two bedroom home. While things looked good on the surface, she was very unhappy with where her life was headed and felt like ... Views: 865
One of the most frequent desires of people seeking a feng shui consultation is to attract or enhance a loving, supportive, intimate relationship. If this is your desire, pay particular attention to the Relationship area of the feng shui grid or bagua.
Before you even go there, think about the ... Views: 902
There has been so much discussion about feng shui with the Olympic Games in Beijing and in particular the symbolism and meaning of numbers. It was interesting to hear western broadcasters repeatedly refer to the fortunate number "8". So Let's talk about the number 8 in feng shui ... Views: 2107
Feng Shui has been such a part of my life for so many years that it’s hard for me to remember what it was like when I didn’t know about it. I have clients I’ve followed from one home to another, from one job to another, from one husband to another. Some of my clients and I have been together ... Views: 2211
If you work from home, or you simply spend a lot of time in your office, then the environment you create within this space can dramatically impact your personal health and energy level. The office is the center of productivity, so you want to make sure that the energy in this area is positive ... Views: 1147
I got a call from a retired gentleman I had consulted with a couple years back. Since my last visit, he had become a widower and was moving to a condominium near one of his daughters. Much to my surprise, he wanted me to look at the floor plan. When I had originally met with Lee and his late ... Views: 2245
What is in the Fame and Reputation area of your home? What is its dominant feature? Does the dominant feature accurately represent the aspect of yourself for which you wish to be known? If a photo of that area was a billboard, what would it be advertising?
Think of the feng shui grid or ... Views: 727
What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui (meaning wind-water) is an ancient Chinese science based on the theory that all things have a positive and a negative energy, more commonly known as Chi. The art of Feng Shui is the practice of positioning positively energized objects in your home and workplace to ... Views: 680
There are different types of Chinese methods to determining one¡¯s destiny. Here we present a brief introduction of each form of the commonly found methods of divination, for a better understanding of which methods are most suited to your purpose.
Mo Gu (Ãþ¹Ç, Feeling of the Body structure or ... Views: 4084
The spectacular Opening Ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics were laid on a foundation of Feng Shui principles. Everything from the date and the location of the venue to the exact time of the opening and the torch lighting ceremony were based on a combination of principles from the Form and ... Views: 1051
This week John Edwards dropped the bombshell that he has been lying about an affair he had over a year ago. Now everyone's waiting with baited breath to see if he's also the father of his mistress' baby, which he also denies.
It's not surprising that this news would land in the press this ... Views: 1757
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***Olympics And 08.08.08 - by Chriss Barr, Feng Shui & Dowsing Expert, the Official Guide to Dowsing
The opening ceremonies in Beijing take place this Friday, August 8, 2008 at 8:08 p.m. The number 8 is considered very auspicious in the Chinese culture and also in feng shui as well.
The number 8 is associated with Wealth in both China and in feng shui. Additionally, there are nine 20 year ... Views: 1973
Renewable or sustainable energy, climate change and environmental pollution are in the headlines daily. Are you considering a shift to a greener lifestyle and making changes in your home to bring it into more harmony with the environment? Is it time to take action on your thoughts? Should you ... Views: 1235
In feng shui, everything is a symbol of something. In a feng shui consultation, we look at the objects in your home and office and decide together if they still support your intentions or if they thwart them.
The feng shui grid or bagua is made up of nine equal squares. It is important to ... Views: 749
Hillary Clinton was never a contender for the Democratic nomination because she is a West Group person. You see, in feng shui there are two types of people: West Group and East Group. Both groups have four directions that are ideal for them. For West Group people these are Northwest, West, ... Views: 2132
Many people love the look of fireplaces in their homes. Having a fireplace creates a warm, inviting feel that makes visitors feel at ease, and creates a centerpiece that enhances the décor of any room.
Although fireplaces are usually good for your home’s energy, there are a couple of situations ... Views: 2026
I was recently coaxed onto a web forum to talk about feng shui…or so I thought. It turned out that the people asking questions just wanted to ridicule the art and insult me at the expense of someone I love (my husband).
Despite the underhanded way they got me to the forum they did bring up ... Views: 2117
A successful independent business person named Sue is in the field of sales and also a client. She recently told me, “Without surrounding myself with Feng Shui principles, I’d never reach the end of my day meeting my self-defined sales quotas without being totally exhausted. Fortunately the Feng ... Views: 744
Many of us must have heard of the saying “Life is like a box chocolate”. It simply points out to the fact that you will only know what the chocolate tastes like (sweet or bitter) after biting into it. If it turns out to be bitter, what then?
In the business arena, an excellent ... Views: 2083
Kelley, a young mother with three young children, was struggling to keep up with meeting all of her children’s, husband’s, pets’ and household needs. By the time she took care of school and after-school activities, medical and dental appointments, shopped for food and purchased ... Views: 827
I love my perennial garden. Watching plants bloom and grow is a perpetual blessing in my life. It is also a perpetual challenge.
At the heat of Feng Shui is the discipline of YIN/YANG. YIN/YANG are the two opposite components that are forever balancing each other. Yes, you can think of it as ... Views: 1386
Ancient Chinese Emperors used Feng Shui’s positive energy principles to influence the good luck and good fortune not only for their lifetime but that of the next seven generations of their families.” In an article appearing in Fortune Magazine, according to veteran home builder Bob Toll, “one of ... Views: 2104
So you’re looking into moving the concepts and principles of feng shui outside of your home and into your garden. This is a fabulous idea – after all, the energy you create outside your home directly affects the energy that is created within your home.
One of the best ways to create balanced, ... Views: 2304
Do you know people that are on the go 24/7 and seem to have all the energy in the world? They just keep going and going like the Energizer rabbit - symbol for a well know battery manufacturing company. Have you ever noticed that the day eventually does come when they just stop dead in their ... Views: 847
Feng Shui is a Chinese environmental science that is as complex and personalized as Acupuncture. Classical Feng Shui's ancient calculations use a building's exact compass orientation along with its date of construction to determine its unique energy blueprint. These repeatable energy patterns ... Views: 2308
Last week I talked about the different layers of feng shui: Space, Time and Quantum. Another important component to an effective feng shui consultation is dowsing.
Dowsing is an art that dates back over 8,000 years and is most commonly associated with looking for water. If you've ever seen ... Views: 1507
Imagine your world where things go right 90% of the time. Imagine ending each day with time left over just for you. Imagine a better tomorrow without stress – filled with productivity and prosperity.
An independent business person that works out of her home office and is the top sales ... Views: 1175
A lot of my e-zine subscribers are managers of high rise buildings. High rises present their own set of challenges when it comes to feng shui because feng shui works with the energy of the earth so the closer to ground level your living and work spaces are the better your feng shui will work. ... Views: 4386
When most people think of using feng shui to help improve the energy in their homes, they primarily think of the interior of their homes. They concentrate on where to put furniture to optimize the flow of positive energy. They concentrate on incorporating the five elements – fire, water, wood, ... Views: 966
Demystifying Feng Shui is never an easy task…particularly since many practitioners perceive thing differently. It is what makes each Consultant unique---and it is important that you find the one that you are most “in tune” with.
There are Three “Lucks” in Feng Shui:
Heaven Luck
Heaven Luck ... Views: 1169
2008: Chinese Year of the Earth Rat
Kung Hei Fat Choi - which in English means - Happy New Year!
With the commencement of the Chinese year of the Earth Rat I thought it would once again be prudent of me to write to you and outline some of the important elements that will shape our coming ... Views: 1589
Your kitchen is one of the most important areas of your home to consider for promoting optimal health for you and your family. The kitchen is the center of nourishment in your home – if the energy in this area is not positive, your entire house will make you feel drained. This can lead to poor ... Views: 903
Chinese Taoism – A Definition
Chinese Taoism is a principal philosophy and system of religion of China. Basically, Chinese Taoism advocates a life of complete simplicity and naturalness and of noninterference with the course of natural events, in order to attain a happy existence in ... Views: 1817
A space clearing is not Feng Shui, but compliments the goals of Feng Shui. A space clearing is a series of ceremonies that rid a structure of (clears away) energies that can block Feng Shui objectives and correctives. In short, it is a way to cleanse and organize the environment.
Energies could ... Views: 1107
Feng Shui (pronounced “fung shway”) is a 5000 year old chinese art and philosophy describing the energies in an environment and defining how to use these energies for good health and well-being. Feng Shui literally means “wind and water”, wind representing the invisible forces of heaven, water ... Views: 2310
After being in the field of residential real estate for many years, when introduced to the the ancient art of Feng Shui, I had a much better idea of why some homes "connected" with buyers and some didn't.
One of the under-lying themes for Feng Shui was the idea of creating an environment that ... Views: 1107
Have you ever experienced Fairway? (Fairway is a famous supermarket in New York City that is packed with New Yorkers on the go -- very stressed, very pushy, no-nonsense -- keep out of the way).
Talk about stressful – just walking in the door, fighting over a basket, weaving through the myriad ... Views: 1603
With school out and the kids home, summer may be the perfect time to take a look at your child’s space and make the most of it using the powerful principles of Feng Shui.
“Children are very sensitive and respond to the energy that surrounds them in their bed-room,” says Linda Binns, owner of ... Views: 1005
Ever think you could Feng Shui your car?
When you Feng Shui your home you're creating a harmonious environment that supports you in living your best life, a life of purpose, passion and meaning. You create a stress free environment where you can be your best, be your most healthy, and attract ... Views: 1319
Pendulum Dowsing is one of the most effective ways to tap into and develop your intuition and has a variety of uses for everyone. It is surprisingly simple to do but takes a little practice.
How to hold a pendulum
For best results you should ensure that only you touch and use your ... Views: 6721