Helen and James Jay are The Official SelfGrowth.com Guides to "Feng Shui". You can find complete information on Helen and James Jay and their products by visiting Fengshui Designs.
The lights are low, you’ve got chocolates and/or ice cream by your side, you’re naked and snuggled under the satin sheets. Soft music is playing, too. I bet I know where you think this feng shui column is leading! But unfortunately, it’s not what you think. Instead of your lover by your side ... Views: 1904
Do you know what the most powerful words in any languageare after “I love you”? Here’s a hint: just like the words “I love you”,they are not said often enough but they carry a very powerful punch when they are said with real sincerity. The answer is “Thank you”.
Sending thank you notes should ... Views: 3394
Whether you are just beginning a new life together, have celebrated your 35th Anniversary or are still looking for your significant other, Feng Shui will help you create the foundation for a joy filled relationship. For young couples starting new homes, and those who’ve been married for years, ... Views: 1016
As a middle management sales team specialist, Judy didn’t have a moment to spare. She didn’t have time on her hands to worry about what tomorrow would bring; she had so many things to do within a 24 hour period that an army of six couldn’t possibly accomplish in a month.
She thought her time ... Views: 864
What used to be thought of as the latest “trend” just hasn’t gone away. Feng Shui, which hit the United States to a stream of controversy and people saying “Feng WHAT”? has proven over time that clients are truly experiencing total transformations when they implement Feng Shui into their ... Views: 1303
The famous Swiss psychiatrist, Carl G. Jung, said what we deny, fear or don’t address consciously will visit us as fate. I agree and believe, too, if we don’t manifest our intentions, we will manifest our fears.
Many people believe therapy is about resolving a crisis or healing a traumatic ... Views: 3317
In this weak economy, it simply takes longer to close deals. In fact, I'm hearing from more and more business people who are frustrated that even customers who are still in a strong financial position seem to be in a holding mode - waiting to see what happens before they make any decisions. ... Views: 1207
What does a broken statue of a rooster have to do with Feng Shui? Feng Shui teaches us that everything in our house is a reflection of what is in our mind. Symbolically speaking, your house and the things in it reflects your thoughts, feelings, and spirit.
So let's get back to that rooster. One ... Views: 917
You can recreate your life through making simple physical changes in your home or office that can enhance your execution in expanding your personal and business purpose. You can literally live in your intentions. Look around you. What do you see, and more importantly, what is it saying to you? ... Views: 694
In the many years I have been practicing and consulting individuals, professionals, large corporations, celebrities, politicians, i.e. generally “people” - there is a very common pattern which actually defines us as “humans” which is usually to wait for bad times before we take action. We ... Views: 866
In the United States, South America and those other countries which encompass the “Western World”, Feng Shui was popularized in the 80’s by a gentleman who founded the Black Sect Tantric Buddhist Feng Shui School in California. In his effort to bridge the Eastern and Western cultures, he ... Views: 3122
Companies all over the world adopt FENG SHUI in their Offices- why? And is it worth it? An Interview of Aroon Ajmera.
Q: How can Feng Shui benefit Offices?
A: The constantly changing invisible energy forces in an office can have a dramatic impact on the physical, emotional and spiritual ... Views: 2128
Most Westerners think of Feng Shui as a way of decorating or living in a clutter-free environment. It is; and, Oh, so much more! Aside from the obvious aesthetic benefits of good Feng Shui, a consultation with a certified practitioner will insure great health effects as well.
As an ancient ... Views: 991
There is a lot of research showing a direct correlation between productivity and clutter, otherwise known as “stuff.” Personal efficiency, effectiveness and productivity decline when clutter and chaos are on the rise. Do piles of paper, stacks of stuff, disorganization and information ... Views: 1963
Do you ever feel like a gray cloud is constantly hovering over you? Do you feel no matter what you do it seems to be a struggle? One of the most common reasons for stagnancy in life is clutter. When energy is stuck in a physical sense it has far reaching effects on every aspect of our being. ... Views: 1425
Feng-Shui is based on three lucks: Heaven luck is luck which we are born with (“in our stars”, or “our karma”). Earth luck is the environment around us. And human luck is our thoughts, ideas and actions.
Let us look at our Heaven Luck and what it depends on. First of all, what is Heaven Luck ... Views: 4823
Let go of the old to make space for the new!
Feng Shui is about the flow of energy within our homes and how our relationship to those energies may affect us and invite opportunities into our lives. Most people only care about the look and functionality of a home rather than the most important ... Views: 1294
What is dowsing? How does dowsing work? What can dowsing be used for? These are some of the many questions we, as dowsers, are all asked by those drawn to dowsing, but have no idea how to get started. In this article I am offering up the most commonly asked questions by my beginning dowsing ... Views: 6213
Thus far I have not found a perfect Feng Shui building, especially that I incorporate risk management criteria. If you don’t know what I mean by risk management, visit our article Quality versus Quantity.
A building that is 60% workable is the best I’ve encountered in all these years, and 70% ... Views: 2932
School is starting for the year so let’s explore Feng Shui and children. There’s a lot that’s involved in this topic, so today I’ll begin by discussing yin and yang within their environment.
There’s no question our environment influences us. Our body reacts with all its senses (sight, smell, ... Views: 1510
You may ask what being a grandparent has to do with Feng Shui. My answer is, ‘Feng Shui is our reaction to the environment.’ Family is a piece of that puzzle.
Reflect back to when you heard you were becoming a grandparent, or fantasize about what it will be like. Did you or will you think, ... Views: 1957
Nature is beautiful in its imperfections and seems to express itself most fervently with the arrival of Spring.
Life wakes up from the deep sleep of winter and everything comes alive. People just can’t wait to shed layers of clothing and feel the warmth of the sun on their skin. Nature ... Views: 1258
In another lifetime, Chriss Barr was Vice President of Portfolio Strategies and Chair of the Investment Committee for an asset management company. "Basically, I spent my entire previous career managing money for wealthy entrepreneurs around the U.S. for 13 years," recalls Barr. But the small ... Views: 839
This year, the Chinese New Year starts early. The Year of the Earth Ox is ushered in on January 26, 2009.
The Chinese calendar operates on a 60 year cycle.The last time the Earth Ox was seen as the ruling influence was January 29, 1949 - February 15, 1950.
The world suffered a recession in ... Views: 1125
An expert Classical Feng Shui consultant will be able to tell about 75% of what's happening in your life by analyzing your front entrance, bedroom and kitchen. Sounds unbelievable, but it's not. Advanced Classical Feng Shui formulas can forecast the impact these areas will have on occupants of ... Views: 9784
Could Feng Shui have saved investors from losing billions to Bernard Madoff? Yes!
In Madoff’s office, a Classical Feng Shui practitioner would have been able to see absolute indications of “secrets”. A series of numerical calculations could literally have seen the future: this was a man with ... Views: 1536
When the financial markets are down, housing sales are less than desirable and the norm seems to be chaos, one of the hardest things for a person to do is motivate yourself. It doesn’t matter what it is you are working on or need to get done; you just can’t seem to get started.
Do ... Views: 1108
Romance is in the air – especially this coming month when you’ll see Valentine’s everywhere you look. But for many people, romantic relationships seem unattainable or current love connections lack the sparks they once created. Feng Shui, the ancient art of object placement to ... Views: 1870
Every minute of every day on Earth there is vibration, shifting and flowing of energy. These subtle changes layer upon each other to create an “onion-like” influence which we begin to notice on a more gross level once they are several layers deep. This is where date selection is so ... Views: 1714
From the beginning of time, people have asked questions about their future and their past. The simple truth is that we all are trying to understand ourselves, grasp the concept of why we are the way we are? What is a source of our obstacles? If we have had many lifetimes before, what did we ... Views: 2847
According to Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of placement, the way the furniture in a bedroom is arranged, as well as the colors and accessories chosen for its decor, can tell a great deal about how two people are doing in a love relationship. Conversely, re-arranging the furniture and ... Views: 2654
As a predictive art and metaphysical science, Feng Shui has been around for thousands of years. But to keep Feng Shui out of “just anybody’s hands”, the ancient Masters coded their references. In addition, as these references began to be translated, the translation was not always pure and was ... Views: 955
Even though the 6:00 news preaches doom and gloom daily, you don’t have to buy into it. There are millions of people in our country that get up and go to work, find new jobs, buy homes, start a family or start new relationships every day of the week. They do not succumb to the prevailing ... Views: 849
Authentic Feng Shui balances both visible and invisible energies. This is a critical difference from hobbyist or “do it yourself” Feng Shui that concentrates on changing what is visible about your environment — the arrangement of furniture, for example. In contrast, a professional practitioner ... Views: 966
January is the perfect time to energize your world for 2009. Did you make New Year’s resolutions to improve your life as the clock struck midnight? Did you also give thought to just how you are going to accomplish those ideal goals and objectives, to take control of your life or to achieve a ... Views: 814
You've likely heard of Feng Shui, and probably thought it weird hocus pocus. But did you know that this is a way of life that is simple to attain?
Do you feel as if you are surrounded by negative energy that corrupts your life? Or as if no matter what you do or how you try to ... Views: 1790
Have you ever wondered does Feng Shui have anything to do with the holidays? Should you use Feng Shui during the holidays? Is it relevant during such a hectic season? Yes, Feng Shui is relevant and has everything to do with the holidays.
The holidays are filled with the most wonderful positive ... Views: 925
Recently, I spoke with a woman who said she and her husband were having a tough time financially. She thought maybe it was just the economy, but she wondered if a Feng Shui consultation might give the energies in their home a financial "boost." She mentioned the idea to her husband. His ... Views: 901
2009 is the year of the earth ox from a Chinese astrology perspective. The element that cycles every two years is known as the heavenly stem; so there are fire, earth, metal, water, and wood oxen. Variations in the heavenly stem influence one’s personality, which explains why not all ox (people ... Views: 2073
If you or anyone in your household is going to school, training for a new career, in therapy, or seeking deeper spirituality, attention to the Knowledge, Self-Knowledge, and Spirituality area of the feng shui grid or bagua is a must.
When you overlay the feng shui tic-tac-toe board on your ... Views: 723
If you have taken the time to learn the basics of feng shui, you know that you need to incorporate all five elements of nature – fire, water, wood, metal, and earth – to achieve and restore balance within your living space. However, incorporating these elements in their natural states can prove ... Views: 1330
One aspect of feng shui that can cause confusion is the ba gua (sometimes spelled pa kwa). Most people have heard that there is a “wealth corner” or a “relationships corner”. But how to figure out where they are?
Different approaches determine this differently, so the “right” way is the one ... Views: 2212
In Feng Shui, the bathroom is a sanctuary where you nurture yourself.
Does your bathroom rejuvenate you in the morning and help you relax and unwind in the evening, or does it create chaos, increase stress and promote tension in your life?
Consider the following aspects of your bathroom and ... Views: 1646
At the core of all feng shui lies the subtle beauty of nature; all of its essence exudes a level of harmony and balance unparalleled. The age-old principles of feng shui are based on these laws and acknowledge the ever-changing interaction and connection between human beings and their ... Views: 1306
Can Feng Shui change the economic crises ?
I have been receiving a lot of calls and emails lately in asking me if we could change the energy of the economy through feng shui.
We are now in Period 8 energy. Number 8 looks like a pair of eyes when you put it side way. It is an awakening era. ... Views: 1857
People strong in Earth are empathic, generous, cooperative, diplomatic, and dependable. All essential qualities to a balanced, rich life.
The area of the feng shui grid that houses Earth energy is the center "square" when you overlay the nine equal squares of the feng shui tic-tac-toe board ... Views: 886
You might not realize it, but where your staircase is located within your home, and the type of staircase you have, can dramatically impact your family’s health. According to feng shui, staircases act as channels for energy flow, and can create environments where positive energy in your home ... Views: 1894
Does nothing seem to be going your way? Will you ever get past those incessant nagging doubts that keep lingering in your mind holding you back? What do you do when you run into a “brick wall?”
These are questions millions have faced on too regular of a basis as was the case for ... Views: 1072
We spend a lot of time in our bedrooms. Therefore it is very important that the energy in that room circulates smoothly and freely. Also it is very necessary to keep a balance between Yin and Yang. The energy of Yin should prevail in our bedroom. It represents calmness and silence, allowing you ... Views: 1112
For thousands of people, interior design involves more than just picking pretty throw pillows. A growing number of individuals across the country are exploring the ancient art of Feng Shui (pronounced “fung schway”). Those who use the principles of this centuries-old practice to guide their ... Views: 1023