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Are you ready for wealth building with an investment that has infinite returns?
True wealth begins in the heart. You can create enduring wealth and prosperity and an endless waterfall of giving and receiving with one simple but profound feeling and practice, gratitude. It's the best investment ... Views: 878
As the average age of men and women in the Armed Forces rises, many are a part of the Sandwich Generation, concerned about caring for family members at home as they continue their service to the country. Their burden becomes especially apparent on Veterans Day, a time for all of us to pay ... Views: 1102
Our entire lives are progressive journeys through stages of self-growth, in which we take continuous steps to evolve into more conscious creators of our own existence. On your personal journey, one of the greatest steps you can take is to learn the art of gratitude.
Gratitude is one of the ... Views: 1074
November means the Thanksgiving Holiday; that got me thinking about gratitude.
Thanks, appreciation, gratitude; it’s all the same feeling. But how often do we stop and take inventory of what is right in our lives? I suppose we pay more attention to what we don’t like in ... Views: 924
Your boss calls you in his office today and hands you a $2500.00 bonus check because the company had a good year. Are you thankful?
You go in for your 20 week ultrasound. As you watch your growing baby on the screen, the doctor informs you that everything looks great. Your baby boy is ... Views: 1258
Getting Unstuck
You will never get unstuck by focusing on how stuck you feel. When you are overwhelmed with thoughts and feelings of being stuck, your creative energies shut down and taking action can feel impossible. Focusing on how stuck you feel will create more situations that make you ... Views: 1270
November boasts one of my favorite holidays -- the one tucked between Halloween and the launch of frenzied holiday shopping in the early morning hours the next day -- Thanksgiving. A heartwarming feature of this celebration is that Thanksgiving demands nothing of us but to gather together ... Views: 1377
It has long been said that a grateful person is a happy person. Researchers have studied the effects of gratitude on a person’s psychological well being, finding that having gratitude typically evokes a positive emotional reaction. Counting our blessings helps us to acknowledge that life is ... Views: 1541
The wind driven blazes have waned a bit and the aroma of smoke and ash is slowly drifting away. Deep piles of leaves, grounded by 60 mile per hour Santa Ana gusts, are beckoning me. I can breath easy and my eyes don’t sting any more. This terminates my excuse for leaving the yard work ... Views: 721
Every day we interact with others gives us the chance to recognize acts of sincere servitude and a job well done. But, have you noticed that generally we don’t hear the verbal acknowledgement of thanks often? Let us illustrate an actual event. We were at the airport when we heard the public ... Views: 5544
Embracing life's most difficult moments
New challenges erupt, new skills unfold,
Change is the only thing that never changes
Truly life flows best when we adjust to it.
Passing through one stage to another
Sometimes takes a gentle shove,
Difficult times can only get better
when transformation ... Views: 1843
Among my memories of growing up is a clear black and white picture of a Korean mother squatting next to her small son surrounded by barren, devastated countryside. The caption underneath reads, "Where will their food come from now?" Printed by our Sunday "Journal" during the Korean War, the ... Views: 1995
A sound wave, an image, a dazzling light,
Opening the mind to new insight,
Musing thoughts remind me of when
Counting our blessings was so "in."
Keep your eye on higher things
Watching love's beauty spread its wings,
Live in the moment, be in the present,--
Life is a reflection of the I AM.
I ... Views: 2181
What is gratitude? Being grateful for what we have got? Giving thanks to others for something they have given us; be it material or not? Why bother? The cynical would say because if we don't say thank we will soon lose our friends and any help people give willingly so it is worth the ... Views: 1171
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you." - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
I have to admit that following this quote and doing what it says is hard for me. How can you be "joyful always"?
So many things happen to us that make it difficult ... Views: 948
Every morning, I take a walk for a half hour. I usually follow the same route through my neighborhood and greet the same neighbors and dogs on their daily ritual, as well. I use my walk as a time of reflection and preparation for my day. I honor myself with time for prayer and gratitude so ... Views: 3371
Have you ever caught yourself vigorously complaining about something you felt you couldn't do anything about? Have you ever told yourself you needed to quit complaining, only to find yourself in the same old complaining scenario the very next day? I'm not talking about dissatisfaction that ... Views: 2124
A few days ago I wrote a post called Happiness is a Decision. I decided to be more intentional in feeling more happiness everyday.
How to do that? Well, I could look for things during the course of the day to be happy about, right? Actually, I had been doing that in between realizing I was ... Views: 1388
God is so good, He loves to bestow His gifts upon His children. The Bible tells us that all good gifts come from God. If it’s good, then it’s from God.
James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no ... Views: 1557
Unless you've been living in a cave you've probably
seen the movie "The Secret." It explains how there is
a Law of Attraction that governs the Universe and If
you follow that law you can manifest all your desires.
What they don't tell you is where it came from.
The Secret Law of Attraction ... Views: 916
The two most powerful words salespeople can say to prospects and customers are - thank you.
People are starving for recognition. But if you don't get recognition you're not likely to give it. Big mistake!
A simple thank you goes a long way.
Are you trying to create wealth for you and your ... Views: 1130
The Law of Attraction seems to carry a puzzling aura to most people, who are not able to decipher the significance of how powerful the mind can be to their lives. Most of us are stuck on the previous beliefs that have invaded our brain and allowed us to be conformed to what someone else thinks ... Views: 1115
In the 1980s, I started a daily practice that I still maintain today. I was attending an intense personal growth workshop at Deerwood, Minnesota. One night, as I lay on the top bunk in a rustic dorm room filled with a dozen women, someone mentioned her practice of gratitude.
Aware of my ... Views: 947
I love the warm summer days, even the humidity, when I can run outside instead of inside on the treadmill, get back out onto the golf course with friends, lounge by a pool and drive with the top down, feeding my inherent sun goddess that probably comes from being a Leo!
As I bask in my ... Views: 1947
Ah, spring!
What a wonderful time of year. April showers, May flowers, cool breezes, singing birds. Everything about Spring encourages one to grow, to reach, to succeed.
It's a great time to get things done... and to have some fun.
My suggestions? Well...
1. Take a holiday
Oh, ... Views: 4178
1. Now is the time to be honest with yourself and others.
If you're trying to revitalize yourself, you have to be honest about what is and is NOT working in your life. Self-deception is like driving around in circles: you're moving, but you're not getting anywhere.
2. The only person you ... Views: 3839