We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Gratitude". If you have expertise in Gratitude and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Finding a person to share your life with is no easy task. If you found someone who loves you in this capacity, then you should consider yourself very lucky. Everyone wants someone in their life. Everyone has gone through some type of heartbreak. With every aspect of life, you can use the ... Views: 1793
Bringing out the best
Ponderings... by Glenda Gibbs
Several years ago I was working with a couple who were deciding whether they wanted to continue their marriage or bring it to an end; they chose the latter. Both were concerned about the family gossip. They didn’t want to feed it so what ... Views: 1834
In the past, healing has been viewed from the Newtonian view of the universe. This is the mechanistic thinking that the body is like a machine. Take a pill, cut something out, or fix a certain part of the body. Healing and psychology are beginning to catch up with quantum physics and the unified ... Views: 1901
Many teachers of writing recommend that you keep a regular journal. I’ve been doing that a long time and now have a battered collection of notebooks going back to the early 1990s. On of my greatest regrets is losing a 1980s journal, carelessly slipped under my seat on a flight to Hong Kong and ... Views: 1158
Knowing what you are grateful for is an important factor to happiness and success.
Being aware of everything that you have to be thankful for will help you create a positive focus. Gratefulness will help you reach your goals because you are seeing all the positive things that are happening ... Views: 2031
Last summer I would go into Peet’s coffee and complain to my sweet friend Clare, and other local coffee drinker’s, about yet another sleepless night because of my son’s horrific nightly panic attacks. I would not sleep either because I had to take him to the emergency room, or talk him down from ... Views: 1223
I find it curious that individuals with profound physical or mental disabilities, supposedly only able to communicate falteringly, if at all, actually communicate with a graceful “fluency of the heart” many healthy individuals lack. What’s going on here?
Individuals not physically or ... Views: 1442
It can be tricky to find that place of balance in life. Juggling work, family, community and personal needs isn’t easy, but I believe it is part of what makes life joyful and meaningful. I’ve certainly had my fair share of days when hours spent on the phone or behind the computer whizz by and I ... Views: 4405
As we approach the topic of both family and personal healing, many internal voices may want to have their say, some of them helpful, other voices not so helpful.
For example one voice may be saying ‘it cannot continue like this, something has to change’ another voice may be saying ‘all I want ... Views: 2000
If like attracts like, then what do you see surrounding you at this time? Someone once said to me, if you want to know to what you're committed, just take a look around you. They are words I have never forgotten, and they can raise my spirit, or other times can leave me a little flat. Depending ... Views: 2930
A lot of people may learn about the law of manifestation (also known as the law of attraction) and want to know how they can use it in their lives. It's misunderstood by some as some sort of magic, and by others as a hoax.
The core idea behind the law of manifestation is: thoughts become ... Views: 1639
After stumbling across the following article on Linked In, I totally had to reproduce it (with permission of course).
Author Colleen Slaughter (www.coachforauthenticleaders.com) shares a simple solution for worry warts that create so much stress for themselves it often leads to being ... Views: 2431
How many times have you said the following to yourself? “When I get I new job, then I will be happy.” “When I meet the right person, then I will be happy.” Or “As soon as I pay off my credit cards, then I will be happy.” It seems as if many of us are always looking to the future, as if it ... Views: 1985
Let me give you a strong reason why we should be grateful for everyday. Because the moment you open your eyes each day. It is a gift from god to you. You are still alive and that it is a given.
Everybody is given a brand new day. Everybody is given another day to love. Everybody is given ... Views: 8542
I recently had this powerful and enlightening conversation with my husband about all human beings, creatures and natural things aspiring to grow and become “better.” The ever-pragmatist that I am – replied – No. Not all things want to grow –nor do all living things aspire to improve.
We ... Views: 2166
The end of official summer has begun. Days are longer and it’s warmer, often, even though there is a cold day now and then to keep us on our toes. All and all, however, the days are warmer and brighter, and the skies are bluer. We look forward toward the summer-time and summer vacation. For ... Views: 2392
10mins a day and you could change your life…
BIG GOAL ---- little goal…
Consider this - the last goal you achieved – were you desperate or did you really desire it.
Most people set goals that are so huge they give up before things come to fruition. Is there something you ... Views: 1579
I am sitting by the ocean here in South Carolina for a much-needed break in the action. I am re-discovering the order in nature. It is so restful, so regenerating. Watching the ebb and flow got me thinking about the poem, “The Idea of Order at Key West,” by Wallace Stevens where he mentions “the ... Views: 1316
Why is gratitude so important when leading a happy and successful life? Simply, if you don't appreciate what is then how are you going to appreciate what is to be! Yes, to be truly happy you need to appreciate everything.
- All your abilities (creativity, imagination, work ... Views: 2401
Trees are fabulous! They are the lungs of the planet. They do an amazing job for us- they take our waste product (carbon dioxide) and they turn it into what we breathe- oxygen.
They are very adept at removing toxins from the environment and they can store phenomenal quantities of water in ... Views: 4620
Really. What do you want more of in your life? More peace? More time off? More fun? More inner tranquility?
Unless we identify what it is that we truly want, we tend to be so caught up in daily life that we don't even think about what will make us truly happy. Today, ask yourself what you ... Views: 1353
Memorial Day signifies the beginning of summer. School is almost out, and the weather has turned warm. People take the long weekend to travel, have bbq parties, swim, bike, and spend it with friends and family. But there's a deeper meaning to Memorial Day that we often times forget. Yes, it is a ... Views: 2395
I got to thinking about the concept of “happiness” the other day and decided that I will no longer pursue it. Don’t get me wrong, the “…pursuit of happiness…” is very quotable, it sounds great and looks great on paper – especially when that paper happens to be the Declaration of Independence, ... Views: 1586
Do circumstances need to change before you allow happiness into your life? The majority of us have many preconceived ideas which we think will make us happier, however we steadfastly refuse to be convinced or satisfied until such things happen.
A common stumbling block however is the fact ... Views: 1040
For most of us, the garage has become a sort of dumping ground for our most infrequently used items, tools, construction leftovers, toys, garbage, and the list goes on and on. A vast majority of garages are in some form of disarray, and with all that mess it's sometimes hard to remember that in ... Views: 1815
If you are like most people, you think you are doing life. If you are like most people, you live by your to-do list. You get up early—maybe you work out. You go to work, take care of the kids, eat food, deal with your boss, figure out how to sell your house... For many, life itself is one big ... Views: 1509
I am Thankful for… A Fit & Healthy Body
The first entry in this gratitude series focused on mental and emotional health. Here I will share my gratitude for physical health which I believe is a very significant part of our overall well-being. We sometimes overlook the mind and body ... Views: 3984
I am Thankful for… A Healthy Mind & Emotions
If we stop to think about it, there are so many things to be grateful for. As I was reflecting on all the good things, people, and blessings I enjoy, I starting compiling a long list. It seemed it would never end. In all actually, it never will ... Views: 4480
We are all faced with things we have to do all the time; it’s just part of life. But sometimes, it can feel a bit overwhelming and when it does, adding one more thing can be the straw that broke the camels back. Plus, it lowers your emotions and your energy.
You might hear yourself saying ... Views: 1842
Many of us were taught some version of the Golden Rule such as “Love Your Neighbor as Yourself.” The question is... how well do we love ourselves?
Conditional Love
As children, we all seek the love and approval of our parents. Unfortunately, all too often the love and approval we receive ... Views: 1631
How Do I Prove that Law of Attraction is True?
My cousin and I have had a debate over the premise 'You create your own reality' for many years now. She will agree to some degree, but only as far as the concept of 'self fulfilling prophecy', and has long challenged me to prove it. I'm pretty ... Views: 1644
Before you start reading this article, I’d like you to sit quietly for a few seconds. Take in a full breath, let it fill your lungs, and then release it slowly. Repeat this simple breathing exercise and include the words from my favorite meditation:
Breathing in, I calm my body.
Breathing ... Views: 1411
Gratitude is something that is easily overlooked and yet it is a very important part of our development as human beings. There are so many things to be grateful for and by focusing on those areas of our lives that we are grateful for will enrich our lives tremendously.
I came across some ... Views: 1109
There are few things more satisfying to this writer than getting comments from readers who express gratitude for my offerings. I'm NOT kidding. It's such a joy to hear from people who have been inspired by my meanderings, and to know that in some small way I'm actually helping. It's SUCH a ... Views: 1722
I just read an article today (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/3304496/Be-lucky-its-an-easy-skill-to-learn.html) on a study done on what separates lucky people from unlucky people. It seems that “lucky people” are more relaxed overall, and are therefore able to take in information that is ... Views: 2276
Life is meant to be a love affair, an actual love affair. Life, as it truly is, is, in fact, a love affair. Now you can choose whether or not to experience life as such, whether or not to join in the dance. But no matter what, life itself always remains a true love affair, an intimate dance ... Views: 1648
Ever since I can remember, I have loved cats. I resonate with their purrrrring, relax when watching them groom, laugh when I find them in unexpected places or poses, take photos when they are being particularly ‘cute’, learn from them about stretching, napping, scampering and how to have fun ... Views: 1351
The 8 steps to be unhappy, miserable, and depressed!
So… people ask me all the time what they can do to be unhappy, more miserable, or depressed. There are so many people in this world that need the answers to these important questions. I decided that I would dedicate my time and vast ... Views: 9600
“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is ‘thank you,’ it will be enough.” Meister Eckhardt
When was the last time you made note of your good fortune? It is the most economical and easily accessible way to avoid depression, especially in touch economic conditions. I feel ... Views: 1454
Yes, I do.
Throughout my life I have had to deal with bullies. Some of my first memories are of my mother mistreating me physically and emotionally. I encountered numerous bullies as colleagues, and too many of them used me for target practice. I also married a man who nearly destroyed me ... Views: 2176
How willing are you to live in the mystery? How willing are you to live the mystery? Or another way to ask this question is how willing are you to allow the mystery to live you?
You see, you live in mystery. Or, better said, you are a living mystery.
Very few people are ready and willing ... Views: 1785
It is hard to believe but we do have everything we need in this life right in front of us. Acknowledging the fact that we have everything we need to be happy, healthy and whole is based on the meaning we project on the various objects and activities in our life. The hard part in the journey of ... Views: 1405
For most of us, figuring out what our life purpose is, is not high on our to do list. We have a job, family obligations, social commitments, appointments…the list seems never ending. The problem is, without a well-defined life purpose, most of the things on our to do list don’t seem to get us ... Views: 2778
No matter how positive you are, there is probably at least one negative feeling or thought that creeps into your mind on a daily basis. Negative thoughts have many origins. They can develop from not feeling well, experiencing low self-esteem, or doubting one's self. Considering the fact that ... Views: 4701
Most of us recognize the expression, ‘Count Your Blessings’. But do we really do this on a daily basis? During this holiday season, we were in the checkout line of a young man in a major grocery store. When I inquired what he had asked of Santa this year, he replied, “A new wife.” He went on ... Views: 1397
Time is not tangible, but yet we all feel its effects as we age. Time passes you by while you are standing still or when running at full speed. You can't outrun time; it's too fast and tireless.
Time waits for no one. Some people try to save time, but time can't be saved like money. Money can ... Views: 1414
For me, 2010 will be the year of the heart.
In the West, most people think of the mind as being the source of insight, wisdom, knowledge and guidance. People think that the mind is where they will find the answers to life’s most important questions; it is where they think they will discover ... Views: 8050
When was the last time that you spent a durable amount of time alone? Can you pinpoint the moment when you took some time in your day or week for you and only you? Chances are that between all of your outside obligations, family events and happenings, volunteering and taking care of others in ... Views: 1235
That title sounds pretty powerful, doesn't it? Well, it is.
The Burning Bowl ceremony is an opportunity to take a look at what might be holding you back from stepping into your greatness, and releasing it back into the universe. If all things are pure energy, then this energy can be released, ... Views: 1328
One of the first ways to develop the attitude of gratitude is to express gratitude with your words when someone has served you in one way or the other. Most people find it easier being grateful for the big things that happen in their lives and forget to be grateful for all the small things that ... Views: 3161