We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Gratitude". If you have expertise in Gratitude and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
During the holiday season, it’s important to have “an attitude of gratitude.” This is the perfect time of year to remember how blessed we are, how truly amazing life is, and how wonderful the people around us are. Now - more than ever - is the time to show our appreciation towards the things in ... Views: 3905
Released in 1992, ‘The Best Things in Life Are Free’ is a song by Janet Jackson and Luther Vandross. The song went to number one on the R&B singles chart and debuted at number 24 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 the week of May 30, 1992.
Three weeks later, the song peaked at number 10 for three ... Views: 879
We’ve got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can’t just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it’s going to get on by itself. You’ve got to keep watering it. You’ve got to really look after it and nurture it. ~John Lennon
A special day is set aside every ... Views: 1868
So, I’m sitting here looking at a blank page and I’m wondering—what should I write about today? What have I been thinking about recently, what’s interested me or is there something that’s taken me by surprise? I hear the faint voice of a ten year old in the deep recesses of my head saying ... Views: 1220
“Where there is great love there are always miracles.”
— Willa Cather
I am a strong proponent of love and miracles. Miracles happen everyday, and people love everyday in numerous ways. If the national news reports focused more on the miracles in the world, the rest of us would too. What we ... Views: 1195
When things are going exactly as planned, it is easy to be happy but there will be many times when an unexpected obstacle will flip you on your back. Obstacles are great because they teach us about our limitations and potential blind spots. But again, that's just me seeing the positive side of ... Views: 1151
Practicing gratitude is one of the best habits we can develop. It not only changes our lives, but it affects others around us. Our gratitude is like a positive energy that can inspire and energize others. I knew a woman who always confessed that she had a black cloud that followed her ... Views: 2156
One thing I absolutely love about a new year, or a new day for that matter, is that it gives us a fresh start to set new goals and implement new plans to pursue and achieve. I have recently set some new goals that have been keeping me very busy, motivated, and excited. One of my many goals ... Views: 1713
It seems something drastic has to happen in order for us to stop and savor how precious life is. We get caught up in the mundane work, stress and destructive behaviors of every day that we sometimes forget to recognize the gift we have all be given. This one and only life.
I was recently ... Views: 1303
There once lived a man whose only concern was to rid the world of adversity, anxiety, and unfairness. After many years of research and contemplation, he concocted a brew of special ingredients. He then produced and bottled his concoction in mass quantities, hung out his shingle, and took the ... Views: 1137
Back in December 2008 I was sitting on my deck in the shade working and writing, enjoying the most delightfully hot steamy Queensland day. This is how it played out:
“The waves are lapping gently on the concrete retaining wall as the tide is almost fully high. I have soft relaxation music ... Views: 1242
The church I attend had a Burning Bowl ceremony this past Sunday, New Year's Eve. I'd never heard of anything like that before. It turned out to be a great idea. As the ceremony was explained, I remembered doing something similar with my two kids several years back.
I asked my kids one year, ... Views: 1269
This is one of my favorite mantras. It is one that I firmly believe can transform lives. I know that it has transformed my own. I consciously affirm my blessings every morning when I wake up. For me, that has paved the way for even greater ... Views: 2206
Gratitude is a gift! It’s a powerful internal healing elixir capable of reviving your soul and generating new energy into your life. This is a gift available to you right now… and in every moment.
Whether things are going well in your life or if your circumstances challenge you to the core, ... Views: 1401
Mother Nature, in the form of heavy snow, has blessed me the gift of time this morning. With schools closed and clients calling to cancel, the morning has taken on a slower, more relaxed pace. Sitting with a cup of tea, gazing out the window, I feel a gentle release, glorious unexpected time ... Views: 1361
How many times have you asked for something and when you received that something you realized that is not really that important, that you could live without it? It starts like this: you have a thought and that thought is communicating to you that something wonderful will happen once you get that ... Views: 1593
Monster in the Closet
You knew it all along … even thought your parents denied it, you could never find it, but somehow deep inside all along you knew it was the truth. There is a monster in your bedroom closet.
“Oh Wow”, you say: “I knew it was true. What did I ever do to be haunted by ... Views: 1246
It starts as a vision that sprouts into a tiny seed, that holds the potential to grow into something that represents something stunning to us. It’s the cracking of the seedcase, the impossible emergence of the vitality of life, creation, thriving, growing reaching and bursting into light. This ... Views: 1041
In 2007 I looked around and realized I had in essence retired early. I was living the life of my dreams. I was doing work I would do whether or not I got paid for it and even if I only had a year left to live. What happened? So much had manifested in such a short time it felt like a mystery to ... Views: 1710
Do you know how to write a great thank-you note? You will when you follow these ten tips. It's easy. Here's your incentive: The better you write, the more great gifts you'll get. It's the Law of Attraction in action. Be sure to use my my Secret Knock-It-Out-Of-the-Park Tip to make the giver feel ... Views: 1504
The pews at the Church of St. Paul and St.Andrews, on 86th Street and West End Avenue, filled up as soon as the doors opened. Gentle folk, smiling and politely allowing one another to take choice seats near the make-shift stage, unhurriedly poured around the benches.
Ms. Nina Rao, master ... Views: 2078
I have never being the detailed life planner type but, three months ago, I thought I had everything on schedule to embark on a new adventure. You see, from time to time, we all need to turn the wheels and add some extra spice to our daily routine. I decided to resign to my too old in my calendar ... Views: 1044
“Welcome beloved LightWorkers! We are delighted to be of service to you on your quest for Peace and Gratitude. One must remember that Gratitude is the result of the work of Forgiveness. One must first be willing to shed the burdens of blame, anger, resentment & fear in order to feel the ... Views: 1800
Appreciating What You Have In Your Life
by Kimberley Cohen
Sometimes it’s difficult to appreciate what you have in your life because you might be looking at and longing for what you don’t have.
When you can be grateful for the love and abundance in your life right now, you are less ... Views: 15744
Rest and be thankful. William Wordsworth
Could we change our attitude, we should not only see life differently, but life itself would come to be different. Katherine Mansfield
If the only prayer you say in your life is "thank you," that would suffice. Meister Eckhart
This weekend I ... Views: 1410
Whether many of us will admit it or not, we are deeply ungrateful for what we have. It is a habit we acquired during the time the attitude 'more is better' was the dominate attitude of modern civilization. Becoming a Gratitude MASTER has not been easy for me... It has taken me years of ... Views: 2130
Let’s face it, the holidays can be stressful- the shopping, family, hosting, eating, parties, being alone… But you don’t need to be overwhelmed. Here are the top 5 tips to busting holiday stress:
1. Focus on gratitude instead of perfection: It is easy to get caught up in all the craziness of ... Views: 1109
With Heather Fanjoy,BS,ATP®
“Lightworkers Unite! It is time for us to speak our words of beauty and truth for all to hear. We must join together and assist all to have awareness! It is a Call to Action for your Earth plane! Fear not for we angels are here-now-today to lend our courage, ... Views: 1507
In his thoughtful and thought-provoking song “Anyone Can Whistle,” Stephen Sondheim writes:
It's all so simple,
Relax, let go, let fly.
So someone tell me, why can't I?
In this month of giving, getting, and gathering, when we all do more and push harder, relaxing and letting go are ... Views: 1026
Oh, that magical word, Christmas. It is such a wonderful occasion that is anticipated all year long. I sit here and look at my newly decorated Christmas tree. It has a ton of lights on it, and all kinds of colorful ornaments and a huge Santa Clause tree shirt that my grandson picked out. ... Views: 1876
Utilizing Gratitude as a Self-Confidence builder.
There is not doubt that our attitude has an effect on our outcomes. Continually being negative, seeing the bad side of things will limit our outcomes if not eliminate the good in ones life. At the same time being positive about everything does ... Views: 1981
Joy is found in simple pleasures. Acknowledge those moments when joy is present before they slip away. You may have to seek out joy, if it doesn’t find you.
Every day, joy is lurking just waiting to be discovered. In spite of busy lifestyles, pains and woes about money, relationships, ... Views: 1336
Happy Thanksgiving!
I’ve been privileged to join in the celebrations with our friends and family in the States on a few occasions. To me, it’s a lovely celebration – just a great time to be with the people you love and to give thanks for all the good things in your life. But giving ... Views: 1416
When you are really feeling poorly, it is difficult to feel grateful, and yet it is one of the most important times to count your blessings. Why? When you allow the pain to cause you to be worried or upset, your energy field closes down and it is difficult for any treatment to get through your ... Views: 1677
I am thankful... for simple acts of kindness
Did you ever go shopping and get a survey request with your receipt? Most people don't take the time to give their input unless it's especially positive or negative. Well, I had one of those especially positive experiences yesterday. I was ... Views: 1715
Pollyanna, the title character in a 1913 best-selling novel, has been given a bad rap. The plucky little orphan played “The Glad Game,” and found something to be glad about in every situation. When she was sent to a cold, barren attic room by her stern aunt, she marveled at the view out of her ... Views: 2260
My attitude of gratitude controls how happy I am in my life. Life still goes on and stuff is always happening, but my perception of the stuff that happens it so much brighter when I am able to find the gift. I have lived my life with no gratitude and it got me no where but depressed, broke and ... Views: 772
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Crystal's Gift - by Crystal Church from All About Life Coaching dot com
My purpose is to be honest. To empower others by not holding back my intuition and knowledge from them. It may very well be the piece they need to the puzzle in their life. I could be that one bit of information that creates a spark in their mind and makes them pull down the wall that has been ... Views: 873
How wonderful it would be if we could help our children and grandchildren to learn thanksgiving at an early age. Thanksgiving opens the doors. It changes a child's personality. A child is resentful, negative—or thankful. Thankful children want to give, they radiate happiness, they draw people. ~ ... Views: 1732
In a few weeks, we in the United States will be celebrating Thanksgiving. Are you thankful? Or do you find yourself constantly disappointed with life? Could it possibly be that the problem is not your life but rather your perspective? This month, I invite you to take some time and reflect on ... Views: 1286
Hi. I am writing and reaching out to all my tribe…the people that have touched my soul on so many levels. While, I am not sure I have everyone’s email I hope that it will reach all of you in some shape or form.
Since, I was a child I have been seeing this point and time. A time when the ... Views: 1487
Gratitude Brings to Light Abundance and Joy
By Jan Denise
On that first Thanksgiving Day in 1621, the colonists invited the Indians to join them in giving thanks for the harvest. Being thankful meant having enough to share. It still does.
A grateful man will share — and be glad he’s ... Views: 1883
Gratitude Grows More of What You Want
by Jan Denise
Your partner doesn’t always give you what you want. I bet there are even moments when he (or she) seems incapable of it, right? And if you dwell on those moments, you’ll feel like he’s never going to satisfy you.
There are other ... Views: 1361
1. I would meditate daily as if I were sitting on the highest ledge in the Himalayas witnessing the karmic wheels of all souls spinning round and round in an infinite amusement park called Leela, Cosmic Play . . . and smile.
2. I would be aware of my eternal nature while simultaneously ... Views: 3033
You cannot be grateful and bitter. You cannot be grateful and unhappy. You cannot be grateful and without hope. You cannot be grateful and unloving. So just be grateful. ~author unknown
Are you experiencing some toxic emotions like anger, bitterness, irritability, hopelessness or ... Views: 2566
Happiness is itself a kind of gratitude. ~ Joseph Wood Krutch
When I first came across this quote, I had to stop and think about it. Why would happiness be a kind of gratitude? According to Webster's Dictionary, to be grateful or thankful is to be conscious of a benefit being received and to ... Views: 1774
As within, so without. The way you think about yourself is the way the world thinks about you. If you value yourself, the world values you. If you don’t value you yourself, you might find that money does not flow to you. If you ignore your needs, you may find people not paying attention to you, ... Views: 2530
The Acceptable 3 F’s (Faith, Family, and Friends)”
Our focus today should be faith, family, and friends. I want to emphasize the importance of all three because each increases the quality of your life. Find time out of your schedule for each priority of faith, family, and friends. These ... Views: 7076
“Smiling and Laughing is Good for the Soul”
Did you not know that smiling and laughing at yourself is good? A smile is a facial expression that displays happiness. A smile with a buildup of emotion goes from silence to sound, which is expressed in laughter. Yes, a build of happiness that ... Views: 7097
By creating our own reality, thoughts, experiences, and whatever, we attract them into our lives and this is the main idea behind the Law of Attraction. If you know how to use the Law of Attraction properly, you can decrease stress and attract abundance into your life. The Law of Attraction ... Views: 1442