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Although no one can really answer this question for you, I hope to give you insights on what has worked for me and others. Through my own experience and research, I've developed a theory on what will make a husband stay and what will drive him further away. It is my opinion that "chasing a ... Views: 429
We represent only top end entertainers, such as fashion and cover models, centerfolds, TV presenter and actresses, professional athletes and young entrepreneurs. All the talent on our books are high achievers and are successful on their own right. Their names and career records are easily found ... Views: 618
Recent statistics show us that couples are trying trial separations in record numbers. There are potentially endless reasons for this. But, I believe that the economy is playing a large role. Maintaining and paying for two households is much more expensive than paying for one. Many couples ... Views: 412
This question is actually more common than you may think. When couples are in crisis or are in talks about taking a break, splitting up, or divorcing, emotions can run high and doubt can creep in. Affection, attraction, and love can still be smoldering under the surface even if a couple is ... Views: 520
Since I've begun writing about returning love to marriage, I often have wives who approach me and say they want to save their marriage, but their husbands have indicated that (or act as if) they no longer love or are in love with them. These wives don't know how in the world they can save or ... Views: 396
If you're reading this article, it's highly likely that your husband wants a divorce and you don't. Of course, I do not know whether he's merely suggested divorce or separation, you're actively going through it, or if he's already left. No matter the situation, this article will tell you the ... Views: 431
There are few worse feelings than being served with divorce papers when you want to save your marriage. It's absolutely normal to feel panicked and beaten. But, it's important to understand that it doesn't have to be "the end." Many marriages reconcile before the divorce is final. It's not an ... Views: 612
I often hear from frustrated wives (and sometimes husbands too) who are at their wit's end or at a crossroads in their marriage. Typically, the marriage is in real trouble and the wife has done seemingly everything in her power to save it, but nothing seems to be working. I'll often get comments ... Views: 439
I received an email from a very frustrated and confused wife who told me that her marriage was falling apart and she had no idea how to proceed because everything that she tried only seemed to make things worse. She'd tried confronting the problem head-on. She'd tried having a deep, heart to ... Views: 436
It's hard to ignore the signs that your husband has checked out of the marriage or is pulling away from you. I get many emails from wives who outline several different behaviors - lack of physical affection, spending less time at home, distancing themselves from the family, being overly critical ... Views: 355
I hear from a lot of folks who are trying to decide if their marriage is worth saving. They often want to tell me the details of their marriage and then get my opinion as to whether they should fight for their marriage or just give in and call it quits. The thing is, I never feel that I'm really ... Views: 533
I'm often contacted by panicked wives who tell me that their husband is pushing for a trial separation and they want to know how to change his mind before he walks out the door. Their thinking is that, once their husband has actually left, it's going to be harder to get him to come back than it ... Views: 456
Perhaps your spouse is only frustrated in the marriage. Perhaps he or she has taken it further already asked for a divorce or break. Maybe you've simply made a mistake and want to ask your husband and wife for forgiveness, to start over, or for another chance. Whatever your circumstances, I ... Views: 450
If you've found this article, I know that there is one person in your marriage who is at least willing to consider reconciling. This is good news because I am living proof that repairing a marriage only takes one person who wants to, at least initially. This article is based on my personal ... Views: 412
If you're researching how to win your husband back, then you are probably where I was a few years ago - either your marriage isn't as stable as you'd like, or your husband has mentioned leaving or divorcing, or you feel that you're relationship is headed in a dangerous direction. I have no way ... Views: 454
The following tips may seem counterintuitive at times, but please bear with me. They are based on my personal experience and the endless research I conducted when I was trying to save my own marriage. Your success will depend on how well you play them and the state of your relationship today, ... Views: 428
If you're reading this article, chances are you've just been through a breakup or separation of some kind and you want to repair the relationship or get back together. Perhaps your ex just wants a break, cooling-off period, separation, or he or she is not receptive to you at all. Whatever the ... Views: 573
Ask any five random people "what causes a divorce?" and you may hear a few different answers, but most people will likely answer with either "money," "infidelity," or "sex." These factors are indeed thought to be the most common causes of divorce, but they're only precursors to the number one ... Views: 373
I am asked this question a lot. Most times, I find that the person asking it doesn't really want to let her husband go (deep down) and wants to know something else. What most people are asking is: "Can one person save a relationship?" or "Can I change my husband's mind and save the marriage?" In ... Views: 624
I often hear from people who want step-by-step instructions on how to repair their marriage. Often, they know that some change needs to happen, but they just don't know where to start. And, they are afraid of doing something that is only going to make matters worse. Many tell me they think that ... Views: 502
Many wives struggle with how to address their husband's lies. Sometimes, these lies have to do with very important things like money, fidelity, and the marriage itself. Other times, the lies themselves aren't about serious or deal-breaking topics, but the fact that he continuously lies to you ... Views: 544
Family can be a huge contributing factor in whether you attempt to save your marriage or not. Many people confess to me that were it not for their children, the decision of whether or not to end their marriage would probably be a lot easier. Children can even factor into the equation once the ... Views: 417
I often hear from people (usually wives) who would very much like to save their marriage while they are separated, but they wonder if this will be possible because they suspect (or know for sure) that their husband is seeing someone else. It's hard enough to save your marriage together as a ... Views: 449
I often hear from wives who are practically pacing a trail on their floors as they are waiting for their husbands to decide to come back home and work things out. Sometimes, their husband is gone for much longer than they thought or would have hoped. Many times, he won't give them a straight ... Views: 405
I sometimes hear from people who just aren't sure if they are truly ready to walk away from their spouse and their marriage. Sometimes, they themselves are the ones who initiated the separation, divorce, or thoughts of giving up. Other times, they are responding to (and are at the mercy of) a ... Views: 453
I speak with wives who know that their husband wants a divorce because he has either told them of his intentions directly or filed divorce papers. Sometimes though, the panic that they feel about this (especially when they don't want a divorce) gets a reprieve because the husband one day just ... Views: 511
Many wives who feel as if their marriage is in trouble suspect that they aren't giving their husband what he needs to feel completely happy in the marriage. Sometimes, these unsatisfied husbands will tell their wives exactly why they are so unhappy with complaints like: “I just don't feel like ... Views: 528
I sometimes hear from wives whose husband is telling them that he isn't ready to come home or commit to the marriage because he fears that he's done something that has hurt her or his marriage too much.
I might hear: “my husband left home about six weeks ago. He admitted to having an affair ... Views: 474
I sometimes hear from people who are trying to save their marriages, but who aren't sure if things are going as well as they had hoped. Many people tell me that things feel very awkward or “forced” and they are worried that this means that they are just not going to make it.
A wife might say, ... Views: 355
I hear from wives who are trying everything in their power to get their husbands to come back home. And some of the husbands will give the wives every reason under the sun why he can't come home. Sometimes, these reasons sound a lot like excuses and the wife can begin to wonder if he will ever ... Views: 576
I sometimes hear from wives who are well aware that their marriage is only hanging by a thread. Many feel as if they are barely hanging on. Sometimes, it's pretty clear that the husband's heart isn't fully in it, although perhaps he has made a commitment to you and your marriage. Sometimes, ... Views: 411
I often hear from wives who want to know how to broach the conversation about saving their marriage. And, they want to make sure that when they are having this discussion, their husband is agreeable to what they are saying. No one wants to feel as though they're speaking to a brick wall.
Some ... Views: 399
One thing that frustrates many wives who are newly separated or taking a husband initiated "break" from their marriage is the husband's lack of clarity about how things are going to work. The wife often wishes that he could be specific about how things are going to unfold in the days and weeks ... Views: 415
Knowing the couple I'm about to describe as I already do, I can pretty much picture the scene in my mind. And since I myself went through the same scene in what seems like another lifetime ago, I've felt what I know that the wife is feeling right now. I can literally not only see what probably ... Views: 530
I often hear from panicked wives whose husbands have just or recently told them that he wants a separation. For many wives, the "s word" is often akin to proclaiming that the marriage is most definitely over, at least in her eyes. Many people associate a separation with an eventual divorce and ... Views: 404
I sometimes hear from wives whose husband has left them "because he needs some time to think." That's pretty much the extent of what he tells the wife. Rarely does he go a little deeper and offer up an explanation as to just what "thinking" actually means. Understandably, the wives are not ... Views: 438
I often hear from panicked wives whose husbands have just or recently told them that he wants a separation. For many wives, the "s word" is often akin to proclaiming that the marriage is most definitely over, at least in her eyes. Many people associate a separation with an eventual divorce and ... Views: 439
I often hear from wives who have been fed the "I love you but I'm not in love with you" line that many husbands will give when they aren't sure if they want to be married anymore. This is a very common topic that comes up time and time again. Many of the wives have trouble understanding what ... Views: 454
Many of the wives who contact me about finding a way to save their marriages realize that they had some part in the marital collapse. I often hear comments like: "we grew apart," or "we didn't make an effort to stay connected." Another example is "things just changed between us and the spark ... Views: 561
I often hear from wives who are scrambling to come up with the best course of action after their husband tells them that he wants a divorce. Many of them are looking for a way to make their husbands either regret the decision to divorce or to see that it is the wrong decision in the first ... Views: 446
Many wives who contact me are going through some serious turmoil within their marriage. Some are just beginning a separation and some have even been served with divorce papers. Others just know that their marriage is in serious trouble. Despite all of the drama going on their lives, many of ... Views: 482
Most of the people who contact me are willing to do just about anything to save their marriage and prevent a divorce. Sometimes, their spouse doesn't want a divorce either, but this isn't always the case. The situation that I most often see is that one spouse is considering a divorce, while the ... Views: 482
I recently heard from a wife who felt strongly that her husband no longer loved her. For the past couple of years, she had noticed a shift in her marriage. He no longer lit up when he looked at her. He no longer listened intently when she talked. He no longer spontaneously touched her or showed ... Views: 465
I recently heard from a wife who wasn't sure why she felt the way that she did. Her husband of five years had decided that he wasn't happy being married and he felt that he should explore life on his own to see if it would make him happier. He didn't give the wife much warning about this. He ... Views: 440
I sometimes hear from wives who are desperate for some sort of plan to make their husbands stay with them. Often, the husband has suggested a break, separation, or divorce. This is usually the last thing that the wives who write to me want.
A wife might say, in part: "I would do absolutely ... Views: 427
Many separated wives notice a transformation in their separated husband. They can't deny that he's actually a more pleasant person than he was before the separation. This would almost seem like a positive transformation - if the wife herself could enjoy it. You see, often the wife can't help but ... Views: 646
When you are reluctantly separated and want to save your marriage, you often intuitively know that communication is vitally important. Saving your marriage means that you are going to eventually need to overcome what drove you apart in the first place and then re-create the intimacy that will ... Views: 525
Many wives are very upset during their marital separation because their worst fear is literally coming true. Although their husband may have reassured them that they would stay in constant contact, once the separation begins, he can go silent. Many of the wives intuitively realize the inherent ... Views: 574
If a woman was to talk about what her father was like when she was growing up, she may say that he was very loving and supportive or she could say the complete opposite. Having said that, she may say something in between; saying something that is neither positive nor negative.
However, as she ... Views: 785
Nowadays, it is not uncommon for the term ‘fear of intimacy’ to be thrown around. In general, it is more likely that someone will use this term to describe another person than to describe themselves.
One reason for this is that it is usually easier for someone to spot this in other than it is ... Views: 635