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I have noticed that we have a tendency to have difficulties Receiving. And, that this is especially true for people who appear entitled, arrogant, demanding, critical, picky, choosy and such for in that approach they are actually rejecting… They have an underlying unconscious operating program ... Views: 620
Trust is very delicate and fragile and needs to be earned and developed, it is not a given. And, once it is achieved it is only transient. For it to survive it needs to be safeguarded and nurtured. It is like achieving our ideal weight and level of fitness. To maintain them we need to continue ... Views: 639
A lot of times when we are feeling stressed, bored, out-of-sync, reactive, and other such feelings, part of the reason is that we are operating from a less-than-resourceful state and are not tapping into our fullness, power and authenticity.
When we operate from this place and do not bring ... Views: 600
Whoever said that Halloween is just for kids and trick-or-treating? Yes, adults have fun too with the decorating, costumes, and parties. But I’d like to also suggest taking this a step further by using Halloween as a relationship-building tool. Why not? Why waste a perfectly set up situation ... Views: 631
In most relationships usually one partner wants more closeness and togetherness than the other. The partner that wants the togetherness and closeness derives their safety, meaning, and joy from being in relationship and in connection. They are the ones that do the “relationship work”, make the ... Views: 691
A common complaint in relationships is partners feeling disconnected from each other. I hear this as one of the primary concerns couples present with in my practice, aside from fighting a lot and not communicating. As a couple is composed of two different individuals who have different ... Views: 649
Whether there is a lot of fighting and bickering or quiet discontent and separateness, most couples struggle in their relationship. You might feel dissatisfaction, loneliness, and hopelessness seep in and take an unrelenting hold of your relationship from which you can’t seem to figure out a way ... Views: 625
What makes us Us? What is the essence of our relationship? Is it the sum of You and Me? Of two separate entities committed to each other, hopefully, that positively, or indifferently, relate to each other? The essence of our relationship is made up of the connection between ourselves and our ... Views: 641
Our relationship has a purpose. There is a reason for our relationship why we chose the partner we did. People, in more recent times, usually say they got married, or are involved in their relationship, because they love their partner, and/or have also other logical reasons why they decided to ... Views: 673
Have you gotten over yourself, evicted your Ego, yet? Are you full steam ahead? Are you all in? Are you fully committed to really giving it your all, to throwing your whole Self in? Are you fully committed to kicking some serious butt, to creating an extraordinary life and awesomest ... Views: 722
Couples frequently come to my practice expressing that they have lost something or that something is missing in their relationship. They complain there is no passion. They share that they are good friends, but want something more in their relationship. A lot of these couples have a sexless ... Views: 1054
If you’re familiar with relationship anxiety, you know that it doesn’t take much for a flyaway thought to send you into a tailspin of anxiety that then leads you to question if you’re with the right person. This thought could be, “I’m not feeling in love” or “My partner always irritates me” or ... Views: 1006
As always when I run my Sacred Sexuality course, I was blown away by the vulnerability and honesty on the forum on this last round. Where else do we share our deepest, darkest thoughts and feelings around sexuality, the ones we think we’re the only ones having, the ones that cause shame to ... Views: 880
Dear Future Partner,
There are some things you should know about me right now before we get involved. It’s only fair to apprise you of the situation and so I am coming to you with full disclosure; requesting that you read ALL the fine print listed below to ensure you are aware of what I am. ... Views: 850
If someone is in a relationship that they no longer want to be in, it might not be long until it comes to an end. Perhaps they have been together for a number of months, or they may have been with each other for a number of years.
Yet, regardless of the amount of time that they have been ... Views: 1143
Self-care is the essential practice of engaging in regular activities or practices to reduce stress, maintain and enhance our physical, emotional, mental well-being and health. It’s learning to take care of yourself, knowing your limits, and not sacrificing your health for others. More people ... Views: 1429
There are a number of things that can cause someone to experience incredible pain, and a breakup is one of those things. When someone experiences a break up, it can feel as though their whole has come to end.
It won’t matter if they had been with the other person for matter of months or ... Views: 1998
Today’s blog is about pain and the prescription for it, all rolled into one! First, let’s talk about the pain.
I hear all kinds of complaints about men from women. I hear frustration, genuine concern and fears that mostly centre around the fact that they don’t feel they’re getting what they ... Views: 1698
In order for two people to have a relationship together, they will both need to be able to behave like interdependent adults. The reason for this is that if only one of them acts like an interdependent adult, it will stop this from taking place.
Instead, what will happen is that one of them ... Views: 951
In our life, we might have come across some heartily aunt, uncle or grandparents. We always find them happily talking to everyone. They seemed to be loved by everyone and their love seems to be unconditional and equal for all.
The worldly dealing of such a good-hearted person are ideal ... Views: 674
There are a number of things that can cause a relationship to come to an end, and some of these things receive more exposure in the public eye than others. For example, it is not uncommon to hear about someone who had an abusive partner and how this caused their relationship to come to an end.
... Views: 953
In the same way that it wouldn’t be a good idea for someone to put anything into their mouth; it also wouldn’t be a good idea for them to open themselves up to anyone. Therefore, the level of discernment that they show when it comes to the former will need to be shown when it comes to the ... Views: 825
What can’t be denied is that no one is their own island; human beings need each other. This is why it has been said that although some people say that they are independent, this is nothing more than an illusion.
Therefore, while it might be hard for them to accept it, it doesn’t change the ... Views: 936
Dear Dr. Romance:
I enjoyed your article: Age Differences in Dating? Do you have any articles about younger women dating older men? I'm interested in the younger woman's motivations, and what the older man can say and do to will her affections. Have you ... Views: 3758
For some men, casual sex is something that they will engage in from time to time, while there are others who only have casual sex. When it comes to the former, this could be something that takes place after a man has just been in a relationship.
Going with another woman, more or less ... Views: 1555
Dear Dr. Romance:
I saw your article "Age Differences in Dating " I'm single, in my early thirties. for the last, i'd say 6 years, i have been extremely attracted to women in their forties. it's both a physical and mental attraction. i live in an upscale part of the ... Views: 1007
If a man was to end up in an intimate relationship, he may find that he feels fairly comfortable. Perhaps he is with someone who he has a good connection with and is physically attracted to.
There is then going to be no reason for him to keep this area of his life to himself, with him being ... Views: 1465
Naturally, someone’s life is going to be far more fulfilling if the people in their life are able to respect their boundaries. Having friends, family members and even a partner who can do this is going to make it easier for them to express themselves.
When this takes place, these people ... Views: 777
Getting hit by a love bomb feels glorious! The lavish attention and affection seems to answer our prayers. We’ve found Mr. or Ms. Right―our soul mate; unsuspecting that we’ve been targeted by a narcissist. The bomber abruptly changes colors and loses interest, and our dream comes crashing down. ... Views: 1115
It is not uncommon for a woman to complain about how she keeps ending up with men who are emotionally unavailable, and it would be easy to say that a woman like this is incredibly unlucky. Time after time, she ends up experiencing the same outcome - it can then seem as though men need to get it ... Views: 875
In the same way that there are a number of reasons as to why someone would want to eat something, there are also a number of reasons as to why someone would want to have a relationship. If someone wants to eat something, it could simply show that they are hungry.
Then again, it could also ... Views: 775
When someone is in a relationship, they may find that their behaviour doesn’t really change, and that this allows them to carry on as normal. Clearly, their life will be different as they will be with someone, but this won’t have caused them to become someone else.
Also, there are still ... Views: 813
“Love is one of the great enlargers of the person because it requires us to ‘take in’ the stranger and to understand him, and to exercise restraint and tolerance as well as imagination to make the relationship work.”
– May Sarton, Journal of a Solitude
I recently decided to join Instagram. ... Views: 824
When it truly comes down to it, marriage requires a lot of work.
This isn’t because it is a difficult thing to maintain, as loving someone can be rather easy, but because a strong marriage requires the desire of two people to outlast and outstrip all of the difficult times and negative ... Views: 797
When it comes to what causes one person to be attracted to another, it is can be easy to believe that it is simply due to effect that the other persons personality and/or appearance has had on them. These two factors will then have had the biggest effect on why someone is sexually attracted to ... Views: 793
If someone has the desire to be in an intimate relationship, they may find that it is only a matter of time before they meet the right person. Alternatively, they may find that they are only able to get so far.
The months will then pass and this area of their life won’t change, causing them ... Views: 1121
Ah, love. Whether you’re in the infatuation stage, a newlywed, or having some troubled times in your marriage, it’s normal to ask, “How long is my relationship going to last?”
I’ve had several couples lately – some in a pretty new relationship and others who have been together for decades – ... Views: 936
Sadly, along all the political back and forth that is polarizing men and women and in many of the relationships I see, I fear humanity is getting thrown in the rubbish.
Relationships haven’t been about connecting and community. It’s been about men vs. women. It’s been about truth vs. lies. ... Views: 1450
In the same way that some car journeys can be peaceful and obstacle free and some can be noisy and full of obstacles, relationships can also fall into one of these two categories. What is clear is that it is going to be far healthier for someone to be in a relationship that falls into the fist ... Views: 810
When the fear-fog clears, when the projection that has kept him separate from you and sealed a barnacle over your heart finally shatters, you see your partner as if for the first time. Not only do you see her clearly, in all of her sweet and simple splendor, but the delusions of separateness ... Views: 832
When someone shares something online, they can end up receiving a fair amount of attention, and this can allow them to feel good about themselves. Even so, what happens online might only be a small part of their life.
Therefore, they won’t be completely dependent on this attention, meaning ... Views: 816
When I was reading the book, ‘Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway’, there was a chapter that went into how important it was to have many different areas of interest in life, and not to put all our eggs in one basket, so to speak. The author, Susan Jeffers, pointed out that a lot of people make their ... Views: 933
A number of years ago I read a few books by David Richo, and this is someone who really knows what he is talking about. Whether it is relationships or self-development in general, his books are packed full of insights.
When I read two of his books towards the end of 2013, I had recently gone ... Views: 991
When two people get together and start a relationship, they can both have their own life. There is going to be how one person likes spend to their life and then there is going to be how the other person likes to spend their life.
Through being together, certain parts of their life are ... Views: 1109
We long for rapture. We long to be transported to an otherworldly place where the problems that weigh heavily into our souls and the pain that pierces our hearts lift away, if only for a moment. We long to feel profoundly alive and deeply fulfilled. We long for ecstasy.
Western culture ... Views: 745
I remember reading ‘Family Secrets’ by John Bradshaw and in this book he said, “it was and is your parents’ actually lives that educated you: not what they said, but what they did”. I took this to mean that what my parents did was far more important than what came out of their mouth.
This ... Views: 755
Money. Money is a hot topic in many relationships as there are intense emotions attached to money as well as a range of meaning around it. Partners have different ideas about the importance of money, what it means to them, its purpose, its role, how to manage it, and even how to earn it! Couples ... Views: 784
The season of renewal is finally here and with it comes an invitation to awaken to life. Note the blue skies, the sun shining, birds chirping, flowers blooming. What an enchanting time to be alive. The possibilities are countless.
As we are coming out of hibernation, it is time to look around ... Views: 744
My Wife Is Not The Same Person I Married: My Wife Is Not Who I Thought She Was
She loves me, she loves me not. How do I get my wife to love me again, you ask? First ask yourself how sure you are that she does not love you. Fortunately, even if her love for you has waned it is likely you can ... Views: 982
Often we’re so blinded by our emotions that we can’t decipher the true purpose of a relationship. Deep attachment can force us to stay in a relationship that was meant to end a long time ago. On the other hand, our stubborn will and uncompromising ego can make us leave a person who might be our ... Views: 1339