There are two simple, but extremely important things that I've noticed most people do NOT do very often.

The first one is acknowledge what they've accomplished.

The second one is clarify what they really want.

Most people have a tendency to focus too much on what they haven't yet achieved. Unfortunately this approach often leaves you feeling overwhelmed and dissatisfied.

It's important to pause on a regular basis to acknowledge what you HAVE accomplished, no matter how small it may seem.

Once you've taken a moment to pat yourself on the back, it's then time to clarify where you're going. You need to ask yourself, "What is it that I desire?"

There's a saying in the Personal Development field that "most people spend more time planning their vacations than they do planning their lives," and from my experience in talking with people around the world, I'd have to agree this is definitely true.

You don't have to go crazy with all the details of "how" you're going to accomplish your desired outcomes, all you need to do at this point is get clear on what it is you want.

With these two ideas in mind, and as a starting point in making 2010 your best year yet, I hope you take some time to answer and reflect on the following questions:

1. What were your Top 10 accomplishments in 2009?

You may want to jog your memory by going back through your appointment calendar or datebook. Remember to give yourself credit for all of the little things that are often overlooked. Include your "wins," "successes," "breakthroughs," and anything else of importance that happened to you over the past year.

2. What are the Top 3, 5 or 10 things you want to accomplish in 2010?

If you could design and live 2010 as "Your Best Year Yet," what would it look like? What is it that you'd really like to achieve this year?

It's also important that you to take a moment to figure out "why" you want to accomplish these things. Your subconscious mind responds to repetition and emotion, so the stronger your "why," the more you'll be able to "sell" your mind on helping you achieve your desired outcomes.

These two questions are not only a great way to end 2009 and usher in the New Year, but are also extremely helpful in keeping you motivated and focused throughout the year. Thus, I suggest you use them at the end of each week to keep you on track for a great 2010!

Author's Bio: 

Kim Smith is a Life Coach who passionately helps people learn and master the skills and strategies they need to experience the peaceful, happy, satisfying lives they want and deserve. Find out more at