Creating prosperity ensues when you have a prosperity consciousness.

If experiencing a prosperous life full of abundance is what you seek, it's vital for you to investigate your method of thinking.

Does your brain think in a fashion that's helpful with creating prosperity?

Or, do you think in a way that wards off abundance rather than attracting it?

Encouraging prosperity in your life isn't so much how you go about it as much as it is how you contemplate on it.

According to how you define your values and your definition of prosperity, there are a horde of things you may invest time into that will ultimately encourage abundance into your life... various personal growth, spiritual growth, business or investing opportunities, etc.

However, there's definitely something to the line of thinking that you better have the correct frame of mind if you hope to be successful at creating prosperity.

A prosperity awareness is one that exudes an energy field ripe with positiveness. Do you genuinely believe that you deserve abundance and prosperity? If you talk the talk but don't walk the walk, it's going to be hard for you to experience it.

Only you can ultimately make up your mind to transform your mentality and life energy. It's correct to say that what you express to the world comes back to you.

This might seem odd at first, but in order to be triumphant at creating prosperity, you must produce this belief. As your higher self believes, you unleash a form of energy that everybody and everything around you picks up on.

As your "prosperity energy" filters out, the people and circumstances essential for your abundance begin to appear in your life. It's your duty to recognize this and take advantage of opportunities as they appear.

Your "self image" is another vital part of creating prosperity. You can't keep going through your life abusing yourself.

Forgive yourself when it comes to your own mis-steps or blunders. Stop beating yourself up over prior challenges. Let your past go and center in on unleashing "forward thinking" energy.

Finally, it's a must that you really take action to bring about abundance in your life.

Yes, your attitude and energy are the beginnings to creating positive change. But you can't sit around waiting for some miraculous event to give you all the joy you're seeking.

Whether your idea of prosperity is in the form of financial or spiritual success, it takes focusing on specific activities in order to attain it. Be sure you put in the effort after "the way" shows itself to you.

Creating prosperity takes belief, prosperity consciousness energy, and positive activities.

Side note: After hearing the above prosperity thoughts, a word of caution on living a life of "pursuit". When looking to bring about prosperity and happiness, stay mindful of what is right in your life today.

Much of your suffering results from the idea that you'll be happy when you attain the next "thing". After you realize a goal, you feel little happiness because you've set another goal that, once achieved, will bring you happiness.

Simply be aware of this tendency. Creating prosperity also comes when you discover that maybe you already have all you need to feel satisfied and content.

"We cannot get grace from gadgets. In the Bakelite house of the future, the dishes may not break, but the heart can. Even a man with ten shower baths may find life flat, stale and unprofitable." - J.B. Priestley

Author's Bio: 

Matthew M. DeSilva is the creator of Life Purpose University, where you can digest the free 5-day e-course called “5 Key Blessings When Discovering Your Life Purpose”, that will aid you as you focus on pinpointing your purpose in life and creating prosperity. Get it now at: