There is an undeniable truth about the success of a business.  It must create income or it will not survive.  A KEY to the success of creating a successful business is having clients that purchase.  These clients are part of your goldmine.  Why do I say part?  Because your prospects (and clients) make up the other important part of your success.

So, how can you grow your Goldmine?  First, by having a “pot” in which to put your “gold”.  In other words, you must have a system that will create, grow and maintain YOUR DATABASE (at minimum having name, email, and phone number).  Second, by truly caring and creating value for your prospects and your clients.  Third, following up and following through in staying in touch with them.  Finally, you must have ways to test and determine if what you are doing is working, or not. 

One of the simplest ways to create and grow this “goldmine, is to use an effective email system.  The rest of this article will share with you some of the key points to look at and help you determine which is the most effective system for you.  I could easily get off into a tangent about how much leverage you have when you have a big goldmine, but that is for another article.  For this article, I’ll focus on the key components of a  good email system. 

Just to give you some reference of what I’ve done to get to this point of clarity about my email systems, I’ll share with you some of what I’ve invested for this knowledge.  I’ve spent hundreds (if not thousands) of hours over the last 7 years researching effective email systems for growing my business, I’ve spent even more thousands of dollars in research and education of these systems, and countless amount of energy to sift and sort through experience of what is most effective for growing my business.  In all these experiences, trial and error, and journey there are only a few that have stood the test of time and I’ll make mention of them at the end of this article.  But first I will share with you some of the key questions and points that I would recommend you look at before selecting your system.

  • How simple is it to use?
  • How friendly and helpful is their customer service? (VERY IMPORTANT!)
  • How many unique members/emails can it hold?
  • Does it have a tracking system for who opened your email?
  • Can it track what links have been clicked?
  • How effective is the deliverability of its emails?
  • Can you import existing leads?
  • Can prospects and clients opt-out of the system automatically?
  • Can you customize the messages and templates?
  • Is there a limit of messages that can be sent? If so, what is it?

These are the core questions I’ve looked at when selecting my system. There may be more in depth questions that come up for you, and that is the main reason why I say it is so important to have a system that has great customer service

Now, before I go on I must mention that, yes, there are programs out there that can be installed into a server and you don’t have to pay for a service.  I’ve experienced these also.  However, I discovered the hard way that these systems have many other limitations, and some of them are very important ones.  For example, the emailing industry keeps changing as the internet grows.  As these changes take place these software programs are static and don’t change with the industry, thus often making them extinct.  Then you need to upgrade and spend more money, re-import your leads, etc…just a big headache.  Not to mention other important issues like, understanding how many messages your server will allow you to send out in any one day.  For example, did you know that Yahoo only allows 100 emails to go out in any one day?  The others may end up in a holding pattern and/or never get delivered?

It is for the aforementioned reasons that I quickly learned that for emailing I prefer to pay an organization for their service that is dedicated to staying on top of the industry changes and adjusting as those changes occur.  Believe me, it has been some of my best invested income.  I don’t need to worry about things such as are my emails going out, are they getting bounced, blocked, etc.  From using these services, I can easily track what is going on and if I have any questions I have an entire team to support me at any time.

Getting back on track…

As I bring this article to a close, I share with you that there are three major markets that will determine the growth of your business:

  • A constant influx of new prospects and clients.
  • Getting prospects and clients to come back more often.
  • Getting clients and prospects to continuously take the next step.

Get a system that allows your business to maintain these three key markets, and watch your business grow.

Finally, as I promised earlier in this article, here are my top three choices for providing an effective email system.  Check them out for yourself, and you may even consider testing them out.  They all provide ways for you to have a test trial, either free or for almost nothing.  My top picks are…

I trust that sharing my experience will be of service and value to you in growing your business and your wealth.

Author's Bio: 

Leo Ramos invites you to create your next level of Body Mind Success. Use world class coaching for health, wealth, and growth..