As a Reiki practitioner for about 10 years now, one of the most amazing things about the beautiful healing art Reiki is its versatility. Not only can an individual use Reiki’s healing energy for their own healing, it can be used to help heal others from any distance. It can be sent to a future situation as well as events in the past. Reiki can be used with other healing modalities such as crystal energy work, any other energy healing, EFT (“tapping”), and along with Western medicine. Reiki can be used with children, animals, situations and objects; the possibilities are endless.

All it takes is a creative imagination and a second level attunement which enables one to use the Reiki symbols for power, distance and emotional healing. A daily Reiki practice is highly recommended if one truly wishes to unlock the many possibilities Reiki provides.

My daily practice consists of:

1. A short meditation on the compassionate, wise energy of Reiki
2. Expressed intention of what I wish to accomplish
3. A request to be filled with the energy of Reiki
4. Gratitude for Reiki and expressed faith in its power
5. Writing names, situations, intentions on paper
6. Repeating the names of the symbols each 3 times as I visualize them while holding the paper in my hands
7. Visualize Reiki working on my intentions
8. End by closing the Reiki and offering respectful expressions of thanks

Reiki is energy to be respected and I believe its sacred energy given us by the Creator to use respectfully as we wish. This entire practice takes less than 15 minutes or it can take as long as I wish, it’s my choice.

I am a natural born “helper.” It’s wonderful to know that with Reiki I am always able to do something for those who request assistance. It’s imperative that I don’t use Reiki without a request.

The one exception to this is when there’s been an accident, a serious unexpected illness or a disaster of some sort. Since the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan, I’ve opened Reiki energy to the people of Japan as well as its soil and water.
The recent disasters in the South and Midwest have been written down and Reiki opened to these situations.

When I open Reiki to an individuals’ family member for example, I do a short meditation first, expressing thanks and intention and asking that the Soul of the absent individual accept the Reiki energy. I also express that should the absent individuals’ Soul reject the Reiki energy, that it be redirected to the earth for the highest good of all.
If an individual is unable to ask for Reiki themselves, I always ask permission from the Soul. It’s my highest intention to open Reiki only to those who are receptive.

At the end of my day I log my experiences in a Reiki journal; gratitude is given for these experiences and faith in Reiki is expressed. When I go to bed, I place my hands on my chest and open Reiki for myself.

I truly believe that this daily practice has strengthened my Reiki ability. Through this daily practice, I have become aware of its usefulness in almost every situation. From cleansing and empowering my healing crystals to easing the symptoms of the cancer my husband was diagnosed with are just a couple practical benefits of using Reiki. My husband’s Dr. was certain he’d need chemo and radiation after his surgery. Guess what? That’s right, no chemo or radiation were required. He’s now working towards his second year cancer free! I give Reiki all the credit.

If you’re considering becoming a Reiki practitioner, an investment, however small, in a daily practice will go a long way towards empowering your Reiki.

Author's Bio: 

Mary is a 10 plus year Reiki practitioner who uses the energy of crystals, the benefits of the Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) and the skills of a professional Astrologer in her holistic healing practice The Crystal Crone.