A whole body, holistic approach is often the most effective, since it takes all areas of the body into account. This is one of the reasons why yoga has become so popular. It is inherently a holistic practice, not only addressing tightness in the body as a whole, but incorporating the healing effects of the breath and mindfulness.

To release the shoulders, let's begin with the names of the muscles we will be working with. The major muscle groups of the shoulders include pectoralis major and minor, the biceps, triceps, latissimus dorsi, trapezius, deltoid, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, teres major, subscapularis and serratus anterior.

One doesn't necessarily need to know the names and locations of all of the muscles, since how your body is feeling and responding to treatment is your best indicator of success, but it does help to understand your particular issue and the best approach to healing.

And, if you understand which muscles are chronically tight and which are weak, you can design a complete therapeutic regime which brings together strengthening and stretching exercises, which will lead to positive results, such as less or no pain, more quickly. It's also very helpful in understanding which muscles are tight and which provide relief when they are released.

There are a number of free classes online that focus on the shoulders, from beginner to intermediate and from 15 minutes to over an hour. The absolute best thing you can do, if you are experiencing head and neck pain, is to take a longer class that goes through a thorough stretching of the upper body muscles, at least three times per week - as long as you can do it pain-free. When you don't have the time, supplement with a shorter class.

When moving through the poses or classes, be very aware of how your body is feeling. Do not push into pain, but rather move into a stretch until you feel the stretch and before you feel any pain or discomfort.

And most important of all, breathe deeply. Your body will thank you for it!

Author's Bio: 

David Procyshyn has been a health expert for ten years and is the creator or www.doyogawithme.com. He studied Therapeutic Massage at the Natural Health Institute in Montreal, Thai Massage with various teachers in Chiang Mai, Thailand, completed his Yoga Teacher Training with David Goulet at the Chakra Yoga Centre and Graduated from McGill University with a degree in Environmental Biology.