Fibromyalgia is a long term condition that causes musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues.It is most common condition affecting soft tissues, muscles and bones not the joints. A diet with low-calorie, high-fiber food and rich in antioxidants can lead to better overall health. Fried and excessive amounts of saturated fats is a common trigger for fibromyalgia flares. There are lots of unhealthy fats, bakery products, processed food, high-sugar, high-salt, caffeine, alcohol, fast food and junk foods which may lead to weight gain and severe pain as well. Eating antioxidant-rich foods may ease fibromyalgia symptoms.

Diet Chart for Fibromyalgia

EARLY MORNING - One glass of water + 1 tsp fenugreek seeds

BREAKFAST - Broken wheat porridge / Veg Semolina (veg upma)/ Veg Vermicelli / Veg poha (Rice flakes) Veg Idli / Brown Bread Sandwich / Besan pancake (gram flour) / Stuffed Chapatti / Chapatti with veg or Dal / Semolina pancake / Yogurt / egg white

MID-MORNING-Salad / Fruit / Coconut water / Sprouts

LUNCH- Plain chapatti / Veg khichri / Veg pulao / Vegetable + Dal + Curd + Salad

EVENING-Green tea / Herbal tea / Roasted Chana / Sprouts / Rice flakes snack

PRE-DINNER-Soup (Home-made)

DINNER- Plain chapatti / Vegetable + Dal / Steamed Salad

Diet Instructions

Cereals - Foods to be consumed

Whole grains cereals, Wheat flour, Oatmeal, Whole brown bread, Porridge, Oatmeal, Brown rice, Brown bread, Barley

Cereals - Foods to be Avoided

Refined flour and its products, Sweet biscuit, Cream filled biscuit, Cream crackers, Cheese biscuits, Noodles, Pasta, Macaroni

Fruits - Foods to be consumed

Apple, Banana, Papaya, Pear, Melon, Watermelon

Fruits - Foods to be Avoided

All citrus fruits, Gojiberries, Canned fruits and juices

Vegetables - Foods to be consumed

All vegetables, Seasonal vegetable should be consumed, Steamed vegetables like Radish, Carrot, Onion, Cucumber etc. Vegetables - Foods to be avoided

Potato, Sweet potato, Yam, Jackfruit, Tomatoes, and green peppers, canned vegetables and Chips and Roasted potatoes, Crisp and Cheese filled snacks, Coconut, Frozen vegetables.

Pulses - Foods to be consumed

All pulse and legumes

Pulses - Foods to be Avoided


Foods to be avoided - Dairy Products

Foods to be consumed -- Dairy Products

Yogurt, Curd, tofu

Foods to be Avoided -- Dairy Products

Milk, Whole milk and cream, Full-fat yoghurt, Cream cheese, Condensed milk, Raw milk, Unpasteurized cheese, Blue-veined cheese, Soft mold-ripened cheese.

Fats - Foods to be Consumed

Cow ghee, Sunflower oil, Canola oil, Olive oil, Rice bran oil

Fats - Foods to be Avoided

Unsaturated fats, Cream, Palm oil, Coconut oil, Butter, Safflower oil

Spices - Foods to be Consumed

Cumin, Coriander, Salt, Turmeric, Ginger, Black pepper, Fennel, Thyme

Spices - Foods to be Avoided

Red chilies, Table salt (excess)

Flesh Foods - Foods to be Consumed

Egg white, Roasted chicken, Grilled Fish, Lean meat, Skinless chicken, Salmon, Tuna, Turkey

Flesh Foods - Foods to be Avoided

Raw, Uncooked and Processed meat, Fish especially Selfish, Shark, Swordfish, Marlin, Clams, Mussels, Oysters and Scallops, Meat patties, Burgers, Pork, Organ meat, Liver, Kidney, Chest, Red meat, Fish fried in suitable oil, Prawns, Lobster, Crab, Lean beef, Lamb, Ham, Rabbit, Sausages, Mutton, Salami, Bacon, Duck, Goose, Visible fat on meat .

Dry-Fruits - Foods to be Consumed

Almond, Flax seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Walnuts

Dry-Fruits - Foods to be Avoided

Pistachio, Cashew nuts, Peanuts, Raisins

Drinks to be Consumed

Coconut water, Clear soups, Green tea, Herbal tea, Beetroot juice, Bitter gourd juice, Pumpkin juice, Carrot juice

Drinks to be to be avoided

Whole milk drinks, Cream based liqueurs, canned soup and Packaged soup, Alcohol, Sweetened drinks, Squashes, Carbonated drinks, Tea, Coffee

Prepared Foods to be consumed

Home made only, Jaggery, Honey

Prepared Foods to be Avoided

Pastry, Puddings, Packed soups, High fat dressing or mayonnaise, Cream soups, Chocolate, Fudge, Butter scotch, Coconut bar, All fried foods, Junk foods, Sauces etc. Peanut butter, Fruit jellies, Jams, Refined sugar, Marmalade, Sweeteners, Chutneys, Pickle, Ice-cream, Sauces etc.

Diet Tips

Walk for at least 30-45 min is recommended.

Whole fruit should be preferred to fruit juices.

Skipping of meals should be avoided especially breakfast.

Seasonal fruits and vegetable should be consumed.

Water intake should be increased at least 8-10 glass regularly

Herbal Tea- Boil ½ tsp each of fennel, coriander, cumin in cups of water till it's reduced to 2 cups.

Flax seed- 1 tsp / day

Soaked almond- 5 to 7 pieces / day


This Whole Information For Your Good Health and Wellbeing is Being Provided By Planet Ayurveda


Author's Bio: 

I champion initiatives that build a culture supporting Diversity and Inclusion and teamwork. My background is in Online Advertising and made the switch to the fascinating Localization Industry in 2018, where I hear, one never leaves.