With the crisp mornings and even cooler evenings here in New England, it seems we are fast approaching the end of another year.

The leaves have changed colors. The sky has taken on its winter hue. The frenzy of the holidays are fast approaching with just a few more weeks until the beginning of a new year!

Where did the time go? If you're anything like me, you wonder how summer could have come and gone so quickly.

Speaking of how quickly things change…how much have you accomplished in the way of making the changes you started out with at the beginning of the year?

What promises did you make to yourself this year?

How are you doing with your exercise routine?

Where are you in finally getting rid of that clutter?

What ideas are still lingering somewhere in the recesses of your mind waiting to be implemented?

Are you still procrastinating, waiting for the right time, opportunity or circumstances…

If any of this rings true, you're not alone…

Even with the end of the year looming, and the even busier holidays taking up more of your time and energy, you still have time to take some actions.

You can start today!

Why not use the last few weeks of the year to fall into action. Zero in on what you desire most. Make a list of your goals and set realistic plans to carry them out.

If you've already accomplished some goals this year, congratulations! But, if you're still working on completing some goals, it's not too late…

Here are 3 tips to get you started:

Get your Priorities in order – Only you know what a priority is for you. Maybe, it's spending more quality time with your family, changing careers, becoming financially fit, or having more "Me" time. Whatever priority you have set for yourself, make sure it's more than an item on your to do list.

Write it down – A goal not written down is just a wish. Wishing does not bring about results. Write out a list of the things you want to achieve within a specific time frame. Writing down your goals gives you a visual of what you can accomplish.

Take Action – Whatever goals you set for yourself will not be realized unless you put in place some action steps. Make sure you outline step by step the actions you need to take to reach your goals. Break each goal down into manageable steps you can take to get you where you want to go.

To learn more about how you can live your best life now with confidence, courage and clarity, please register at http://www.coachforyourdreams.com to receive a subscription to my bi-weekly ezine, "Insightful Living", filled with thought-provoking articles, tools, tips and strategies to assist you as you journey on the path of self-discovery.

And, as a bonus, you will also receive a complimentary special report "The Fear Factor - 5 Easy Steps to Triumph over Fear".

Author's Bio: 

Gladys Anderson, founder of Coach for YOUR Dreams, is a certified life coach, licensed marriage and family therapist, writer and speaker. Gladys combines years of experience, training and a genuine commitment to helping women balance the many demands on their time and energy, create limits that shift balance from overwhelm to energized, and live lives of courage, confidence and clarity. To learn more information about Gladys and her program offerings, please visit http://www.coachforyourdreams.com