One of the questions I get asked the most is..............................How do I find and choose a reputable Teacher to learn Reiki with ?

Learning Reiki and participating in Reiki Attunements is a very personal and empowering thing to do in Your life. A Teachers task is to instil in the Student the connection, confidence, ability and knowledge to use this wonderful gift. We all have different ways of learning new skills, and a good Teacher will tailor the learning process so it suits your acuity best. Some people learn best by hands on experience, needing the tactile sensations and feedback to understand. Another, might learn best by reading and study, or by listening and seeing. A good Teacher will ensure that all the instruction and experience is presented to the student in a clear, easily understood way.

There are many people who now teach Reiki, and many of them advertise their services openly. You can search the internet, attend Mind Body Spirit fairs, look in New Age shops, visit healing centres and ask your friends for personnel recommendations. Being a Spiritual self improvement modality, your inner guidance, trust and openness will be of great assistance. One much quoted teaching states " When the Student is ready..............The Teacher will appear"

Having found some suitable and knowledgeable Teachers it is very worthwhile finding a little more about them. Checking their Qualifications if that is important to you and contacting other people they have taught before. I would recommend a personnel visit if possible. I Myself would always address any questions a Student may have, and give them a reiki healing so they might have first hand experience and be able to energetically feel if I was the person they would like to teach and attune them to Reiki. I would outline what would be covered, show then a copy of the manual and certificates, let them know of any previous students that lived close to them.

A typical teaching day for me would be:-
Meeting and greeting the Student.
An out-line of the days activities.
A beginning meditation to create a sacred space and Spirits assistance.
The history of Reiki and My Linage.
Good healing session practices.
Professional codes and conduct.
Record keeping, insurance and building a client base.
The Reiki symbols and methods for connection to the Reiki Source.
Hand positions and other helpful advice on giving Reiki Healings to others.
The actual Attunement itself.
Teachings on the Aura, Chakra's, Human Energy System, Meditation, Grounding, Protection and working in a sacred space.
A Reiki practise healing swap.
A Reiki healing for the Student to assist in integrating the energetic transmissions.
Any questions the Student had answered to the best of my ability and wisdom.
Presentation of Manual and Certification.
I would always offer support, advice and feedback. The most important thing for me was to instil the confidence in the Student to go out into the World and use their new abilities to assist others.

I hope this article has been helpful, Jules.

Author's Bio: 

I was drawn to Reiki in 2000, I had always been interested in Energy Work, Chi Kung, Meditation and Yoga.
After my first Reiki attunement into the Usui Reiki system I got such good energetic feedback, it encouraged me to learn all I could.
Since then I have been attuned to Teacher level in Usui Reiki, Tibetan Reiki, Seichem, Lightarian Reiki, Kundalini Reiki and the Egyptian Cartouche.
Its a pleasure to give healing sessions, both in person and by distance whenever called to be of service.
My other interests are :- Yoga, Meditation, Reading, Keeping Fit, Kettlebells, Qi-gong, Shaolin Arts, NLP, Hypnosis, Positive Thought, Graphics and Web Design, Relaxing, Listening to all kinds of Music, Gardening, Garden Design, Propagating and marvelling at the beauty of nature.
Namaste, Jules.