The omega 3 essential fatty acids found in fish oil, known as polyunsaturated fatty acids, or EPA and DHA, have been found to provide a multitude of benefits for the skin.

First of all, omega 3 fatty acids decrease inflammation throughout the body, including causing a significant decrease in C-reactive protein, one of the most important inflammation markers in our blood. Several common skin problems, such as psoriasis and acne, have been linked to excessive levels of C-reactive protein in our blood.

The EPA and DHA found in fish oil decrease the production of prostaglandins in our bodies. Prostaglandins are chemical messengers that work inside our cells, acting a little bit like hormones. They are synthesized inside the cells themselves and an excessive amount of them can cause inflammatory responses, whether they be arthritic, rheumatic, allergic or skin reactions. Prostaglandins can also help tumour cell growth, eventually leading to cancer.

It is an excessive intake of omega 6 fatty acids, relative to omega 3, that causes the imbalance in prostaglandins that can cause skin diseases, such as proriasis, excessive acne, or scaly, itchy skin.

Secondly, fish oil omega 3s can help people with acne, through a different mechanism, this time a hormonal one. Research has emerged which shows that EPA and DHA can inhibit the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. It is DHT which is the main trigger of white acne blemishes, especially in teenagers undergoing puberty.

Parents should be especially concerned if their teens are not getting enough omega 3s in their diets, because, in addition to acne, DHA deficiency can cause ADHD and poor school performance. To top it all off, the acne itself can have a negative effect on a student's social life, thereby worsening the situation. DHA deficiency can also cause depression, which has become a serious problem in today's youth.

In other words, EPA and DHA are not only essential to healthy skin, they are very useful all-around nutrients that all people can benefit from.

It has been found that the omega 3s in fish can regulate the amount of DHT produced in the body, thereby decreasing acne symptoms over time. Coupled with the anti-inflammatory effects, fish oil capsules are a very effective means to improving the condition of one's skin

Author's Bio: 

Sector rotator. Natural health and biophysics devotee. I enjoy mountaineering, baguazhang, learning interesting things and the music of Piazzolla.

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