I just finished a coaching call with one of my favorite clients. I really love this guy (as I do all my clients), because he is a really genuine person, cares about his patients and wants to make his business truly incredible.

And I want to share something very interesting from our session today...

We are working together to build his healthcare practice to increase his patients, his staff, his sales, his own take-home pay, reduce his debts and create a long-term plan to take daily pressure and responsibilities off of him while building up his business. And I know that he is going to succeed.

But at the moment, he has some things that are getting in the way. He is:
- Not sleeping
- Not eating properly
- Not taking personal time to relax
- Not exercising
- Has personal relationship concerns taking up his valuable business energy and time
- Feels hyper and stressed out

And all these things circle around into an almost unbreakable cycle.

On top of it all, he often is counseling his patients on such matters. But sometimes no matter what our role, we need a helping hand from someone else.

In this case, “Who doctors the Doc?”

So we dug deep, looking for some huge subconscious stumbling block that has probably been buried for years. You figure something that has all these problems coming up at once must be pretty complicated and.. well… “messy.”

We dug and dug. And what does the answer turn out to be?


Yep - We figured out that he is drinking too much coffee as a way to keep his energy up and get through his busy, sometimes stressful workdays.

So his plan to fix all this over the next week?

Drinking less coffee.

A lot less.

He is going to only drink two cups of coffee per day, and none after 12pm.

How does that fix all the other problems?

Well, by drinking less coffee and not having it later in the day, he should be able to get home at night and feel like getting some exercise in to get the heart moving, instead of needing to sit down and relax because the heart is already racing.

If he gets 30 minutes of exercise in after work, he is probably going to "sleep like a baby," in his words.

If he gets more and better sleep, he is going to be less stressed at work and feel better when working with his patients. With a clearer head, his relationship “issues” will be more easily defined and sorted out, and he’ll have more energy. If he has more energy, more focus and a better mind-set, he will be more productive. When he is more productive, he will be able to get more done and therefore have more time to spend away from work....

And the cycle starts to spin the other way. Instead of all the bad things spiraling out of control, all the good things are going to do the same thing with much more favorable results.

And he started the “good spiral” today by pouring out the rest of the coffee that was sitting in front of him as we talked.

So.... Now it’s your turn to ask yourself:

What one little action step are YOU going to take today that will help everything else fall into place? What one little change in your daily routine is going to make your life better and in turn help you grow your business?

Whatever it is, write it down now and stick it on your refrigerator or on your computer monitor. Set it as a reminder on your calendar or to-do list. Remind yourself everyday what it is, and how it will help.

Because it will help, if you make it happen.

Author's Bio: 

Jason Rosado provides business coaching, professional speaking, workshops and seminars to help small business owners, entrepreneurs and sales professionals to achieve their ideal business in 12 months or less.

Jason E. Rosado
Business Coach & Professional Speaker

"Helping entrepreneurs and small business owners achieve your ideal business in 12 months or less."
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