Do you own a website? You may need to collect data once you get a new visitor to your site. Google Analytics tool is the best bet at the gathering of data. It helps you target your ads towards readers that matter to you. Google analytics helps target readers. It analyses higher click rates and conversion rates. Here are steps to put in place the Google ccpa compliance:
Inspect your data collection with Google analytics
It is a great idea to examine your use of google analytics. The process will help you find ways on how you broke the law. The inspects should be regular. Also, you should ensure you stay up to date with any policy changes. Learn all terms of the law so you can apply them.

Accept data processing terms

Doing the most important things does not have to be hard. Google updates data processing terms. All you must do is accept the terms by going to the setting and clicking take. Those who have bought Google analytics from a reseller should not worry. The reseller has already updated your data processing terms

Adjust Data retention and make IP setting Hidden
Data holding is the amount of time you keep data in Google Analytics. You can set Data retention to different levels. The options include expiring at once. In this option, your site does not keep information after the user leaves. Other options keep the data for up to fifty months. The setting you select depends on the kind of data you need and the legal advice you get

There is an effortless way to keep user data protected. Anonymization hides user data for your site. You can take different approaches to hide data. You can decide to hide the IP addresses that visit your site. This method reduces the correctness of location services. The other side uses software like Moodle that hides the data for you.

Update your privacy policy

Having ccpa compliance is easy. All you can do is inform your visitors of the data you collect. Explain why you collect the data. Transparency is key. Yet, we need to educate visitors, especially when dealing with known data.

Create an opt-out consent box

Give power to the users. You can give them a choice to opt-out. That provides the data with the owner's control over their data. Reach this decision after you get advice from your legal team. There is a lot of data on the google analytics page on using the policy.

Create a process of honoring Data Rights

The law in ccpa compliance gives consumers data right. The rights include the right to delete, access to information, etc. It would help if you supplied your site visitors the choice to exercise their rights. Access to these rights is part of ccpa compliance.


Most sites take sensitive data. Having ccpa compliance goes beyond following the law. It is about keeping private data safe. Thus, we have to secure it. The ccpa law does not cover all data violations.

Author's Bio: 

I'm Naman Modi Serial Entrepreneur, Business Blogger, Digital Marketing Expert, CEO & Founder of Naman Modi Digital.