Is it possible to start a business in minutes?
The answer is "Yes".
You can have your own business fully set up with 3 simple steps :

1. Find an affiliate marketing network program.
ClickBank and PayDotCom have offered a good business affiliate programs where you can earn up to 75% of every sales commissions made. Google Adsense and Amazon are also free-to-join programs where you can post their advertisement links to your blog or website to earn additional revenue from them.

2. Fill up a registration form.
This step should be an easy task for most of us as we have been doing it many times in our life. I would recommend you to set up a PayPal account before you proceed to this step. Although you can request to get your earnings by check, you can receive your earnings faster through PayPal.

3. Submit the online form.
Your affiliate business is now up and running instantly upon registration. You can choose a product from the marketplace and start to make your earning.

Over 50% of the work has already done for you from the moment you signed an affiliate business. Product, website, sales letter and customer enquiry support are all readily available upon your registration. The remaining percentage of the work you need to do is to get visitors to your website affiliate programs.

Is it possible to start a marketing strategy within minutes?
The answer is “No”, if you are new to internet business, but you can achieve it in an hour with substantial amount of practice.
In this article, I will be sharing some tips on how to start an affiliate marketing strategy in an hour.

Tip 1: Niche Research
A niche is a specific product or service you are focusing to the market needs. Select a niche that is relevant in the market and offer highest paying affiliate commission. A quick idea is to know what is the hottest topic or trend everyone is talking about today. For example, iPads, iTunes, soccer, movie, etc.

Tip 2: Trend Research
Use "Google Trends" to do research for your niche. If the trend of the niche is a high or in rising trend, it means that the niche has its value in the market.

Tip 3: Keywords Research
Keywords are essential internet marketing tool to promote for your niche to the internet search engine effectively. Use "Google Keywords Tool" to do research on the most appropriate keywords for your niche.

Tip 4: Strategize Your Affiliate Marketing Plan
There are many marketing strategies available. Article writing, press-release, social marketing, email marketing, SEO marketing, etc are strategies commonly used most internet marketers. You can use a combination of these strategies to expand your publicity in promoting your affiliate product.

Tip 5: Implement Strategy to Generate Traffic
Generating traffic is very important in an affiliate business. Implementation of your strategy is the key to drive traffic to your affiliate website. The more channels of advertising you implement, the more traffic you will generate.

You may have to take a few hours to start your first marketing strategy. When you put your research to practice, you can start your marketing strategy in an hour. There is no best marketing strategy that one size fits all. Research, test and practice from time to time is necessary to keep your business rolling.

Author's Bio: 

Tan Kim Cheng Affiliate Marketing Guide is a one-stop resource site that offer affiliate marketing solutions. You can find articles, videos, faq, strategies and every related informations about Affiliate Marketing at

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