Have you ever thought of killing yourself?


I have.

A number of times over the course of my life in fact.

If you've never had that thought before you'll probably think it's crazy, but if you have, you'll know exactly how sad, lonely, and hopeless it can feel.

Whether you can relate or not, here's something really interesting I've noticed...

It's just a thought!

Really. That's all it is. A freakin' thought!

In fact, that's all anything in life we experience is - just thoughts, followed by emotions.

Okay, why is this so important (and it is SO important).

Because if you realize it's just a thought, you can learn to separate yourself from it.

In other words, if it's just a thought, it doesn't have to define you.

For many of us, our thoughts are like a raging river, rushing downstream, non-stop, each and every day, for most of our waking lives.

The trouble comes when we "dive in" to the river of thoughts. At that point we often become caught in the current and dragged to places we don't necessarily want or need to go.

Here's a practice I've found very helpful for rescuing myself from drowning in the raging river of thought.

First, I use my awareness to "notice" that I'm in the river and being pulled downstream.

Then I remind myself that I don't have to be carried away with the current, and can remove myself from the river of thought.

At that point, I imagine myself magically sitting on the shoreline, peacefully watching the river from underneath a shady tree.

Then I envision slowing the river down, from raging to a slow, calm current.

Finally, I remind myself that I am NOT the river, and that it's all just THOUGHTS, which I do not have to be identified with, and that it/they will pass if I just relax and stay in the present moment.

This, like all other skills, takes practice.

And of course, sometimes it's easier said than done. There are certain thoughts and corresponding emotions that we each have that can be challenging to escape from.

But, for me it's been a literal life-saver, so I encourage you to give it a try.

As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts on today's topic. You can write to me at kim@coachkim.com.

© 2009 Kim Smith

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About the Author: Kim Smith is a Life Coach who passionately helps people learn and master the skills and strategies they need to experience the peaceful, happy, satisfying lives they want and deserve. Find out more at www.coachkim.com.