Just like the rest of your body, your skin also needs proper care. Vitamins and minerals are important building materials for the skin. They protect the skin and accelerate recovery after damage. We need vitamins for our physical functioning, vita means "life." Most vitamins we need to get through nutrition because the body does not make them themselves. But does it matter whether it comes from your diet or cream? Your body continuously fabricates all kinds of fabrics. One of those dust is free radicals. These are often seen as the major offenders when it comes to skin damage.

Natural process
But the production of free radicals is a natural process that can not be stopped. The free radicals can be reduced by antioxidants. The best-known antioxidants are the vitamins A, C, and E.

Vitamins through the skin
The skin is built to protect against external influences. The upper layer of skin consists of all dead cells, which form a barrier to external substances. As a result, only high-dose, medicinal creams have the ability to penetrate into the living cells through the skin. These creams are only available on doctor's prescription.

In many face creams, vitamins are also being processed today. The effect of these vitamins is less known. Researchers generally find no effect. It, therefore, seems that the vitamins should come from the inside, through the diet. But vitamins in creams do not make any harm either. In addition, even the small amounts of face creams may have a positive effect on prolonged use.

Vitamins through the diet
Vitamins in your diet certainly have a positive effect on your skin. The main vitamins for your skin are vitamins A, C, and E. Especially when you smoke, vitamin E is of great importance.

In addition to the antioxidants, the B vitamins are also important for your skin. Certainly, if you suffer from stress, it is advisable to take extra vitamin B. And especially vitamin B2, B3, B5, B6, and B8.


Vitamin A: helps in the production of elastic and collagenous tissues, thereby slowing down the aging process, accelerates cell renewal in the epidermis and provides smoother skin. Reduces the chance of infections. Vitamin A is found in carrots, spinach, apricot, green cabbage, and broccoli.

Vitamin B: a vitamin B complex is a collection of vital substances like thiamine, biotin and folic acid. The main function is to strengthen the skin cells. For example, Vitamin B is in silvery rice, fat fish, nuts, and legumes.

Vitamin C: Do you want to know why vitamin C is good for your skin? It belongs to the antioxidants that protect against free radicals. Thus helps to prevent skin cellular aging and vitamin C improves the immune system. Vitamin C is also good to how vitamin c can help acne, for example, in citrus fruit, kiwi, onion, broccoli, spinach, and strawberries.

Vitamin D: is produced in the skin under the influence of the sun (15 minutes of sunlight per day is sufficient). For example, it lowers the chance of skin melanoma. For example, Vitamin D is in fatty fish (especially in cod), egg yolks and liver.

Vitamin E: activates blood flow, stiffens the tissue and prolongs the skin cells. It also improves oxygen through the skin. Vitamin E is, for example, in cold-pressed oils (olive oil), almonds, raw (uncooked) nuts, silver rice, and eggs.

What is it in?

Vitamin A is also made by the body from beta-carotene. This is obtained from orange fruits and vegetables, such as carrots and sweet potatoes. Dark green vegetables are also a good source of this. Important sources of Vitamin A are liver, fish, milk products and butter. In addition, vitamin A is added to margarine, halvarine and baking and baking products to the level of butter.

Vitamin B is mainly found in yeast-containing products like bread and marmite. Liver and different types of beans also contain a lot of vitamin B.

Vitamin C is found especially in citrus fruits, but also in many other fruits and vegetables. In nuts and seeds is a lot of vitamin E. But berries, forest fruits, plums, avocado, and soya contain this vitamin. Also, read how vitamin C can help acne?

Varied food, with lots of vitamins, eliminates wrinkle formation as long as possible. In addition, you can drink enough water (minimum 1.5 liters) and do not smoke.

Superfoods for the skin

Most superfoods are brimming with vitamins and minerals, and there are some that are particularly suitable for healthy skin. I mention here are few: Aloe Vera contains about 75 beneficial nutrients and 12 vitamins.

Works both from the inside and you take it from the outside when lubricating on the skin against inflammation, dry skin, skin irritations, acne, allergies, eczema, psoriasis, hypersensitivity and foot fungus. It also provides a radiant to the skin. For example, you can add smoothies, juices or homemade nut milk. Goji Berries are also often recommended for their smooth and smooth skin smoothness. The berries have a powerful antioxidant effect that can prevent aging.

Author's Bio: 

Misty Jhones