I appeal to young people considering a first career, older people
thinking about a change of life or even school students deciding upon
A level subjects or a university degree to look first at what you love.
If the love word is a bit strong for you then at the very least, please
genuinely like your choices. Do your utmost to choose a direction for
yourself that represents an overriding passion, an instinctive, everintriguing
interest; something you would still do even if you had all
the money or success you needed. This is the pathway that will bring
happiness into your life. This is the solution to life you should be
focusing your mind upon.
Do not blindly follow the well-trodden road you think leads to money,
status or possessions in the belief these things will guarantee inner
contentment and happiness. Many have mistakenly taken this path
before only to be ‘rich’ and miserable or to crash down bewildered
and beaten en-route.
Seek what you love doing and true happiness and success will follow.
You already know in your heart and soul when doing something you
love that you become absorbed with it. You persevere with it and find
meaning even when overcoming obstacles or set-backs.
With this effortless level of commitment you become excellent at
such an activity and it follows that by being excellent, you will be
successful. What logically follows success and excellence, especially
unique success and excellence, is worldly reward.
This is as natural a law of our world as night following day.


The aim of all transformation writing is to bring about a change in
your life in order you may find happiness and fulfil your true potential.
These are the key objectives whether the writings are philosophical,
religious, spiritual, mythological, scientific, self-help or derived from
psychiatric study. These key objectives remain the same whether the
text is 2500 years old or written only last week.
Mankind has remained fascinated with this subject across millennia
so, understandably, there is a vast amount of literature available.
So much, in fact, it can be daunting and difficult to know where to
begin. My research may have made only a small dent in this vast library
but I did discover something significant. From among the millions of
words, emerge two central and recurring themes as the twin keys to
unlocking happiness. One is controlling your mind and the second is
finding your true purpose. These core principles surface and overlap
constantly and are explicitly linked and interdependent. Of course,
the various authors, depending on their points of view or beliefs -
religious or otherwise - differ in the emphasis they place on the
methods employed but none of them stray far from the core principles
of mindfulness and true purpose.
We read these books because as a species we need, in varying measure
and at differing times; reassurance, guidance, purpose and hope in
our lives. I would add belief to this list because it helps to believe. To
believe there is a reason you are here, a purpose you have to fulfil, a
meaning to your existence and a contentment and happiness you can
achieve. All this starts with the most important belief of all which is
belief in your unique self.
You will derive greater benefit from life transformation literature of
any type if you believe or are prepared to. It doesn’t matter where this
belief comes from. It can be held on a personal spiritual level, based
on a divine being or religious faith, on a scientific or philosophical
conviction or just a deep-rooted gut feeling. This belief will reinforce
your hope and hope is your best friend, your last refuge, the air, food
and water of your mind. So, I would ask you to read this book with
belief, if you are unable to commit to that at least approach it with an
open mind and be prepared to believe.
As you flick through the pages I hope you will find the title phrases
and emotions familiar. I also hope you will consider most of it common
sense because I believe it is. However, I soon realized that although it
was sense it wasn’t common. People could use or hear these phrases
everyday but still do nothing about them. The simple conclusion
drawn was that most people didn’t think deeply enough about their
lives. Whether from too much rushing around, a sense of helplessness,
or just unthinking inertia; it was plain most people instinctively knew
the message but didn’t listen to it. I hope this book will give you some
pause for thought, a breather where you might stop and listen to
these messages you already know.
In writing this book I have realized that hope and optimism are crucial
to our existence. What we must all avoid is being trapped in small,
windowless rooms without aspiration or expectation. Even if your true
purpose continues to prove elusive, you must ensure you retain your
positivity and freedom of mind to consider all of your opportunities.
If you are already in that small room I hope this book can help with
your escape.

Author's Bio: 

Nigel Brett is 60 years old, was born in Leicester, England, enjoys travelling and mountain walking and has experienced 39 jobs in his working career. He now writes and lives in Carmarthenshire, Wales with his wife and daughter.

I have spent a lifetime making the mistakes I urge you to avoid in Call of the Soul. That is, perhaps, the very qualification required to write it. I am glad I have finally made the effort to put my thoughts on paper and if it keeps you from living your life in small rooms, it will have been worth it.
Call of the Soul.
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