Yesterday, I had friends round and it was lovely to hang out…

Not many are let into my inner crazy but these are because they get it more than most…

They get the push, the need to be all we are created to be…

Now that does not mean we agree on everything but it means I can just be…

I can say what I say, we can discuss it…

We can think about each other’s views without needing to hide…

Yep, it feels like love…

I like those kind of friends…

One thing ‘the love of my life’ brought up was discussion about the matrix and how people ultimately want to live in a perfect 4D world and how soon enough, technology may well be able to provide it.

In fact, how do we know that we are not already there?

Already plugged into some machine and creating our perfect lives from the comfort of a bed – Did you see that movie with Bruce Willis in it – Surrogate?

And for a moment, I despaired of humanity because I know there is a desire to self-medicate, to numb out life, to lose ourselves in some addiction or the other – be it food, sex, money, drink, distraction, fighting, whatever…

It is easier to distract ourselves with addictions than it is to live real life…

To be in real relationships…

To work out our kinks and ultimately to become like God…

This working out of who we are and expanding to be like God is scary…

It is unknown…

Norms don’t want to…

And so, the only way to drown out this compulsion to expand is to distract themselves with meaningless pursuits…

Almost like most are just whiling away the time until they die…

And so I know virtual reality will find a willing group of buyers…

But for us, it will never be enough…

We must walk this hero’s journey…

Where we fully discover who we are…

And it will demand everything and it will hurt at times as we let go of familiar ‘good enough’ things and lean into the BEST things…

We will walk far down some path, thinking we are on the right path only to realise that it was just a shadow of the real thing we are supposed to be about and we will face choice upon choice to stay on the shadow path or to let go and cross over to the narrow path, the real deal…

And we will be scared…

And wondering if we really do have what it takes…

But then we will open our eyes some more and see the world in which we live…

And see that some of those who are awake and living full-out are taking the sleepers, the norms in directions that feel wrong…

The Spirit within us will niggle at us to do something about it…

To be His feet and hands in the world…

To go into government and change things, make it more about caring for people than maintaining position…

To go into the healthcare industry and actually make it about health rather than the study of disease and how to keep people hooked on medication forever, instead of fixed…

To go into education and make it about enhancing natural design rather than just making cookie-cutter students that fall in line on graduation…

To go into families and help it be the solid foundation that it can be…

To go into media, entertainment and influence what is delivered to the masses…

To set up businesses that serve people, enhance life, and are for the good of humanity

And yes, you get the niggle to do more, to be more…

And it always comes with a choice…

Will you step up and do the work or will you allow yourself to be distracted?

I do believe that the Spirit-driven must rise up and be a lot more wise than they are currently being, a lot more bold, a lot more brave…

It is not enough to sit around meditating or praying…

It is not enough to tell yourself that you do not know how…

It is not enough to say that you tried and that it just did not work…

It is not enough to say you are waiting for permission from the heavens before you move…

It is not enough to get pulled into every distraction happening around you because you tell yourself that you have to help every person with their drama…

You are called, chosen, HERE ON PURPOSE!

Except you feel disconnected from Source because life has taken its toll and you got a little distracted by the events of life…

I get that but now it is time to wake up and lead, LEADER!

It is time to tap back into your power source and act from that internal wisdom

It is not enough to pretend that you do not know what to do next…

Spirit always finds a way to speak to you and it just may be through this piece of writing right now…

Will you respond?

Or will you retreat into a virtual reality world where you are distracted and pretending to live a meaningful life while waiting for someone else to do what you want to do?

You are born for wealth and impact…

Noting is held back from you…

But if you want it, you have to actually wake up and do what it takes to get it…

BY FORCE, if necessary (and honey, you will discover that the most force is needed against your desire to stay passively waiting for permission – No one is out there stopping you! Not really, honey! Regardless of what the media and entertainment industries would try to feed you!)

Are you awake, leader?

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live…

Because you want to!

PS – Feeling stuck and lacking in direction/purpose?  Feeling trapped in religious thinking that does not seem to deliver what you were promised? Feeling distinctly UNFREE?  Longing for a sense of fulfilment, happiness, purpose? Longing for more connection with Spirit? Feeling burnt out doing work that really does not make you come alive?

Or simply burnt out?

Then it is time for a Life Upgrade.

You and me, 6 deep transformational sessions, in person or over Skype.

You talk, I listen, REALLY LISTEN, maybe for the first time in your life, you will have someone really hear you…

And your life will be upgraded by the end of it.

As Sue says – “I was drawn to Rosemary some time ago and followed her from a distance for a while, dipping my toe in the water but not daring to dive in. I bought a couple of courses but didn’t really complete them. Then I joined the Deliberate Millionaire Gold Fasttrack Group which is amazing and so supportive, I wouldn’t be without it now. But it was the one on one coaching that really gave me the final push I needed to change everything wrong in my life and my work. As a result things are so different for me. I can’t believe it, it seems unreal, like I’ve just been given the key to another world! Wow! Rosemary has helped me finally make the changes and to excel at being me! Something that many have tried to do and failed! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! In fact however many times I thank her it would never be enough!!”

Leader, it is your turn.



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Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online