Lost Your Identity, Gain Your Freedom!

So I had one of those scares this morning - I woke up and ALL of my calendar appointments were gone! It was devastating. I panicked, wondering what I was going to do, and then began the scramble to get it all recovered from my back up. Fortunately, it was almost all there and the rest could be easily recovered. Whew! Time for a bunch of deep breaths and a brand new grounding connection to the earth.

In retrospect, I could see the humor and Divine irony in it, but at the time I felt kind of robbed. I couldn't help but think, "How can the Universe allow this to happen? What did I do "wrong?" It was really unsettling. I even told Tim, my partner and best friend in the world, that it felt like my identity had been stolen. He paused, then laughed and help me to see the irony of what I had said, because he knows that one of the most important things in the world to me -- and I would suspect, to all people who have committed to profound spiritual change in their life -- is to do exactly that, lose my identity.

Not in the way you might think. I'm talking about losing the ego's identity of who I am -- who I "think" I am, but which has nothing to do with my True Identify in Spirit. The ego plays all kinds of games with us. It has us feel things, think things and, generally speaking, has a vested interested in keeping us confused, unhappy, misdirected, uncertain and joyless. That's the ego's game. It may have us think we're "better than" or "less than," but the one thing it cannot do is allow us to be in LOVE. Love is the game of spirit, and it's a truthful game that ignites us, inspires us, guides us and provides us with an abundance of joy, peace, calm and more and more love. When we listen, the voice of spirit provides inner guidance, and when we really tune in....bliss.

The path of love is a journey in shedding the ego's identify of who we think we are...and re-tuning the station to our soul's definition of who we are. This is our return to freedom and the ability to be guided by a higher power -- our own inner guidance system.

I received my lesson today -- and through my phone, of course! How perfect! My primary communication vehicle! Ok, I get it! Yes, it's good to be reminded that the Universe, Source, God, the Divine is ever present and always helping us to shed the layers of unrealness and again and again choose to tune the station to the Divine Source of Love and Light.

Author's Bio: 

Kristin is a natural and professionally trained Spiritual Healer and Teacher. Kristin helps her clients heal, discover their own psychic abilities and find their way to happier, healthier lives.

Kristin attunes to very subtle places that go beyond conscious awareness. She works with Master Level guides who facilitate healing and provide guidance for you along the way. These insights are stunningly beautiful and very, very accurate.

Kristin facilitates healing in a such a way that you naturally and easily release old, even ancient programs, beliefs, limitations and wounds that have kept you limited -- unhappy, lacking, fearful, uncertain, dissatisfied, repeating old patterns and more. You achieve healing that goes far beyond any mental processing or analytical understanding, because we go to the root of the energetic and mind map holds.