Medical-legal consultants usually have a number of medical records to deal with, which can be quite overwhelming at times. Their job includes preparing medical chronologies or timeline of events to help attorneys better understand the issues at hand. A medical chronology provides a streamlined view of the medical chart, highlighting important information and even facts that may have gone unnoticed earlier. With many clients to attend to, and loads of medical records to organize, medical-legal consultants can surely benefit from medical review services provided by a dependable medical review company. To offer dedicated medical record review services, such firms usually will have in place the latest technology and experienced workforce.

Support Services Provided by a Medical Review Company

A medical review support company will focus on providing an integral solution to its clients within the required turnaround time. Here is a look at the kind of services medical legal consultants can expect from a partnering firm.

• Make a list of all records, including imaging reports available for review

• Prepare a timeline of the medical records including diagnostic studies, progress notes, nurses’ notes, physicians’ orders and others

• Identify the components of the medical records

• Create a summary of the medical chronology in simple language, highlighting any inconsistencies observed

• Preparing ‘mini’ chronology

Providers of medical record review services can prepare medical case chronology in table or narrative format, as required by medical-legal consultants. The complex medical records can be quickly organized in a clear manner, so that the attorney easily gets a grasp of the detailed medical history as well as all important events related to the case.

Features that Distinguish an Ideal Medical Review Support Company

It is imperative that the medical review firm you choose to collaborate with has certain desirable features that will set it apart from the numerous companies offering services in the field. Your company should be one that can work as an extension to your office. This means that the workforce should be accessible whenever you need their services. With a dedicated team to attend to your medical case chronology requirements, you can in turn ensure timely services for your own clients. HIPAA compliance is very important when dealing with any kind of medical records. Therefore you need to make sure that your medical record review company is HIPAA compliant and ensures total confidentiality of all patient data entrusted. Though long-term contracts would not be available, some of the other characteristics you can find in a client-sensitive medical review firm are:

• Free trial offer of its services
• Valuable cost savings of 30% to 40%
• Customized TAT
• Multilevel quality assurance

Medical-legal consultants can locate a good medical record review firm by searching the Internet. Comprehensive details regarding the services offered will be available on company websites. Compare the service features and settle for a company that you feel will be able to meet your specific requirements.

Author's Bio: 

Medical Review Services: As a professional medical review company, Managed Outsource Solutions (MOS) provides end-to-end solutions that meet the medical record review needs of its clients.