The New Year is a time to set goals, visualize your dreams and contemplate what you want to make them happen. I usually do this prior to the New Year by doing an ideal work and life poster. This poster has pictures and words that inspire me and helps me to challenge myself to grow in the directions that support my dreams and desires. While making the poster, a theme will often emerge such as learning, performance or balance. What theme might emerge for you? What theme would support and challenge you most?

Your intention or purpose for the year is also important. What is your deeper intention or purpose this year? Examples of developmental intentions are being less defensive, learning from negative experiences, dwelling on the cup being half full (being positive), being more other-oriented or developing your interpersonal skills. Being intentional or on purpose can help you override difficulties as you face them. Focusing on your purpose in the heat of the moment can help you deal with problems constructively.

Author's Bio: 

Mary-Ann Owens has been coaching executives since 1999. She is currently completing a PhD in Leadership Development at the University of Calgary. Mary-Ann has been a career coach since 1990. She was the founding President of the Calgary Chapter of the International Coach Federation in 1998. Mary-Ann facilitates leadership development workshops and coaches Managers, Vice Presidents and CEOs in corporations.