ou've bought into the idea that speed reading can be an essential skill for success in today's knowledge economy and academic success, or you probably would not be reading this article. These are skills you don't have now, but want to learn and master. After doing some research, you discover that there are many options of learning media you can choose from. But which one is really the best to insure your success?

Your available options are:

1. Buy a book. There are a few good books out there. But, I don't know anyone who successfully mastered the skills through a book. They may have picked up a useful tip or two. Also, trying to learn by reading a book doesn't make sense if you are already reading challenged. You may get some useful ideas, but chances are that reading from a book really won't change your skills to the level you want.

2. Scour the internet for all the free info. The web has an abundance of info. In fact, when I just Googled the term "speed reading." I found 89 Million results! How can you sift through all of that? Additionally, there is an abundance of outdated, contradictory, and downright untruthful and harmful information proliferated around the web.

3. Buy an audio program. We all have learning preferences. If you are audio preferred, this may help a little, but what do you do when you are confused or frustrated? What if you are visually or kinesthetically preferred in how you learn?

4. Buy a software program. These can help with part of the speed reading training, and that is getting your eyes to move more efficiently. However, does it get into the crucial aspect of how to comprehend or understand the material while you're moving at ten gazillion words per minute? None of the leading software programs actually teach you how to comprehend, or understand the material. The support is usually regarding the software, and not real help with the concepts of speed reading.

5. Buy a DVD. These programs may be multi-sensory, but again, what do you do when you get frustrated or confused? Who can you turn to for help?

6. Enroll in a live class. This is the most effective of the choices so far, but then you have to fit the class times into your busy schedule. Also, if you choose this route, beware of the instructor's credentials. What makes them an expert? What if you don't master the skills of speed reading during the duration of the class? For example, most live class instruction occurs over a period of 2-3 days - that's not a long enough period to insure long term success.

There is another option. Try to find a program that combines the best of these approaches and has the one essential element missing in the other approaches. That element is providing an expert coach.

Why is an expert coach so essential?

1. The expert coach was a newbie just like you at one point. Newbies easily get frustrated and give up. The coach can help during this period.

2. The expert coach understands how the human brain is designed to learn and so can help you understand what is happening as your skills transition.

3. The expert coach has the experience to know and describe the common pitfalls of learning a complex set of skills that speed reading requires and can help you avoid them, or point them out when you are falling into them.

4. The expert coach does what all great coaches do. He/she knows how to work through the psychological and emotional barriers that people put in their own way on their journey to mastery and can guide you to victory.

Mastering speed reading requires personal coaching because you are human and full of complexities. The above media approaches can not handle the human side of learning.

Earlier I stated the necessity of physical training for more efficient eye movement. Would you engage in learning any physical skill without a direction from someone more experienced? Probably not, especially for fear of injuring yourself. Have you ever mastered any complex new skill without someone's guidance? Did you learn to drive a car by yourself? Most often there has been a human to help you along the way.

As Richard Bandler, founder of the neuro-science of NLP said, you have probably spent more time learning to drive a car than learning to drive your brain. When learning to master speed reading, you are learning how to drive your brain in an entirely new way.

You're not going to master these skills by reading a book. The coach helps guides you through your own set of perceptual limitations. The coach provides the direction back to the map of learning when the learner gets lost. Learning to speed read with the assistance of a coach provides the insurance policy for your success.

Now that you've learned about one of the most essential, but commonly missed components of learning to speed read, I'd like to invite you to learn more free tips and claim your instant access to "The 10 Most Common Mistakes" when learning to speed read and more free tips when you visit: http://speedreadingtactics.com/speed_reading_newsletter.html

Author's Bio: 

Ed Caldwell is the creator and publisher of the "Masters Online Program: Dynamic Reading, Memory, and Recall" and other live and web-based learning programs. As former National Director of Instruction and Certification for the world famous Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics program, Ed has 30 years experience teaching and testing new strategies to help people from all walks of life learn to read more efficiently. Trainer, speaker, and writer, he can be contacted at inquiry@productivelearn.com. He is the creator and president of Productive Learning Systems, Inc, and ProductivElearn.com, Inc. You can learn more at http://speedreadingtactics.com/speed_reading_newsletter.html and download the free eBook, "The 10 Top Mistakes When Learning Speed Reading."