The capital of the Bahamas, Nassau, offers a unique holiday experience. Often considered as the playground for the rich and famous, the city is actually an affordable holiday destination for most people. While you can reach the city by boat, international travelers usually come in by air. The major airport for all international flights to Nassau is the city’s international airport. All major airlines fly to the city.

Most major airlines offer cheap airfare tickets to reach this city. So there is no dearth of cheap flights to Nassau. You can also try using budget airlines to get airline deals. This will allow you to buy cheap tickets to Nassau.

On leaving the airport, you can take a taxi to reach your hotel or resort. If you wish to travel between the islands you will have to take a water taxi. If you do not hire a car, it is perfectly okay, as it is possible to flag down a taxi on the streets without a problem.

The city offers numerous sights and attractions that can make your holiday an enjoyable one. You can visit the Ardastra Zoo, which is famous for its marching flamingos, monkeys and jaguars. You can spend an entire day at the zoo without realizing how fast the time has gone. There is an entry fee that has to be paid, but it is not too high. The city also has an 18-acre botanical garden, which is home to more than 600 plant species. The garden also has beautiful fish ponds housing an array of tropical fish and an artificial waterfall. You can just stroll around the garden and enjoy its peace and lush greenery. It is often a welcome respite from spending a hectic day on the beach or indulging in water sports.

Make sure that you visit the 200-acre Clifton Heritage National Land and Sea Park. You can opt for a guided tour that will take you to an 18th century slave plantation, beautiful beaches, amazing natural beauty and winding trails. The park used to be the home of the Lucayan Indian tribe over thousand years ago. You can enjoy scuba diving and snorkeling here, along the coral reefs. While the park does not allow private vehicles inside, it is possible to book a scooter here to move around the park.

Other attractions in the city include the 66 steps of the Queen’s Staircase, the Water Tower and the Versailles Gardens located in Paradise Island. You can also enjoy sailing and boating here, as the harbor offers fantastic deals on rentals and charters to suit all budgets. You can go for day cruises if you like. You can even hire submarines to check the beautiful underwater flora and fauna or rent jet skis.

If you happen to visit the city towards the end of December, make sure that you participate in all the fun and celebrations of the Junkanoo Festival. The festival begins from the end of December and goes on till the January first week. The festival is like a big street party, with costumed dancers, drums, cow bells and whistles.

Author's Bio: 

Jhonson Peterson is an associate editor with Discover valuable insights, and expert analyses, and stay informed on the latest trends articles and news. Explore a wealth of knowledge at Bee Blogs.