You’ve probably asked yourself many times what the purpose of life is, but may not have decided on any passable answer. As individuals, the purpose is unique to each of us, but within the bigger picture, it could be that our life purpose is the same. The question then turns into: What is the purpose of human life?

Many people would agree that a common purpose among us is the inherent need to realize control over our personal environments and improve them. This is definitely accurate on a material level, but couldn’t it also be accurate on a spiritual level as well?

We attempt to improve ourselves as human beings so as to be deserving of maintaining our improved conditions permanently. Otherwise, we are likely to ride on a roller coaster of gains and losses through this life and those to follow. The idea is to maintain our prosperity while continuing to evolve as a human being.

The Law of Cause and Effect

We can possibly attain this goal by practicing the laws of the universe in alignment with our personal purpose in life, whatever that might be. Most of you have heard of the law of attraction. It is primarily based on the law of cause and effect.

The law of cause and effect is the driving force behind our existing reality. The quality of that reality is directly related to the quality of our choices and actions made on a day to day basis.

Here’s a fun analogy: I used to work on support of interfaces for a software firm and there were some clients that constantly had trouble with bad data transfers. The reason was they did not format the information appropriately to begin with and so the result was a mess of inaccuracies. In other words, bad information in = bad information out. Similar to these disorganized clients, we can make a mess of our lives by making poor or hasty choices without thinking them through.

How Do We Enrich Our Lives?

If the purpose in human life is to advance spiritually and achieve control over our environments, then we have to master this law of cause and effect. Right now, most people are at Kindergarten level in this instance, but with daily perseverance and awareness it's achievable to make positive and lasting changes in this lifetime.

Fortunately there is help to be had from the Lemurian Fellowship, a school of religious philosophy. Training in the appropriate use of universal laws as well as many other principles, will hasten the skill to enhance your use of those laws. The Fellowship web site includes a free brochure download for more information on the lessons as well as interesting historic information on the first Lemurians.

Author's Bio: 

Gracie Canfield is a student of the Lemurian Fellowship philosophy as well as an Internet marketing professional. She has found a greater purpose in daily living and is able to enjoy life far more because of her practice in utilizing the laws of the universe.