
This is my 8th iteration of “Techniques of the Week” which is an ode to simple writing and marketing techniques that can be used immediately withmeasurable results in the Before, During, and After of your sales process.

Before we get started, I’d like to thank you for being a Big Part of Techniques of the week as it’s the only time where my zany style of writing can be at the forefront of my blog. As always, I do hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.

With that said, let’s be off…

The Before

Fact: No One Likes You

Fact: Especially in the Very Beginning of Your Sales Process

Fact: Which is why you need a Sales Funnel

A Sales Funnel

A sales Funnel is a series of contacts with a prospective client where you slowly build trust and ultimately have them use your product.

Within this funnel is different levels of the sales process that you must do to get them to like you and ultimately make a sale.

#1: Courtship

Don’t sell them anything.

Inform them of what you do.

Tell stories of people just like them.

Never, ever sell them.

Telling them what you do and the stories of people you have done it for will elicit a response from people who are actually interested in what you do without alienating those who aren’t. This way you’re not being a pushy salesman, but just someone telling others what you do for a living.

This is the key to courtship.

When doing this in copy, you use information. This can be a free E-Book, Video, or Audio. The key here is to give them free information to see if what you do is what will work for them.


#1: Build Exposure

Step one is exposing your business to the world through any media format this can include both print, video/audio, and internet marketing. (Includes links to articles about each type of marketing.)

· Direct Mail

· Landing Pages

o Landing pages are single web pages with sales letters that describe your offer, the free class, e-book, or other giveaway while asking for personal information through an online form.

· 1-800 #’s –

o Use 1-800 #’s to track people who call in from your advertising and allows you to call them back

o The 1-800# should be a voice recorded message that tells people more about the product you sell and the offer your providing

o Or should lead to a sales representative who can take care of the caller

o The usefulness of an 1-800# is that it captures the phone number of your prospect so you can easily call them back to see if they would like a demo, e- book, or complete a sale

· Email Database with Email Drip Campaigns

· Marketing Materials – Brochures, E-Books, white papers, etc.

· Webinar –Education Series webinar using an online webinar program

· Audio – Build a Podcast, Broadcast, or other audio based content

· Video – Build YouTube videos, commercials, and other video based content

· Internet Marketing

· In-Person Sales (One-on-one, Group, and Event)

· Phone Lists – Getting the numbers of potential prospects and calling them

#2: Build the Funnel

Using the different types of exposure you can build a sales funnel. The beauty here is that you can mix and match each exposure technique to best funnel you prospects through the sale.

Here are just a few examples:

Direct Mail Campaign:

· Mail out a post card, sales letter, or other piece of marketing material with an offer, discount, or Marketing Materials (free E-book/Merchandise)

· Track response with either a response sheet, 1-800# to call, or URL to your website/landing page.

· Mail up to 4 times to the same address over 1 to 4 months depending how you want to stagger them. (1 every 2 weeks, 1 every month, etc.)

· Do it by buying a mailing list of your perfect prospect ($0.49 per parcel unless you buy a Bulk Mail Insignia $0.24 per parcel) or douse the area with Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM – ($0.17 per parcel)

Pay-Per-Click/Display Advertising for Major Websites Funnel

· Run Ad campaigns on Google, Facebook, Pinterest, or other major website that offers Pay-Per-Click / Display Advertising

· Send them to your Website, Landing Page , or wherever you want them to go

· Capture their information or get them to buy

Cold Calling Series:

· Buy or scour the internet for a list of your perfect prospects

· Call Prospects with a Survey or a Discounted Service/Product

· Offer Free E-Book for their time

· Call them back a few days later to see if they enjoyed the e-book and would be interested in more

· Offer more free information and attempt an in person appointment

· Call back a week later to see if they enjoyed new material

· Repeat until rejected completely or complete sale

Content Marketing Funnel:

· Have a Educational or Entertainment Series that keeps your prospect coming back

· This can be videos, audios, or articles

· Advertise your products and services to your audience as they consume your content

The Webinar:

· Advertise for your webinar using internet marketing, email campaigns, etc.

· Educate people with useful information

· Ask them to pay you at the end for information, product, or service

*Sales Funnels – Funnel people into your business using internet, print, video, and audio. Anything to get them through the door.

The During

Sometimes people want what you sell, but don’t want to pay for it. Make them.


Many times people want what you sell, but they will only buy if they feel like they win. This leaves you in a situation where you have to negotiate the price in the beginning so they will pay full price later. You can do this by giving built in concessions that allow the prospect to win while you still make money. Making it a win-win.

This can include price discounts, free merchandise/extras thrown in, and anything else that incentivizes your prospect to buy.

This works if the buyer has all the power.

Another good technique is to start the transaction with a seller and use the time, money, and energy that everyone has put into the process as a hostage. Essentially putting the seller in a position of take my demands or I will take my business elsewhere

*Negotiations – What will you have to do to make the sale?

The After

Follow-up Service

Sometimes people want to buy what you do, but are more than willing to pay more for what you do after.

This includes a warranty for your work, great customer service, technical support, as well as loyalty discounts, promotions or just updated information from a newsletter.

Warranty for Your Work

Be generous with making your client/customer happy after service. This includes replacing broken items for free or fixing any other issues.

Follow-up Customer Service

Ensure that you provide them with complimentary calls and have good customer service if they have any questions after the service and purchase.

Technical Support

If your product or service is technical in nature, ensure you have the support for any questions your customer/client may have after the purchase/service.

Loyalty Program

The best way to keep people coming back is with a loyalty program. This involves making them a member or part of the club that is your business. Have reward cards that give free product, discounts, and other incentives for members to keep coming back and shopping with your business.

Constant Contact

Some clients/customers just lover to stay up to date with your industry and service. This is especially true for investment type business like paper assets, real estate, and others that are based on the variable market.

Follow-up Service – business is built on long-term relationships. Don’t burn your bridges after you’ve just started.

And there you have it.

Three ways to get your prospects and clients to knock down your door for your products and services.

Let me know how you get people to knock down your door for everything you do in the comments.

For the original article go here:


Author's Bio: 

He has been doing professional copy for the last four years. And officially started his Copywriting and Internet Marketing business in May of 2013. All while earning his Bachelors of Science Degree in Business Management. In business, this has included all direct marketing pieces from brochures to sales letters. In academics, scholarships to proposals. In non-profits, grants to fundraisers. He has worked with multiple entrepreneurs, small companies, and non-profits across the Valley.

Using direct marketing, he has both on and off line become successful. And now he is available for the first time to provide for your business. Using elegant copy, he will boost your business to the next level. By qualifying members and converting those leads to sales.