Being a good guest is important to both your business and your social life.
When you’re invited somewhere as “the guest,” you really have a role to play, and it’s an active one, not a passive one. You’re there to enjoy yourself, but it’s also up to you to make a positive contribution to the ... Views: 2266
Ayurveda- A Complete Science of Life
Welcome to read about the most ancient and traditional science on one
of the most modern systems, the Internet. How can this ancient system of
health care be relevant to people of today, when technological advances have
radically altered our ... Views: 4170
Is your son or daughter not as respectful and courteous as you would like? Maybe you’d like to instill more discipline in your child. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could influence better behavior from your child just by making simple decorative changes? You can with feng shui.
Often ... Views: 13566
Is your son or daughter not as respectful and courteous as you would like? Maybe you’d like to instill more discipline in your child. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could influence better behavior from your child just by making simple decorative changes in his or her room? You can with feng ... Views: 1803
There's a one-word reason most ideas never see the light of day: Resistance.
Resistance is often behind the glassy-eyed stares you get following a presentation, the sarcastic put-downs you have to put up with when you describe your vision for a new product or service, and people's abrupt ... Views: 1521
WARNING: Your Life Is At Risk.
"This Special Report Can Help You Reduce Your Odds of Contracting One of the Eight Deadly Diseases of the Western World."
By Paul Devlin
Note: this report is fairly long. You may want to print it ... Views: 2604
Fred Rogers is one of my heroes. He was gentle "before gentle was cool".
1. You can never go down, never go down, never go down the drain.
When life can involve divorce, layoffs, losing a child, being a single working parents, or starting a new career at 55, it's good to know you can never go ... Views: 1346
A few years ago, psychologist Al Siebert, who's studied resilience and is the author of "The Survivor Personality: Why Some People Are Stronger, Smarter and More Skillful at Handling Life's Difficulties" (
susandunnmome-20 ), wrote an article ... Views: 3094
When are you planning to get old? According to a recent study, you'd better move the date back.
"Contrary to common belief, many people can live well into their 90s without becoming cognitively impaired, study findings indicate." - Neurology 2003; 60: 477–480
But statistics are ... Views: 1234
How do you stay motivated when you don’t feel like doing something?
There’s the ‘carrot and stick’ philosophy which works for children. How do you “motivate” your 10 year old to clean up his room? Either punish him for not doing it, or hold out a reward for him when he does do it, the ... Views: 2048
Everything Happens for A Reason
Would you like to enjoy more success and have less stress in your life? Do you wish that your daily aggravations had less power over you? Would you appreciate some peace of mind?
No, you don't need to find a genie in a bottle to enjoy these spectacular benefits. ... Views: 1595
Ahhh.... the ubiquitous New Year's resolution. How many times have you developed a list of New Year's resolutions, which at the time sounded great, only to find yourself feeling less than enthused about it six months later? Have you ever felt guilty or depressed because you didn't achieve a New ... Views: 1506
Having someone you love deployed, whether child, partner, relative or close friend, is extremely stressful. As on military spouse told me, “Why am I acting like this?
When we must separate from a loved one we have reactions that are physiological and emotional that are beyond our ... Views: 2295
I came across an interesting phrase in a novel by Terry Pratchett - "Rumour can have gone around the world before TRUTH has got its boots on!"
So, what is it about gossip and tittle/tattle that can generate such a blazing trail? It's easy to understand the urgency around "run for your life, the ... Views: 1236
Remember the British noble-woman who said, re: sex, “I don’t care what two consenting adults do as long as they don’t do it in the street and frighten the horses”? She may have said “embarrass,” I can’t find the quote. Either will do, as I proceed to apply this to cell phones.
I agree they’re ... Views: 3409
Dr. Alysa Doyle, a psychologist at the Massachusetts General Hospital, has recently outlined the components or parts of executive function. Executive function is thought process necessary for planning to reach goals and adapting to changes in your environment. Dr. Doyle has listed the ... Views: 2169
Did you know that it's been estimated that 75% of overeating is because of our emotions?
Just imagine how much weight we could lose if we would
just address this problem! With that in mind here
are three quick tips to preventing and overcoming
emotional eating:
#1 Practice Being Deleriously ... Views: 2814
I have found myself inspired to write on this topic on more than one occasion. All of us, at some point in our lives have felt the desperate inner turmoil and confusion that comes from feeling that we have been "wronged" or betrayed in some way. You fight to understand what is wrong with that ... Views: 2408
According to the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, men and women have very different primary needs. Men need appreciation, acceptance, and trust. Without these three things in a relationship, there are often countless communication problems. If you want to understand your Martian ... Views: 13378
Q: What’s worse than moving ?
A: Moving in the middle of the school year.
My family did it more than once when I was growing up. I still remember some of the incidents-being introduced in the front of the class, having to share a locker until they could find one for me, breaking into the ... Views: 3645
Do you have a problem? Here is a simple way to turn it
around. Listen up, OK?
Take your problem and write it out. Now, as you're writing it
out, there will be a few sentences. Take the sentences and
number them, and leave a space behind each of them.
Now, what do you have? You have a ... Views: 1533
* Teaching has become a highly stressful and unhappy
profession for many. I have heard teachers say repeatedly that teaching isn’t fun any more. Teacher stress can result from a number of stimuli ranging from dwindling resources, financial cutbacks, ever increasing expectations, lack of ... Views: 8071
It's heating up. Lingerie, perfume and flower ads are flooding your email. The radio pumps out dining specials at various restaurants. In San Antonio, where I live, it shares airtime with the rodeo, and my thoughts wander ... I'll take my lover to the rodeo and kill two birds with one stone! ... Views: 1344
A friendship poem:
Choose friends wisely, the portrait they paint
Is who you are and who you ain't.
Friendship is life's great support
When friends are of the right sort.
For all your dreams do they make room,
Or bring you down with doom and gloom?
You will know a friendship is true
When it ... Views: 1703
These words change my life. They inspire me with belief in myself.
This belief in what I can do sustains me. It sustains me through many crucibles. Through many crucibles in the years that follow.
Here's how it happens: At 17 I quit high school. It's not that I want to quit in ... Views: 1871
Valentine's Day or any day - romance and passion are important. Whether you're looking for a new relationship or looking to enhance an existing one, Feng Shui will power your intentions.
Your environment is either supporting you or working against you. If you are in a relationship these tips ... Views: 2946
Most children love to clean up along with you. In fact, much of the Montessori Method of early childhood education makes use of this fact. If you notice their "work", praise it, and take it seriously, you'll keep them interested and you might also instill some good future work habits. Don't tune ... Views: 1581
Parents of hyperactive children know the "Would you please just settle down?!" phrase well, and likely use it on a regular basis.
There are a number of tips to help parents settle their hyperactive child down. These quick tips and relaxation techniques take the same amount of time as yelling ... Views: 3441
There is a demographic trend you need to be prepared for if you have employees. According to demographic trends analyst, Cheryl Russell, by the year 2005, the most common household in the US will be single-person households. "Never before in American history has living alone been the ... Views: 1236
In a recent article in Forbes magazine, Wachovia CEO G. Kennedy Thompson is quoted as saying that Beta Theta Pi, which he joined while an undergrad at the University of North Carolina, gave him "the opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds and places, and the connections have ... Views: 1298
Many people have many great ideas. They just don’t act on them. You can do it differently. This booklet is based on the author's first-hand, been-there-done-that experiences.
Gary Bronga worked in the aerospace industry at Cape Canaveral Florida for 21 years.
Wearing ... Views: 2026
Identity Theft and Your Online Job Search
(c) Copyright 2003, Sharon DavisWhile identity theft is nothing new, the Web has opened up whole new world of opportunity for identity thieves. According the FBI, identity theft is the top online fraud. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission says that ... Views: 1662
Self-esteem might sound pretty complicated, but not if you break it into two words. Let's take a look at the word esteem first. Esteem (say: ehs-teem) is a fancy word for valuing someone or something or thinking that someone or something is important.
For example, if you really admire your ... Views: 5791
Everything I know about myself I've learned from studying the characters I create when I write. Everything I know about the characters I create when I write I've learned from studying myself.
One thing I've noticed about all these people (both my characters and myself) is that they're not ... Views: 1740
We strive to create balance and peace in our families. We strive
to live each day in the knowledge that our family is a gracious
gift; a gift to be treasured and celebrated in the every day.
We strive to simplify our lives, but our family's competing
demands are anything but simple. ... Views: 1600
I am not a marathon runner; I'm not even an experienced runner. In fact, I'm a professional drummer, and I am a new runner. In the drumming world, I learned firsthand that I should try to stand on the shoulders of giants - the legends that paved the paths. Well, I found that to be the case in ... Views: 1695
"The other night I ate at a real family restaurant. Every table had an argument going."
One of the biggest obstacles to personal and career success is anger. When we fail to control our anger, we suffer several blows:
- Anger impedes our ability to be happy, because anger and happiness are ... Views: 6215
Good evening, I am actually very glad to be here,
and if you give your very close attention to what I am about to say you will also be very glad to be here.
You may think that what I am about to present to you will be just words -- but keep in mind two things: 1) words can convey anything the ... Views: 1858
Organize your leadership efforts around a high performance trilogyLeaders in high performance organizations know that they must excel in every aspect of their business. To achieve that, they must develop high performance leaders throughout their organizations, who in turn must build high ... Views: 2772
When you begin to study feng shui, you quickly realize the importance of the qualities and characteristics of the five feng shui elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. This knowledge is essential to selecting appropriate colors, furnishings, and accessories for your home. You can also ... Views: 1339
I like a good challenge now and then. A couple of weeks ago I took on Mother Nature in a test of wills. I attempted to clear two feet of snow from my driveway through the power of positive thinking. I also used deep breathing, relaxation techniques, and openness. When those didn't work I tried ... Views: 1177
New Year is a time for making resolutions to transform your life. Do a self-reflection analysis and see how you can enhance each of the nine areas of your life to improve your emotional, mental and spiritual status for living in harmony and balance.
1. Journey:
Set yourself a goal. Visualise ... Views: 3618
The best managers are the ones with emotional intelligence! Here's why.
1. Managers are called upon to make decisions. Primitive emotions, unmonitored, automatic, powerful and not always conscious can “hijack” us making us react thoughtlessly to people and situations instead of thinking ... Views: 1338
The best way to choose a partner is using your emotional intelligence. Here are ten tips.
1. Sexual attraction is based on a primitive and powerful feelings that can "hijack" us.
It comes from the reptilian brain and is automatic and powerful because it relates to our survival. It is ... Views: 7890
Over the years, many people have asked why the title of my book is Raising A Parent-A “How To” Guide to Survival? So, in case you too are wondering, let me explain with the following story.
The day we left the hospital, I took the “mandatory” wheelchair ride to the car. You were allowed to hold ... Views: 1382
You've been searching for self improvement or personal
development. To increase your self esteem, achieve personal
growth, have more happiness in your life...or perhaps reach
an important goal. Maybe you're even working with a
personal success coach.
You're on a meaningful quest! But if ... Views: 1566
Surfing on the Internet can be a major problem if you
don't employ a reasonable amount of protective software.
Hackers, spyware and viruses all combine to make it
essential that you have a firewall, a spyware detector and
an anti-virus program - all up to date and operating on ... Views: 1462
Washington Post columnist Bob Levey shared a list of some of his favorite funny headlines. His list includes some incredibly funny, laugh-out-loud lines. Among them were:
•"Study Finds Sex, Pregnancy Link."
•"Official: Only Rain Will Cure Drought."
•"Low Wages Said To Be Key ... Views: 4572
Word-of-mouth advertising is one of the cheapest and most effective types of advertising your company can invest in, but how do we generate this elusive type of advertising? Most experts in the area will say, “Get out and ‘network’.” So we go to a Chamber of Commerce meeting with dozens or ... Views: 1364