The "Magic Bullet" seems to be what so many marketers are
looking for. They want a secret technique or method to
guarantee their success.
I'll let you in on a secret. They're looking in the wrong
True success and prosperity start on the inside. It comes
from within yourself, not ... Views: 1668
Twenty-four percent of women and 17 percent of men say they would
give up more than three years of life to be thinner. That’s according
to a poll conducted by Psychology Today magazine.
At the same time, studies show that half of American women overestimate
the size of their ... Views: 1459
Self-expression is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. It helps you solidify your thoughts and feelings, gives you a chance to pass on the knowledge and wisdom only you have to give, and nourishes your creativity.
Perhaps you’ve seen an article on the Internet and said, ... Views: 1795
When Valentine’s Day comes around, I remember the year when I left a card shop, having mourned the fact I had no “honey” at the time, worried about whether I was spending too much or too little, whether I’d gotten it right or not, cursing Madison Avenue for the commercial thrust, and thinking of ... Views: 1951
Life would be much simpler if, when faced with a dilemma, we could easily consult with the ideal person or reference book and find the perfect solution. Unfortunately, it's seldom that easy.
There are no books, courses or sages that can make fundamental life decisions for you, choices such as: ... Views: 8845
They're out there: a select group of people comprising maybe 5-10% of the population. You probably know a few. You may see them in restaurants or at work. You may socialize with them on occasion. You may even be married to one or best friends with another.
Who are they?
... Views: 1909
When we heard personal and executive coach Jeannette Samanen, Ph.D. (of Valley Forge, PA) speak at a luncheon, we were attracted by her statement that "accessing your intuition leads to peak performance."
"Could you tell us more about this connection, Jeannette?" we asked in a subsequent ... Views: 1648
I have had more than my share of exciting times and I’m grateful for every one of them.
There was the time the bear came into camp at 11:00 p.m. and we listened to him consume two weeks worth of food for two people and a dog in only six hours. At 5:00 a.m., when it became obvious he had run out ... Views: 1367
Every time Valentine’s Day comes along, I think of the day before Valentine’s Day a couple of years when, as I was leaving the card and gift shop where I’d selected some Valentines, while cursing the materialism dictated to us by Madison Avenue that demanded the expression of feelings with ... Views: 2349
Seeking the Cure
If I were given the power to cure just one ill that haunts mankind, I would pass up cancer, breeze by AIDS, and overlook heart disease because curing the malady I have in mind might just cure most of the others as a side effect.
The cure I would seek would be the cure for ... Views: 1467
We have all read about people who are successful briefly. They win a gold medal, make a fortune, or star in one great movie and then disappear. Or, there are those like Marilyn Monroe and Howard Hughes who achieve extraordinary success, at the cost of their own lives. These examples do not ... Views: 3798
Hello everybody and a good day (or night !) to you all.My name is Nicholas Dixon and I am in my early twenties and I reside on the beautiful island of Jamaica.I work full time in a public library , but in my spare time I design and market websites.I personally think that it is fun to help my ... Views: 1464
The young man in this song, who lets Maggie keep him away from things he should be doing, is not practicing Intentionality.
Intentionality is one of the higher level emotional intelligence skills. It means saying what you meaning what you say. Keeping your word, in other words, and doing ... Views: 2161
Wildflowers grow from mere dust to reach their full potential.
Wildflowers grow well, even in adverse soil conditions.
Wildflowers don't require late nights at the office to grow.
Wildflowers grow thick and stick together.
Wildflowers grow strong and tall.
Wildflowers display their brilliant ... Views: 1684
A greater percentage of those over 55 are working today than a year ago. In part, because older workers are prized for their corporate experience, personal relationships and stability. "Any time you have an early retirement program and have to make it widely available, you chance losing key ... Views: 2750
Martin Seligman, Ph.D., noted Optimism researcher, who’s now studying Authentic Happiness, has proposed that one of the surest paths to happiness is to know your signature strengths and build your life around them, particularly if it’s in a way that has meaning to you.
Management gurus, ... Views: 1505
So you want a promotion then?
Its has its benefits and its pitfalls. This article will look at some with these along with the methods you can use to successfully get that promotion!
First of all, you need to decide what you want to do!
There’s no sense in going for a promotion just for the ... Views: 2997
I began enhancing my personal energy level three months shy of my 40th birthday and after 2 years of struggling with clinically-diagnosed depression. During this same period, I was challenged immensely by the debilitating effects of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and being rendered permanently ... Views: 1963
New Year's Eve is the traditional time to make resolutions for the upcoming year. Most resolutions are about something we really, really want. Even if you are not the type who makes New Year's resolutions, notice that somewhere, quietly, in the back of your mind, you are probably making one ... Views: 1628
The New Year is traditionally a time to reflect on where we are in our lives and to think about improvements that we'd like to make. It seems obvious that the first step in choosing appropriate New Year's Resolutions should be to define specific goals for what we want to achieve in the coming ... Views: 1297
Ten Tips For Setting (And Keeping) Life Changing Resolutions
It’s time for that annual ritual of making (and breaking) our New Year’s resolutions. There is something about the idea of being able to start over that motivates us to pause (at least briefly) and reflect on our lives as they are, as ... Views: 1706
I’ve been trying to make clear to you that the only worthwhile course of action, whether for a sorcerer or an average men is to restrict our involvement with self image, we must shatter our mirror of self-reflection.
-Don Juan Matus
When we look at the nature of addiction, ... Views: 3379
Want to be more intuitive? From an extensive study of intuitive people reported by Belleruth Naparstek in "Your Sixth Sense," this is what the highly intuitive person is likely to look like.
1. A woman over 40 with an advanced degree in one of the mental health professions.
2. Says she was ... Views: 12218
Most products or activities that are considered dangerous are labeled with a warning. Cigarette packages have a warning from the Surgeon General’s office. Stepladders have a warning that the top steps should be avoided. Likewise job contracts should be stamped with a statement that your job ... Views: 1843
What if everything in your life was exquisite and working? What if you didn't tolerate anything that wasn't-- you fixed it, replaced it, or got rid of it. What if you only had around you things that pleased you? Everything else gets tossed, returned, or given away.
I have a sense that putting ... Views: 1302
Is strenuous exercise necessary for health?
No. Good physical condition is required for competing athletes and does not insure good health. A trained athlete can have cancer and die from a heart attack. Arnold Schwarzenegger needs to have a heart valve replaced. Strenuous exercise produces ... Views: 2057
Too much driving, too much shopping, too much rushing
around, running the kids around--family and work
demands have you stressed out.
There are many ways to help you control stress. Here
are some unique methods I've collected.
1. Yell! But---be sure you are alone. The best place
is ... Views: 1631
Your natural talents are gifts at birth. You had nothing to do with them. However, you have a great deal to do with
becoming aware of them and developing them into strengths.
It is up to you to discover your natural signature talents and transform them through focus, practice and learning into ... Views: 3340
When I first began to speak for a living I found it difficult to remember the names of the people who hired me or those I met during refreshment break or during the chit chat session at the end of my presentation. I knew I had to do something to improve my memory. How could I continue to speak ... Views: 1526
In a fantasy interview some time in my future, some adversarial journalist will ask me where the hell I get off writing a series of articles called How to Live Life! It will be pointed out to me that I have no graduate degrees in psychology, sociology or human behavior, no background in ... Views: 1383
Since about 1992, the soy industry has been growing at an astounding rate. U.S. retail sales of soy foods alone were $.852 billion in 1992 and are projected at $3.714 billion for 2002. Soy crops occupied an amazing 75 million acres of farmland (out of 250 planted) in 2001.
There is a long ... Views: 1732
The New Year is traditionally a time to reflect on where we are in our lives and to think about improvements that we'd like to make. It seems obvious that the first step in choosing appropriate New Year's Resolutions should be to define specific goals for what we want to achieve in the coming ... Views: 1323
How-To with Massage Stones:
1) Clean the stones with disinfectant before every use. We at recommend a product called Odoban for professional use.
2) Put stones in a crockpot on low with water and the lid off, for at least 30 minutes before using. (This is one method and you ... Views: 21351
Personal and business success starts with the question, "What should I do with my life?"
People don't succeed by moving from one 'hot' industry to another, being a copy cat of some hero leader or following a certain career-guiding formula. They succeed by unleashing a productive, creative and ... Views: 2571
We have all been there at some time. We come up with a brilliant plan for reaching a great goal, or we finally decide to set about doing some long outstanding job. Yes, we say to ourselves, leaping out of the chair, I am going to do that right now! But beware, for it is at ... Views: 7500
Flow With The Present Moment
Into The Fullness Of The Free Mind
Here's an inner life exercise of immeasurable value. Think of these new instructions as a kind of special cleansing agent, but not as a way to improve yourself. Let me explain.
When we wash a window, to clean away its ... Views: 1642
What’s Your Vibration?
How many of us think that we are in touch with the universe around us through vibrations? We can be in touch with vibrations around us with our five senses. Our senses have the ability to recognize these vibrations on an unconscious level that we usually take for ... Views: 3220
Karma: Is it good or is it bad? You decide!
We hear this word so often and have one thing stuck in our mind – it’s either a bad thing or a good thing. The other issue is: do we believe in Karma? Regardless of whether we believe in that word or not, it is still there. Karma plays a big part in ... Views: 1716
Out of the closet?
We may sometimes consider the difficulty that occurs with our acceptance of ourselves and of who we are in accordance with the expectations of others.
Do you understand what I am talking about? Or am I speaking alone here?
I grew up in an environment dominated with the ... Views: 2661
The New Year is traditionally a time to reflect on where we are in our lives and to think about improvements that we'd like to make. It seems obvious that the first step in choosing appropriate New Year's Resolutions should be to define specific goals for what we want to achieve in the coming ... Views: 1380
You’ve done it, I know you have. Is there anyone, at one time or other, who hasn’t opened their hand, popped their forehead and said, or thought, “DUH!”
It’s intriguing, the “Duh” moment. The word may be contemporary, but the sudden awareness of “foolish me, I knew that!” is nothing new. ... Views: 1377
The best are a fearless group. You’ll never catch them running away or backing down from an imposing challenge. As a matter of fact, these top performers look at challenges as golden opportunities to put their best to the test and really find out what they are made out of. They have come to ... Views: 1343
I had a male friend who would have breakfast with me on Sunday mornings every once in a while. On one of these occasions, we were eating breakfast and he seemed preoccupied and in his own little world. I asked him if there was anything wrong, and he started to explain that his dog had died ... Views: 1422
No one can motivate anyone to do anything. All a person can do for another is provide them with incentives to motivate themselves. Here are ten very effective strategies to help you get up and get moving toward actualizing your enormous, ... Views: 2327
Ritalin (methylphenidate) Drug Abuse:
Ritalin (methylphenidate) is the most common drug prescribed for Attention Deficit Disorder. Over the past five years, ADHD prescriptions have increased over 600 percent and so has the incidence of snorting Ritalin, injecting Ritalin and non-medical ... Views: 5027
As the holidays approach each year, more and more people suffer from Holiday Depression.
Some experts blame it on factors relating to nutrition. Nutritional experts believe that depression is caused by the excessive sugar and fatty foods coursing through our bodies.
Other experts believe that ... Views: 1868
This is perfect.
That is perfect.
From the perfect, comes the perfect.
If from the perfect the perfect is taken away,
Only the perfect remains.
Om, peace, peace, peace."
This sense of perfection, is the inherent blessing that exists as the essence of everything. This sense of perfection is ... Views: 1260
All prayers and meditations lead to God. However, the usual prayers and meditations offer a slow and methodical way for an individual to reach Enlightenment. It usually takes many lifetimes to attain the radiance of Enlightenment and Ascend to the higher dimensional levels of Creation. There are ... Views: 6195
Another Christmas come and gone. What a workout for the emotions!
I’m the EQ Coach, but that doesn’t mean I know all there is to know about emotional management – it’s a lifelong proposition; and it doesn’t mean my emotions don’t give me a ride for their money – remember, 2 of our 3 brains ... Views: 1748