Almost everyone has heard about Bikram Yoga and how it is a scientifically designed system for achieving and maintaining health and balance in your body, mind, and spirit.
However, if you live in the Greater Phoenix once you have made the decision to check out a Bikram Yoga Studio you will ... Views: 1845
Chances are if you live in or nearby Scottsdale, AZ you have either heard about or seen The New Church of Phoenix.
Just in case you haven’t, they are located at 561 E. Shea Blvd, Scottsdale, Arizona 85254.
In a similar manner, you might also find yourself wondering what The New Church of ... Views: 1160
Believe it or not we are all spiritual beings living in a physical body that is within the physical world.
As you begin to recognize that you are indeed a part of the divine order of the universe that is governed by physical laws in the same way that the planets, stars, and sun are the more ... Views: 2429
If you are seriously interested in taking a Flow class at Yoga Pura on Wednesday nights then keep on reading in order to get a taste of what Yoga is really about.
Currently, the Wednesday night Flow classes at Yoga Pura are being led by the talent and imagination of Jen Brooks.
One of the ... Views: 1020
If you’re seriously interested in discovering and experiencing the power of meditation for yourself and live in or plan on visiting the Phoenix area then you might want to consider the Unity of Phoenix Wednesday Evening Chapel Meditation.
In this Unity of Phoenix Wednesday Evening Chapel ... Views: 944
It’s no secret that there is a tremendous amount of power in the act of praying? As you already more than likely realize the act of prayer is your opportunity to talk to God.
Today I don’t know how long you will wait to begin listening to God yet I get the sense that sometimes after you pray ... Views: 1943
You have no idea that when it comes to the variety of different meditation techniques and methods that are currently available that Yoga Nidra is one of the oldest and most effective guided meditation techniques that you can experience. As you can imagine, Yoga Nidra is literally translated into ... Views: 1316
You don't know it yet but, at the conclusion of this article, you will feel as if the practice of meditation has so much to offer you that no matter what your reasons may have been for not wanting to meditate on a daily basis. You will have already begun to realize that these 3 incredible ... Views: 1205
As you can imagine if you are anything like most people, then there is a certain part of you that in a variety of different ways would like to learn how to become more peaceful and at ease with life and all of its experiences.
That's why as you continue to read this article you will be glad to ... Views: 3240
You may find it interesting to notice that while just about everyone would agree that world peace may seem like an impossible dream the truth of the matter is that if you are reading this world peace is within you.
In fact, whether you realize it now or later, world peace is indeed the ... Views: 1833
It's no secret that many of us strive towards finding that sense of Peace that we know is within us. Yet, far too often life situations and circumstances that are beyond control have a tendency to move us away from recognizing that Peace within ourselves.
How would your situation change if you ... Views: 2318
If you are anything like most people your daily tasks at home may range from picking up toys or caring for the ones you love. Your work duties may be anything from the mundane, trivial or essential.
And no matter what your day's activities may bring you if you are seriously interested in ... Views: 1071
What would happen if in this moment you began to realize that you are perfectly poised to share and apply your talents and experiences in new and empowering ways?
Can you begin to imagine what it would feel like when you allowed yourself to blossom into the person that you are meant to ... Views: 4689
What would happen if when you suddenly found yourself feeling burdened by life's circumstances, in that moment you chose to become still?
All you need is to let yourself think that when you turn inward, you are affirming God's presence in and all around you.
As you already have probably ... Views: 1125
In what ways have you pushed past your comfort zone with confidence, drive, and a strong desire to move forward into the destiny that is what you came here to do?
Did you know that you can tap into your own adventurous nature and determination so that you can do whatever is before you in this ... Views: 1133
It truly is amazing how every Spiritual book you read can be broken down into simply saying be still within. No doubt about it be still within can be experienced through the practice of meditation and learning how to listen to that silence within.
In the Bible, it speaks of how God is always ... Views: 2381
Allow yourself to get that kind of feeling where you become aware of the fact that each moment of your life has the potential to be a new beginning.
Notice how when you are able to let go of the past and the future in a moment of now you able to merge into this space of realizing that there ... Views: 990
Just suppose you could open your heart to love in order to find the strength to forgive.
How often have you found yourself experiencing some kind of circumstance in which you find forgiving someone (or maybe even yourself) nearly impossible.
In the past you may have thought that holding ... Views: 1355
As each day brings more and more experiences into our lives it becomes clearer that if you are like most people, during a busy day, your thoughts may seem scattered.
And the more scattered your thoughts become the more tempted you find yourself to put your faith in what you perceive around ... Views: 953
Just picture this for a second, what if it was impossible to Love one person without loving all people.
I invite you to know in your mind now that we all are one in God.
And as you do so, begin to become aware of the fact that every time one heart is lifted, all hearts are lifted. Each ... Views: 995
Did you realize that the practice of Yoga Nidra is one of the most ancient and powerful Yogic techniques that there is?
Wipe away all thoughts of a variety of different difficult and challenging poses that come to mind when you think about Yoga and begin to realize now that the practice of ... Views: 961
Do you find yourself getting upset about things that when you take the time to really think about it really shouldn’t be getting under your skin and causing you to be upset?
Did you know, that every person has a threshold for what they can handle emotionally and that when that threshold is ... Views: 953
When you suddenly find yourself in need of new employment, it can be quite challenging to find something to cheer about.
While it might seem quite natural during times many people find themselves in need of employment to begin to allow worry or fear to overwhelm them.
As you take a deep ... Views: 974
Notice the comfortable warmth of your body and as you do so begin to become aware of the fact that comfort means so much more than the simple ease that a recliner has to offer or your pair of favorite slippers on a cool morning.
It might be good to remember that comfort is the ease of Spirit ... Views: 850
What would happen if you achieved balance between your human nature and divine nature as you practice spirituality in everyday life?
What if you suddenly began to realize that the balance of mind, body, and spirit is within you?
Would you find yourself living this life with gratitude all ... Views: 2087
What if it suddenly became clear that Love, Joy, and Peace was within you even though at times outside circumstances attempted to draw you away from that Love, Joy, and Peace?
Just begin to imagine feeling challenged by life’s circumstances or being overwhelmed by your responsibility in order ... Views: 1034
There is one thing that many fit and attractive women love to do and that is dance.
Likewise, as a man the one place you want to go in order to attract women is where they go to dance.
Now, your first reaction to this might be “I already am going to the dance clubs” which isn’t where women go ... Views: 968
Many times your inability to try something new, different, and interesting by yourself is a big reason why you can’t find or attract the type of women that you want.
When you are limited in where you can go because you must go with someone else, you limit the amount of women that you have the ... Views: 971
Do you want to know where some of the worst places are for men to meet and attract women are?
Bars and clubs, online dating, speed dating events and anywhere else where you r primary purpose for being there is to meet and attract women.
Now that you might have noticed that these are also some ... Views: 1328
While success with women can and many times does happen overnight, you can’t expect the changes you make to have an immediate impact.
For instance, expanding your social circle and activities does increase the amount of women you come into contact with increasing your chance for success in ... Views: 822
As a man looking to attract women, you must get out of your house and out of your comfort zone in order to do so.
There are hundreds if not thousands of opportunities to meet new people and that before you even get to these options that are created specifically for single people to meet up with ... Views: 1162
One of the biggest complaints men give to me quite often when it comes to attracting women is that there simply isn’t that many available women where they currently live.
While this rarely is the case, what is true is that where they currently live there aren’t that many available ... Views: 1074
Sometimes the reason why a man finds himself in situations in which he perceives that women are rejecting him is because of his failure to expand his social circle and activities.
Doing the same things day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year tend to lead you to the ... Views: 970
The majority of you reading this now have already begun making the most important changes when it comes to overcoming your desire to avoid rejection from women.
Like most things in life only you have the power to change them in order to get what you want.
No matter what, if you never take that ... Views: 880
You might not realize it now however her cheating on you can be on of the greatest things that ever happened to you if you learn and grow from it.
After she cheats you are going to be challenged both mentally and emotionally and at the same time finding yourself having to make some decisions ... Views: 1042
As you have probably already noticed I talk about maintaining your power and control in your relationships with women in all ways.
For whatever reason many men either don’t have a basic understanding of what it means to maintain your power and control or simply choose to ignore what I say ... Views: 3521
Many times your failure to attract women comes down to your desire for instant gratification when it comes to women.
Instead of living your life in a way that makes you happy and is under your control, some men choose to put their power and happiness in techniques and material possessions with ... Views: 1152
Most men already know how to attract women, but their beliefs are getting in the way of them actually doing it.
Instead, they look for ways in which they can change a woman’s natural tendencies into those which fit his beliefs.
For instance, many men believe that being nice to a woman you are ... Views: 1007