It is clear that when your dog is able to ambulate, he or she should be on foot beside you when you are walking or jogging. The issue that pet strollers address is when your pet is no longer able to walk or run beside you. Your pet might be small and unable to run long distances, or your pet ... Views: 1703
There are many different situations in life that may leave one feeling lonely. Loneliness can be described as feeling cut off from others not by choice, being without company, and being unhappy alone. People may feel lonely because they don’t have a larger social network of friends, family ... Views: 2680
So many of us who work full-time don’t feel there is enough time during the day to exercise. Studies show that daily exercise improves our mood and our ability to focus. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the tasks and the stresses of the day, but the costs may be lowered effectiveness and ... Views: 2454
Emotional and cognitive stress is a subjective response, experienced by the body, to a particular situation or thought. Stress can motivate us to perform at optimal levels, and it can also cause us to feel helpless and we emotionally shut down.
How we perceive a stressful event or thought ... Views: 1584
The definition of being ‘really busy’ seems to have changed over the last 10 years. We are juggling jobs with additional responsibilities and children with multiple activities. On top of this we are trying to keep up with the daily tasks of managing a home. Many look to the garden as a way to ... Views: 1817
The act of gardening is reported by many to be a stress reliever. During the month of April, we are all asked to pay attention to the amount of bad stress that exists in our lives and what we might be able to do to control it.
When it comes to gardening, choosing a location, planning the ... Views: 1533
Are you thinking about buying a bird bath? Birds seek out water to drink and to preen. They use the water to keep their bodies cool, to wash away dust and debris and also to eliminate any loose feathers.
There are numerous bird bath styles from which to choose. You can find a bird bath made ... Views: 2539
There are a number of recurring themes and symbols in Asian fountains. These decorative accent pieces draw influences from feng-shui theory and elegant Zen gardens. Having an understanding of six common symbols used in garden fountains will enable you to create a relaxing, pleasing ... Views: 2420
There are times in life when the demands we place upon ourselves are greater than we can manage. When we are under stress, it feels as though we have lost control of a situation. Stress manifests itself as a variety of behavioral and physical symptoms that are considered to be unpleasant and ... Views: 1816
Let’s talk about Chi. Chi is the vital life energy that needs to be flowing smoothly and freely so that every aspect of our life will do the same. Proper Chi movement begins in the outside of the home. A well planned garden is where we invite positive energy to then move into the home. Feng Shui ... Views: 2847
There is much debate over how many senses we actually have, but we generally recognize our senses as including: sight, touch, taste, smell and sound. Although attention may not be paid to it, we use our senses to manage all types of emotion every single day. Emotions such as: happiness, ... Views: 1997