Becoming a medium does not happen overnight. It takes a lot of soul-searching, discipline and training of the mind, body and spirit. An older soul ( young soul, baby soul, mature soul, old soul, king soul ) one that has past life memory and is open ( all seven chakras activated and in unison ) ... Views: 2207
The Power of the mind has no limits.
If you are suffering physical pain, great. Great not that you are in pain, great because the only way you may learn this technique is to actually be in pain. Knowledge is not enough you need the experience to put into practice. You may have to make several ... Views: 1782
Many moons ago and far, far away (well not that far... it was in the Gold Coast hinterlands) I lived in a barn on a farm and looked after a motley crew of animals. There were bulls (like the well-hung Henry) and his harem of girls but my faves were the horses. There was Beau (a beautiful big ... Views: 1573
The fourth period begins with the sixteenth century when scholars in Europe investigated ancient literature and began to question the motives of the church. The church had taught that the Druids were savages until the arrival of Christianity, but the intellectuals and philosophers of this time ... Views: 1400
According to the tradition of the Golden Dawn, there were ten grades, which are associated with the Sephiroth of the Tree of life, plus the probationary degree for the Neophytes. In this tradition, it is vital for the student to first learn about the foundation of magic, not the practice, before ... Views: 1533
Magic is one of the most misunderstood, sometimes feared concepts in our history. Fear is only another word for ignorance. The first evidence of magical practice - most likely Druidry - goes back over 25,000 years, where the survivors of the Ice Age carried their traditions from Russia and ... Views: 1448
Forgive them... For they know not what they do...
As we know, everything begins with a thought and many of the behaviors we have built up over life-times become an automatic defense mechanism which can weigh us down with guilt, sadness, anger and frustration, leading us away from the freedom ... Views: 1257
You can be on many levels a total Winner
Even if you're just a lonely beginner
You can wear the gold medallion,
If that's your inclination..
You can ride your own black stallion,
At the forefront of your battalion...
You can grow your own vegetation,
You'll find sweetness ... Views: 1095
Balance on all levels especially health does not need to be so difficult. But unfortunately due to the fast lane society we involve ourselves in it's not easy. We find ourselves depleted and as always searching for the right tools and ingredients to help re-gain our body balance.
With a good ... Views: 1612
I had a man knock on my door the other day. He was a Jehovah's Witness bringing me the 'Lords' word and the monthly Awakened magazines, which I don't mind browsing through every now and again.
This months Awakened was about miracles and if they really do happen. This particular man believed ... Views: 1373
As most of you are aware by now, Thrive Movement was set up to expose the Illuminati and its worldwide conspiracy to dominate and control the world by creating a One World Order - a fascist government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda.
Foster ... Views: 1268
The feminine element lies dormant in us all, eager to be retrieved from the archives of the world of imagery and myth. Basically, the feminine aspect encompasses the mystical, nurturing, healing aspect engendered through unconditional love and intuition. It is this aspect of our nature, which ... Views: 1166
It's that time of the year again when Witches in the Southern Hemisphere celebrate the first of the winter festivals - Samhuinn. (pronounces sow-in) In the Northern Hemisphere it is Beltaine - both of which are fire festivals.
Bonfires were lit on hilltops to celebrate the gathering of the ... Views: 1826
Through the essence of spirit I channel the energy of Tiger.
An essence of spirit contains all that is. All that is the Tiger. His piercing eyes the glistening coat of stripes with a color that conveys danger. All that is the Tiger, is the essence the past of Tiger. His trials, tribulations ... Views: 3354
Hurtling from a source unknown, a catalyst of change heads your way. With it brings a series of events that will catapult you to break old habits and search for more understanding. This allows you to grasp a better knowing of
whom you are, and where you are going. Do not let others ... Views: 1677
All things take on the vibration of how they are used.
I myself have a really hard time trying to comprehend what it would be like, to have thousands or even millions in one’s bank account.
When you know you’re neighbors around the corner or across the waters cannot put food on the table ... Views: 1660
The Butterfly in all its glory is a symbol of transformation, hope, faith, and love. Its most important role however is the remarkable gift it gives to us, in understanding death and rebirth unveiling the process of re-incarnation.
Another extraordinary example of the butterfly is its ability ... Views: 1745
The Shaman Within
Take a deep breath in through your nose all the air you possibly can, exhale through the mouth pushing out all the air you can til there is no more in the tank.
Slow yourself down. Stop the mind chatter. Enjoy the energies around you experience unity and connectedness ... Views: 1638
Our emotions are truly wonderful, I believe it is what makes us human. They give us the passage to passion, excitement, love and laughter. And on the other hand allow us to feel deep pain, bereavement, hatred and fear. What makes us super human?
Emotions play a pivotal role in triggering ... Views: 2303
As a clairvoyant, and as many of my colleagues confer – there is nothing supernatural or unnatural about their existence. Ghosts are real.
Quantum Physics is at last paving the way for a better understanding of the universe and what lies behind the order or creation and the world as we know ... Views: 1117
Telepathy along with Intuition, are natural human instincts that are a part of us as much as arms and legs are.
We can all sing and of course like anything some of us are better at it than others, the same rules apply when we are talking telepathy. Through hard work and determination we can ... Views: 1595
Our soils all over the world are so depleted and so ravaged that our fruit and vegetables cannot produce enough of the right balance of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that they normally contain. This also goes for our meat, since cattle rely on the same nutrients.
So we think we are eating ... Views: 1048