Dear Dr. Romance:
I have been married for nearly 20 years and thought we had a great marriage. 10 years ago I got hurt and have had 6 back surgeries. At one point I would double up on meds and drink to ignore life. During this time my husband was an angel; until he discovered I ... Views: 586
Dr. Romance sees many clients who are having marital problems because of the following bad habits. If you find yourself doing any of these things, consider changing your behavior or getting counseling.
1) You place social media above real communication; This can be a big problem, ... Views: 522
Dear Dr. Romance :
A man loves woman #1 but he was unhappy with the relationship for some reason. He was stressed financially. He was supporting his family. He has 2 children with woman #1 all he wants is the best for them and them to be happy and have a family. He has been going ... Views: 494
Dr. Romance’s 3 tips to finding true love:
1. Know the difference between fooling around and building a real relationship. You can mess around with anyone (if you’re careful and have safe sex) but before you bring someone into your life, or share money or living space, remember they’re ... Views: 492
Dear Dr. Romance :
I'm a 5'4" 34yr old male. I've searched online dating sites for a few years now and read thousands of women's profiles. In doing so, I recognized a peculiar trend in women's descriptions of their ideal mate. It's exhilarating to read ... Views: 497
Dear Dr. Romance:
I work at an Indian health clinic in northern California. I am a substance abuse counselor, or Certified Addiction Treatment Counselor . After scanning a book I found on a colleague's bookshelf called The Real Thirteenth Step I felt compelled to seek it out, and I ... Views: 533
Dear Dr. Romance:
I have a problem. My mother has introduced me to a male co-worker at her work. We have been friends for a month. My problem is that I am afraid that this relationship may become serious. The gentleman that she introduced me to is real nice, but my stepfather was the same way ... Views: 482
Dr. Romance writes:
Many of my clients want to know: What is a safe surrender to love? They have been in love before, and have gotten hurt. While we all are aware of the joy and beauty of love, and the profound pleasure of being in love, most of us are also afraid of mistakes, of making a wrong ... Views: 480
Dear Dr. Romance :
I already know my heart's desire; it reminds me daily. I want to get married. I want a mate. I want children. My problem is, this is not happening now. I have been single for a very, very long time. I don't need to get to "know myself" because ... Views: 497
Dear Dr. Romance:
Q: My father died 1 1/2 years ago. My mom always snaps at me and my older brother and I think she has a serious problem. I personally think it's a power struggle because she feels like she is loosing control over my brother and I. But, what she ... Views: 488
Dear Dr. Romance:Please could you give me some guidance on how to become a psychotherapist.
My brother, had a stroke four years ago. It makes me sick what a stroke can do to someone. Before the stroke he was making a six figure salary and spending most ... Views: 473
Dr. Romance writes:
Richard and I have been married since 1982 It hasn’t always been easy, but it’s definitely been worth it. In the first year of our marriage, after a difficult struggle between us, I gave my husband a card. On the front it said, "I love you", many times, and inside ... Views: 566
Dear Dr. Romance:
I hope you don't mind me emailing you for advice. I am looking for some books/info on developing autonomy. I have had a lot of problems with this in my childhood, due to family environment/mother etc. I feel I have no sense of personal power and it is badly affecting my ... Views: 451
Dear Dr. Romance:
I've run across your Happiness Tips and am enjoying reading them. I'm a divorced woman in my late thirties and I do not have children. I've accepted the fact that most of the men in my age group will be divorced and most of them will have ... Views: 479
Dear Dr. Romance:
THANK YOU so much for this dating tip! My girlfriend sent me your article "You Be The Judge" yesterday. I needed this. I dated this African guy for 4 months, 3 weeks in which we were actually together, and I was always upset and let-downed. Always, his way, his ... Views: 497
Dr. Romance writes:
I’ve been talking with clients a lot recently about what to do if someone you love or care for is self-destructing through addiction, or is making it difficult to be a friend because they’re out of control. We all have had some dramatic examples on television and in ... Views: 590
Dear Dr. Romance:
I was browsing the net and came across one of your articles "From Friends to Lovers and Back" which I found very interesting as it relates to a situation I am facing currently.
I am a young male and I cannot handle having sex for a while ... Views: 576
Dear Dr. Romance
I really admire how you advise people, please help me too. I'm married and I love my husband very much, but I love somebody else so much I don't know why although people say you can't love 2 people at the same time but I do. coz I love him very much and ... Views: 486
Dear Dr. Romance:
I've been having some serious problems with my mother-in-law. I really think that to her, all I am good for is breeding! All my husband and I ever hear from her is, "When are you having kids?" I'm 26 and not ready. I am enjoying working right now, and want my ... Views: 479
Dr. Romance on Resolving Money Fights:
Money talks need to be a part of scheduling weekly meetings - not just for money, but also for catching up with one another.
Bills, social planning, long-term goals and working on your relationship are just some of the issues you'll discuss. Just ... Views: 482
Dear Dr. Romance:
I was hoping for a little advice on my relationship now that is truly wonderful and appears to be the best relationship of my life. Things are souring from my end, which I could not understand why, until this morning when it dawned on me. I have never been as happy as I am now ... Views: 547
Dear Dr. Romance:My situation is different that some. See I have only been in 2 relationships, but they were really long term. My first I was 16 till I was 21. Second from 22 till 26 years old. Both of those relationships were an on off kind of relationship. So in between the on and off, ... Views: 480
Dear Dr. Romance:
I am considering being a licensed psychotherapist. What was your education track if I may ask?
Dear Reader:
Of course you may ask. I was licensed in 1978, so things were quite different then. I took an independent study curriculum to get my Masters in Counseling Psychology ... Views: 441
Last month, Dr. Romance received the following letter from a reader:
“A topic I would like you to cover/explore is that curious phenomenon which permits otherwise independent women to be dominated...even males with whom they share some sort or relationship. Why is it that a ... Views: 829
Dear Dr. Romance
I met a girl about three years ago at work. We both saw a connection, but neither one of us followed up on it. We were both in relationships, she was married. Several months later she told me things weren't good at home and we had started talking. She and I became ... Views: 513
Dear Dr. Romance:
I am writing to you for your professional opinion regarding my 15 year old son. His behavior overall is good but when he gets angry he throws things swears a lot and just a few minutes ago destroyed my vacuum cleaner in one blow to the floor.
I am a single parent about ... Views: 690
Dear Dr. Romance:
I have a friend who's asking for an advice and accidentally, I saw in the Internet your advices to some heart problems. So I told myself to try ask help from you also. This lady friend of mine is well, kind of in love with a man who's also in love with her. However, a ... Views: 504
When your partner refuses to help solve the problem, you have no choice but to focus on your own need until you get cooperation.
As long as you offer every opportunity to cooperate and you extend an invitation to your partner to join you whenever he or she wishes, you are free to focus your ... Views: 536
Dear Dr. Romance:
I'm in my forties, divorced, and debt free. I have a great credit score. My favorite hobby is Amateur Radio. Other hobbies are listening to shortwave radio programs and studying maps.
The down side is that I'm currently a truckdriver. Naturally, everyone thinks that ... Views: 561
Dear Dr. Romance:
I am a youthful and attractive woman, mid-fifties, who is so confused about online and ads for meeting men. I have been wounded by these men who, after some meetings with them and being promised by THEM that they want to take me for dinner within a few days, they set the time ... Views: 570
Dear Dr. Romance:
I am single man, I have question for you, is it natural for a man to masturbate? I normally, do it everyday, sometimes 4 times a day. Tell me if its wrong or normal to fantasize my cousin and she is a woman? Is it that wrong thing to do? I love to masturbate and to me ... Views: 539
Dr. Romance writes: It seems logical that like would attract like, but in my private practice as a marriage counselor and psychotherapist, I often see people drawn to their opposite ‑‑ because it's new and exciting.
However, what’s exciting in the newness of romance often becomes unbearable ... Views: 600
Dear Dr. Romance:
EVERYONE, yes EVERYONE has been TRYING and FAILING at having me reunite with one of my exes…or Something like that. My asinine brother took out pictures of my ex-husband of 9 years and started guilt-tripping me. The funny thing is this: I remained on good terms with ALL of my ... Views: 583
Dear Dr. Romance
I am in a terrible funk over a failed relationship that lasted 2 years and I thought would lead to marriage. We met online and now I'm afraid if I go online again, he will see my profile and/or I will see his. I took this breakup so hard, the thought of that happening just ... Views: 598
Dear Dr. Romance:
My entire adult life, I have gone out to all the places you're told to go to meet someone special. Nothing. I never even get asked out. It's like I'm invisible, and my life has wasted away because there's not a damn thing I can to do to 'make' someone ... Views: 596
Dr. Romance writes:
Normally, I recommend getting face to face as soon as possible, because you get so many clues, including pheromones, that you don’t get over phone, texting, email or video. However, these are not normal times, and we’re sheltering in place, so face to face is out, unless you ... Views: 727
Dear Dr. Romance:
My story will probably sound like a thousand others you've heard, but I am in desperate need of some answers. I am in my fifties, my wife is a few years younger. My wife had a hysterectomy about 15 years ago, so menopause is not likely part of this equation. As you are ... Views: 535
Dear Dr. Romance:
I am new to the entire single scene. Recently I met someone and after a couple of dates, he started to email me with a lot of sexual inquires. I ignored some of it and sometimes I would put a little tease in the reply.
When he started getting more vulgar I want this and I ... Views: 648
Dear Dr. Romance:
I have been married to my wife for 19 years and I have ask her to tell me her fantasies for along time, she says she has none, Is this possible? She always wants oral sex buts never ... Views: 988
As a single parent, you probably have so little free time that dating seems an impossible task. Yet, single parents are dating in unprecedented numbers, so if you’re looking for another “head of household” to date, you can find one.
As a responsible parent, you’ll want to be very cautious about ... Views: 829
Dear Dr. Romance:
I am an elementary school counselor. If you wouldn't mind, I would like to ask you a question that involves a child of a single parent. This 12 year old boy's father died less than a year ago. His mom has started dating again (I believe this to be too soon). I ... Views: 654
Dear Dr. Romance
My husband of almost 9 years just told me about 2 months ago that he is in love with someone else. About 5 years ago I caught him cheating on me with this girl and he told me that it was over and it was just for the sex. Then 2 years later I found out that he was ... Views: 644
Dear Dr. Romance:
I'm still having a bit of trouble letting go and cutting off communication with a guy who mistreats me. I understand in my head that this is not right, but I can't seem to get it emotionally. Yesterday was his birthday and particularly difficult to ... Views: 602
If you and your partner are not on the same page sexually, you need to learn how to talk with each other about sex:
Dr. Romance's Guidelines for Creating a Sexual Agreement:
* Set up a problem-solving session:
* Having a time to talk about sex will help you create trust and sexual ... Views: 776
Dear Dr. Romance:
I wonder if you have an article that you've written that you can point me too on how to let go of a toxic relationship. I've been involved for 7 months with a man who is continually evasive, avoidant-attachment, manipulative and I need to figure out ... Views: 644
Dear Dr. Romance:
I saw your article "How to Avoid Financial Infidelity" about couples fighting over finances:
I am totally on board as I think what you share is phenomenal. The challenge is my approach I suppose as my wife is almost NEVER on board. I guess we don't ... Views: 611
Dear Dr. Romance,
I would like your advise in my relationship with my boyfriend. We have been living together for a year and a half and known each other for 3 years. He calls me names and puts me down when i try to communicate with him and every time i want to break it off he tells me we should ... Views: 711
Dr. Romance: It is not necessary to argue about parenting your kids. Couples usually argue about how their parents raised them, and they want to do the same (or the opposite) of what their parents did.
How Not to Pass Your Family Dysfunction on to your kids:
1. Don't do it the way ... Views: 770
Dear Dr. Romance:
I hope you don't mind me writing you but I came across an article that you said: "The best interest of the child also could preclude a mom from gaining custody," says Dr. Tessina. "If a judge doesn't deem that the mother meets the ... Views: 739
Dr. Romance is pleased to announce the publication of a new edition of Money, Sex and Kids: Stop Fighting about the Three Things that Can Ruin Your Relationship
“With a Ph.D., fifteen books, and 40 years of counseling experience, under her belt, [Redbook Love Expert] Tina ... Views: 810