I wish there was a graph that let me know what was my fault and what was his problem. Is it my own crazy thinking that takes over at any damn time it pleases OR is there “REAL” proof that he is pulling away and NOW he’s just not that into me?
Last week we went out two nights and one of those ... Views: 1413
One of the hardest stages in the relationship cycle is moving on. Many of us ask the question, "Why am I still thinking about my ex?" We've all suffered through nights when we couldn't sleep because thoughts about the ex just wouldn't quit. That's normal. Here are 4 reasons why we continue to ... Views: 3026
In the spirit of the upcoming Halloween holiday, I offer you dating’s top “5 Tricks.” The tricks, that keep you alone and feeling frustrated in dating and love”. I would be a bad witch if I did not give you the corresponding “5 Treats” that dispel these myths once and for all!
Ladies, I am ... Views: 1219
Today I watched an elderly man open his wife’s car door. This occurs millions of times a day right? It’s a rather mundane and innocuous gesture to be sure. However, I was instantly flooded with thoughts and emotions about it. I wondered why, this act triggered, this symbolism of chivalry had ... Views: 1188
Have you been through a break up lately? Did you leave your boyfriend or is it the other way around? Have you thought about getting together again? If you answer YES to that last question, here are some things you need to know before you try to get your ex boyfriend back.
1. Who broke up with ... Views: 952
Wanna know what the Eight Wonder of the World is? Well it’s not Facebook nor is it the IPhone. (Though my assistant would beg to differ) The Eighth Wonder of the World is a woman. Yes, I am calling us out!
We women keep changing the rules in the middle of the game. We make it virtually ... Views: 1056
This emotionally charged topic usually generates tons of responses. Many people believe that they were justified in discarding their ex for all the right reasons. I’m sure that most of you have seen the Facebook post by the loud mouthed, blowhard guy that says the best thing he ever did was get ... Views: 1782
Eliminate the Mind Games
Stop the “What if” game and start focusing on “What can be.”
The longer you wait, the less of a chance you have to reconnect with your ex. You rowed
the same boat in life for so long, but when the waters got choppy, one of you went
overboard. If you wait for ... Views: 14147
It is no secret that men and women haven’t always been able to communicate properly. The concepts and ideas that are innate in most women are usually difficult concepts for most men to grasp. By the same token, things that are obvious to men are not easily understood by the majority of women. ... Views: 2827