Your Attitude and How to Overcome Yourself
This article will have many things you have heard before, and maybe some you have not.
First, YOU are your own worst enemy.
Somewhere along the line you took on, bought into, and started to believe in a very underhanded way that money and wealth was ... Views: 1471
Intuition, Insight, Knowledge, Invention, and Lateral Thinking
Today’s lesson is about Lateral Thinking, Invention, Mind Over Matter, and the Power of Thought. Insights and intuition come from the subconscious mind. These are just a couple of pieces that give you subconscious power over things ... Views: 1593
Where do psychic messages come from? Throughout my years of interviewing psychics, as well as studying world religions, metaphysics, the paranormal, and pretty much everything in between, I have sought out that one defining link, that elusive piece of the puzzle that truly answers where psychic ... Views: 4106
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) refers to a condition in which the median nerve, which extends from the underside of the forearm to the wrist, has become compressed at the wrist. In fact, the term gets its name from the narrow channel this nerve passes through—the carpal tunnel. The channel itself ... Views: 3376
Fibromyalgia is a disorder that is characterized by widespread, chronic pain of unspecific origin. Pain may be experienced in the muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints in a manner consistent with tactile allodynia, which means sensitivity to what may otherwise be considered non-painful stimuli ... Views: 4418
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a degenerative neurological disorder characterized by memory loss and general cognitive impairment. While many senior citizens may exhibit signs of moderate to severe dementia, AD is not a normal part of aging. Yet, more than half can attribute declining mental ... Views: 2696
Question: I’ve been thinking about retiring for a few years now but I’m really concerned about how expensive everything is. I’m still working and wondering if I’ll ever have enough to retire. How do you help people cope with high inflation? Phillip, CT
Answer: I help my private clients ... Views: 1491
It was a beautiful day in Costa Rica, the sun was shining and I was on the back of a beautiful horse named Diablo. I had been horseback riding numerous times before with no problems, so I wasn’t prepared for what would happen next.
As Diablo and I hit full stride galloping across an open ... Views: 1854
Have you ever had a patient that sits through a whole report of findings and looks at you with the deer in the headlights look? It's obvious that they don't really understand the treatment program that has been implemented and your communication is off target.
If your patients do not have have ... Views: 1567
It is more important than ever before that our businesses embrace technology if we want to grow during this down economic time. Many business owners and corporations look for that one key idea or system that's going to take their business to the next level. However, it's been my experience ... Views: 1459
Have you ever felt so tired, beat-down and stressed out that conjuring feelings of gratitude seemed downright ridiculous, and perhaps even a little infuriating? If so, you are not alone. The truth is, most of us have been raised in an environment where negativity trumps gratitude. Like all ... Views: 1186
"That which above all others yields the sweetest smell in the air, is the violet..."
- Francis Bacon
As a distinguished member of the Violaceae family, the violet (Viola spp.) shares it's roots with few relatives. In fact, its only cousins are pansies and garden violas. While the genus Viola ... Views: 2158
Man has been using plants to dye cloth and other materials for centuries, possible as early as A.D. 700. But, it was the Native American Navajo that truly perfected the laborious art of dying wool for weaving, as evidenced by their exceptionally beautiful blankets and tapestries.
Fresh plant ... Views: 1683
Picture this: You’re fighting your way through traffic when you begin to feel a tingling sensation on your cheek. You brush the spot with the back of your hand thinking a stray hair must be tickling you, but the irritation is persistent. Finally, you inspect the suspicious spot in the rear ... Views: 2600
The American population is an aging society. It is estimated that at least 7% of Americans over age 65 will be affected by Alzheimer’s disease by the year 2020, with the rate of occurrence climbing to 15% by 2050. But, while declining mental functioning is often described as the “signs of ... Views: 1830
I feel compelled to say a few words about the recent news about Swine Flu to this community. First, don't panic.
Having said that, you should also know that this flu strain is a variant of influenza Type A. Also, the CDC has determined that this strain contains components of Avian flu. Again, ... Views: 2255
Question: I just inherited $200,000. If I put it in a bank CD, how many years will it take before it’s worth $400,000?
Answer: 14.4 years – assuming your interest rate is 5%.
In the financial planning world there is something called the “Rule of 72”. It’s a very simple way to compute and ... Views: 4167
Damned If I Die Syndrome
In the Damned If I Die Syndrome the patient feels they will go to hell when they die. This PSD afflicted a woman in her fifties who came to see me. She had advanced breast cancer. The doctors gave her a few months to live. Upon telling me of her case, the woman threw up ... Views: 2032
How many times have you heard someone jokingly say that chocolate is a dietary staple belonging to that “other food group”? Well, the addition of this melt-in-your-mouth confection isn’t likely to be recommended as a dietary supplement anytime soon, but there is some good news for chocolate ... Views: 1145
While most of us enjoy the green grass and flora of the summer months, about 20% of the population will struggle to some degree with watery eyes and bouts of sneezing. Hay fever, or allergic rhinitis, is caused by an allergic reaction to tree and/or grass pollens, and the accompanying symptoms ... Views: 3440
"How the Doctor's brow should smile
Crown'd with wreath of camomile..."
- Thomas Moore, Wreaths for the Ministers
While many people recognize the name chamomile (or camomile, an alternate spelling), few actually realize that two different species share the same name. Both possess the same ... Views: 1153
Ever found yourself saying, I will, when I find the time or, time got away from me? We'll this time management article is for you. I am about to introduce you to 7 Secrets that Create an Extra Hour a Day!
So let's go through these little known secrets quickly. We will come back to each one over ... Views: 1120
“A Definition of the Word Abuse” is excerpted from The Spouse Abuse Tutorial located at
We begin with a definition of the word abuse.
If you do a Google search for “define: abuse”, you’ll get about 30 definitions, no two are the same; there is no agreement about ... Views: 2719
Reviews - How To Publish & Market a Book Without Jumping Off a Cliff, by Carol Adler
So you’ve written a book, or hope to write one some day, and you’re lost in the maze that book publishing has become. You want to be educated and knowledgeable about the entire process, but where can you ... Views: 1199
Q: What do men really want from their partners during the Super Bowl?
A: Here is a man’s dream recipe. Mix a heaping cup of enthusiasm, support and interest with a quarter of a cup of knowledge. Add a generous portion of no interruptions or extraneous conversations of any kind. (No chatty ... Views: 1285
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a powerful, easy to learn energy technique that can transform the quality of your life or business, often sky rocketing you to achieving goals or greater business success. That being said, it is also a wonderful technique to use with children of all ages - ... Views: 3926
On your mark... Get Set... Go!
You’re ready. You’ve finally got it, the top of the line, latest and great computer that moves at the speed of sound and has everything you need, plus some. But will it make you money. Absolutely -- We’re going to show you how.
There are ... Views: 1098
The words we use shape our perceptions and our interactions with the world. Through words we are taught to label the countless stimuli that enter our sensory portals. Our parents, schools, and society at large shape our concepts of who we are, how we experience others, and how we express ... Views: 1937
WHEE is an amazing method for releasing pains of all sorts. Users report dramatic improvements with tension headaches, migraines, frozen shoulders, backaches, irritable bowel syndrome, surgery, injuries, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome and cancer.
Example 1: I was out hiking with a friend, ... Views: 3513
I often ask successful people what was the best piece of advice they ever got from a parent. What words of wisdom carried them forward as they achieved their personal and professional goals? Responses such as "Don't take anything for granted", "You have to work hard and struggle for success" ... Views: 1087
One of the questions I get asked most is "How did I get an Inner Critic?" That question is usually followed by "How do I get rid of it?" These are both great questions and since I get asked about the Inner Critic so often I'll answer these questions here.
How did I get an Inner Critic?
When ... Views: 1183
Do you want to change your body and finally get fit for life? Well, lets keep things simple. If you just followed these 10 tips on a consistent basis, you can transform your body to tip-top shape.
1. Perform cardiovascular/aerobic exercise 3-5 times a week
(To get a lean physique you need to ... Views: 997
The old adage that ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’ gets completely turned around on us when you consider the life philosophy of a pooch. In fact, my grown but still puppy-like Australian Shepherd never fails to remind me how much we’ve both benefited from her energetic spirit and how it ... Views: 1252
Thyme is a low-growing perennial that no culinary herb garden should be without. In fact, with a taste ranging from lemon to nutmeg and caraway to clove-like, it is a classic addition to Creole, Cajun and French cuisines. The latter consider thyme one of the fines herbes and use it in bouquets ... Views: 1287
The alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs)in apples, oranges—even milk—not only nourish us inside, they are crucial to keeping our outer layer looking refreshed and young.
Let’s face it—when it comes to maintaining a youthful complexion, time is not on your side. From the moment of birth, your skin works ... Views: 5422
Battling IBS requires more than just intestinal fortitude.
Any ailment that affects up to 22 million people is nothing to be pooh-poohed. In this case, we’re talking about irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which according to the National Institute for Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Disease, ... Views: 2977
Revolutionizing the Way We Learn - Mental Photography by David Jurewicz
Revision & Foreword by Shannon Panzo
I recently was going through some old archives and came across a few articles that have stood the test of time. This just happens to be one of those articles. Even the term from a over ... Views: 1141
What did you get punished for as a kid? What got you into trouble?
What did you get rewarded for? What got you ‘kudos’?
I ask these questions because the answers will shine the light on the set of RULES taken on by you when you were very young. In those early, impressionable, years you ... Views: 949
Journal writing allows one a safe place to explore new ideas, clarify values, and practice integrity. Journaling is one of the most effective ways to re-connect with your Inner Wizard. Through frequent journaling you can engage in an ongoing conversation with your Inner Wizard who is always ... Views: 1291
There are two kinds of busy. Forward busy and Away busy.
One is a day filled with activities that move you forward in life and the other is keeping busy primarily to avoid having to be alone with our thoughts.
One is a day lead by your Inner Wizard, the other is a day ruled by your Inner ... Views: 1108
Transitions happen every day in your child’s world. Waking up in the morning, coming to meals, getting ready for bed, leaving for an activity, saying goodbye to a friend are all examples of transitions that can cause your child angst, or worse!
And of course, there are much bigger transitions, ... Views: 11208
“Shut the TV off.” “I said shut the TV off.” “I said SHUT THE TV OFF!!”
Does this sound familiar? Do you have to say things three or four times before your child finally complies with your request? Frustrating, isn’t it?
You’re not alone. The biggest complaint that most parents have is that ... Views: 1365
You may not think about it very much, but your gastrointestinal tract is more than a place for food to digest; it is actually a complex ecosystem. The gastrointestinal tract has the responsibility of producing enzymes to digest and absorb nutrients and rid the body of toxins. Without this ... Views: 1827
“Remember to show hospitality. There are some who, by doing so, have entertained angels without knowing it.” -- Hebrews 13:2
Throughout man’s earthly existence, we have looked to the heavens to shape us, direct us and deliver us from despair. Self-doubting by nature, we have devised many ... Views: 1052
Goldenseal (Hydrastis candensis) has been touted as a panacea for nearly everything from eye infections to hemorrhoids. One of the best-selling herbs in history, over-harvesting and deforestation also play a role in making this herb one of the most expensive and endangered. By the turn of the ... Views: 2386
Applying Mental Photography
A Lesson on the Australian King Brown Snake
No Teacher Like Experience
Mind To Mind – The Brain Accelerator is designed for you to learn from. In this scenario, I get to share an experience with you. This is the first part of a series of articles about Conquering ... Views: 1265
(Adapted from Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life by Judith Orloff MD)
Emotional freedom is all about abundance in every form, including financial abundance. Abundance involves embracing your total energy. It always begins with the heart, then ... Views: 1359
The holiday season is tough for many people. Family events and holiday parties remind us of our unhappiness with love and our family history. You can’t go back, but you can certainly learn from the past and use your discomfort with this time of year to motivate you to examine yourself and set ... Views: 3309
It’s that time of year again. Backyard barbecues, lakeside picnics and lazy afternoons at the beach are on just about everyone’s weekend agenda. Americans not only love outdoor leisurely pursuits, but we are also a nation of dedicated sun worshippers. For many, the primary objective is to ... Views: 3028
A runny nose, persistent headache and a feeling of overall fatigue seem to be keeping constant company with you lately. Is it a cold? It could be, but it could also be something else – sinusitis.
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, sinusitis is the most chronic disorder ... Views: 4950