Reldan Nadler is The Official Guide to "Emotional Intelligence". You can find complete information on Reldan Nadler and his products by visiting True North Leadership.
In general, someone could be fairly settled and only experience anxiety and fear, for example, from time to time. Due to this, they could see themselves as someone who is in a good way mentally and emotionally.
However, although they can have this outlook, it doesn’t mean that this is ... Views: 114
As someone is a human being, it means that they will have a head and a body. And, on the inside, they will have and thoughts, feelings and instincts.
However, although there are these two parts of them or seemingly two parts of them, it doesn’t mean that they will be in touch with both of ... Views: 154
For some people, it will be clear that something is not right if a man is focused on his mother and is not there for himself. He will be a separate human being, who has his own needs and life to lead, and yet, he won’t act like one.
Thus, he will have put his own life to one side and his main ... Views: 158
If someone were to take a step back and reflect on their life, what they might find is that they find it hard to feel good about themselves. What could stand out, if they were to take a closer look at how they feel during these moments, is that they feel worthless, unlovable and deeply ... Views: 165
A few days, weeks or months ago, someone may have been in a relationship with someone who they loved. But, after finding out that this person cheated on them, they might have soon decided that it was best for them to cut their ties with them.
Then again, they might have found out that this ... Views: 156
Even though a man has his own needs and feelings and life to lead, he can act as if he is merely an extension of his mother. Due to this, he is going to neglect himself and his life won’t be very fulfilling.
However, this can just be what is normal, which means that he might not be aware of ... Views: 170
When a man meets a woman, it might not be long until he develops a view of her. After this, he can believe that the view that he has formed of her is a reflection of what she is like.
However, although this can be the case, what if what is going on for him has had an effect on how he ... Views: 145
In the high-stakes world of Forex trading, success often hinges not just on technical prowess and market analysis but also on the mindset of the trader. Developing a winning mindset is essential for navigating the unpredictable terrain of the foreign forex robot exchange market and achieving ... Views: 168
If someone wasn’t able to connect to and form a strong connection with their primary caregiver during their early years, who is likely to have been their mother, it doesn’t mean that they will realise this. But, even if this is the case, what took place will have had a big impact on them then ... Views: 148
At first, a man who is entangled with his mother might have focused on the impact that she is having and had on him. The reason for this is that it would have been clear that she is having and did have a big effect on him.
But, as time has passed, it might have become clear that there is the ... Views: 158
Even though a man’s childhood is well and truly behind him, it doesn’t mean that every part of him has moved on from this stage of his life. A big part of him can be frozen in time and still trying to receive what was not provided all those years ago.
Assuming that this is the case, this ... Views: 173
What someone can believe, if they were mistreated during their early years, is that their parent or parents did this on purpose. They then did what they could to undermine their child as opposed to doing what they could to build them up.
Assuming that it was one parent who did this; they ... Views: 159
After a man has become aware of the fact that he is overly focused on his mother and is ignoring his own life, he may also find that he doesn’t have a strong need to do anything about it. If he is single, then, he will continue to suffer, and, if he is in a relationship, his partner will also ... Views: 124
After a man has come to see that he is overly focused on his mother and needs to focus on himself, he could start to explore what his early years were like. What this will do is allow him to gain a deeper understanding of why he is behaving in this way.
By doing this, he can soon find that ... Views: 122
Although someone is a separate human being with their own needs, feelings and life to lead, it doesn’t mean that they will realise this. Instead, they can feel like they are simply an extension of others.
Due to this, they are not going to have the sense that they own themselves, they will ... Views: 128
If a man has come to see that he is too focused on his mother and her needs, what could also stand out is that his father is also in the same position. After this, what could enter his mind is that his mother is using both of them.
He could then see that this has been going on for many, many ... Views: 134
After a man has come to see that he is focused on his mother and is abandoning himself, he can experience a lot of anger toward her. He can be angry about being used and taken advantage of.
To make matters worse, if he were to talk to her about what was going on, she might not listen to what ... Views: 142
If a man is in a position where practically his whole life revolves around his mother and he is in a relationship, it can be hard for his partner to understand what is going on. But, as he will be her son, not her parent, this is to be expected.
Moreover, he will be an individual who has his ... Views: 128
When someone is connected to their body, they will have access to their needs and feelings. By having this connection to themselves, they will be able to freely express who they are and live a life that is worth living.
What will also play a part in them being able to live in this way will ... Views: 148
What someone may find, if they were to step back and reflect on how they behave, is that they have the tendency to ignore their feelings and a number of their needs. Due to this, they are typically going to act as though they are an extension of others as opposed to a separate human ... Views: 162
What someone may see, if they were to step back and reflect on their life, is that they have been with a number of people who more or less showered them with love, practically as soon as they met them, and then, before long, they changed. It would then have been as though they were the centre of ... Views: 159
Now that someone is an adult, they can have the tendency to feel bad about themselves. And, it might not matter what they do or how they live their life, as it might not change the sense of badness that they often experience.
Along with this, they can have an overly developed sense of ... Views: 125
Now that someone is an adult, they can have the tendency to feel bad about themselves. And, it might not matter what they do or how they live their life, as it might not change the sense of badness that they often experience.
Along with this, they can have an overly developed sense of ... Views: 153
If someone was brought up by a narcissistic parent, they are unlikely to be in a good way now that they are an adult. This is, of course, assuming that they haven’t started to heal any of their inner wounds.
Ultimately, at this stage of their life, in order to grow and develop in the right ... Views: 149
If someone were to take a step back and reflect on their life, what they may find is that they have been in a number of relationships with people who were narcissistic. They may even see that there are a number of people in their life who are like this.
When they think about what these ... Views: 141
Over the years, someone may have spent a fair amount of time around people who always wanted to be the centre of attention, to always be admired, had a strong sense of entitlement and were self-centred, for instance. Unlike these people, they could come across in a very different way.
So, ... Views: 162
If someone doesn’t believe that they are enough, it doesn’t mean that they will be consciously aware of this. But, even if this is the case, it is still going to have a big impact on their life.
So, by having this software running, they can more or less always be on the go and trying to ... Views: 249
Even if a man fears women, it doesn’t mean that he will be consciously aware of this. If so, being this way will have a big impact on his life but he won’t realise what is going on.
But, while he won’t be aware of this, a friend or family member, for instance, could be aware of this. It might ... Views: 171
After going through a breakup, a man could decide to take his time before he dates or merely share his body with another woman. If so, this can show that he has been greatly affected by what has happened.
Then again, this might not be the case but he might just want to take a break and focus ... Views: 176
If someone was mistreated during their formative years, they might not be in a good way now that they are an adult. In fact, their life could be one big struggle, with them wondering if they even want to be alive.
However, even if they are not in a good way, it doesn’t mean that they will ... Views: 252
If a man were to connect with how he feels, he could find that he feels as though he is missing something. It is then going to be as if there is a hole inside him that needs to be filled.
And, if he were to go deeper into this inner emptiness, he could come into contact with a lot of pain. He ... Views: 179
Even if a man was to see a woman who he is attracted to, it doesn’t mean that he would take the next step. Instead, he could talk himself out of speaking to her and let the chance pass.
Then again, he might not need to talk himself out of doing something as he might not believe that it is ... Views: 141
If someone takes a step back and reflects on their life, what they can see is that they often do things that they don’t want to do. So, they can have the tendency to say yes when they would rather say no.
As a result of this, they are going to spend a lot of time doing things that don’t serve ... Views: 136
What might stand out, if a woman has been with a man for a little while, is that he is overly focused on his mother. She can find it strange that he is so caught up with her and unable to live his own life.
However, she can believe that she has what it takes to gradually pull him out of his ... Views: 156
As someone is a separate individual with their own needs and feelings, they are not always going to want to do what another person wants them to do. During these moments, they will need to make this clear.
If this wasn’t the case, there would be no reason for them to say no to another person. ... Views: 152
If a man is in a position where his life revolves around his mother and he neglects himself, it will be clear that he needs to start implementing boundaries. This is the only way that he will be able to reclaim himself.
Until this takes place, he will continue to turn his back on himself and ... Views: 148
If a man is unable to live his own life, due to how focused he is on his mother, it can appear as though she is the main problem. It might even seem as though the only way that he will be free is if his mother passes on.
This is something that a woman could say as a result of how caught up ... Views: 139
What should be normal is for a man to be there for himself and take care of his own needs. By being this way, he will be able to live a life that is worth living.
However, while putting himself first should be normal, this could be something that rarely takes place. Instead, he can typically ... Views: 165
If someone were to take a step back and reflect on their life, what might stand out is that they have the tendency to put other people’s needs first. They may see that this takes place without them even thinking about it.
Naturally, the outcome of this is that they will also have the tendency ... Views: 146
Ten Essential Elements of Violence Trauma Recovery
William Cottringer Ph.D.
There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.
~Laurell K. Hamilton, Mistral's Kiss.
Building Blocks (the basement).
1. Supportive ... Views: 228
In the previous articles that I have written about Yellowstone, I haven’t mentioned Jimmy. However, in the beginning, Jimmy works on the ranch and lives in the bunkhouse, but, as time passes, he ends up going to the 6666 ranch to learn how to be a cowboy.
Now, moving from one ranch to another ... Views: 179
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Quickbooks enterprise number* | 1-814-273-2000 |quickBooks Number
QuickBooks enterprise helpline Technical helps your business accounting in many ways, like calculating taxes, generating the bill, creating and sending invoices ... Views: 223
If a man is in a position where he spends a lot of time focusing on and doing things for his mother, his own life is going to be neglected. What this comes down to is that he only has so much time and energy.
It would be different if he could be fully focused on himself and his mother but ... Views: 130
During someone’s formative years, they may have had at least one parent who was very harsh. If so, it would have been normal for them to be put down by this parent and treated like they were nothing.
Therefore, even if there were moments when this parent did treat them differently, it ... Views: 153
During someone’s formative years, they may have had at least one parent who was very harsh. If so, it would have been normal for them to be put down by this parent and treated like they were nothing.
Therefore, even if there were moments when this parent did treat them differently, it ... Views: 184
When a woman meets a man who she is attracted to and takes things further with him, she is likely to have a positive view of him. For example, she can see him as a man who is loving, kind, and protective.
Due to this, when she thinks about him and is with him, she can feel loved, valued, ... Views: 176
If someone has turned their back on themselves, it doesn’t mean that they will be consciously aware of this. However, if another person were to observe how they behave for a little while, they might soon realise what is going on.
At this point, it can seem strange as to how another person ... Views: 146
What can be normal is for someone to spend most of their time doing things. Therefore, they will rarely if ever take the time to relax and recharge.
But, if this was pointed out to them, it doesn’t mean that they would be able to accept this. For example, they could say that life is too short ... Views: 276
If a woman is with a man who is overly focused on his mother and is out of reach emotionally, she is likely to wonder why she is even with him. Ultimately, he won’t have much time for her and even when he is around, he is unlikely to be very present.
Based on how he behaves, it will be clear ... Views: 186
Understanding Violence
By William Cottringer, Ph.D.
"Violence in an uncontrollable animal, which usually ends up attacking its own master." ~Renny Yagosesky.
There are two main problems standing in the way of understanding violence. One roadblock is that the violence trauma event ... Views: 243