Reldan Nadler is The Official Guide to "Emotional Intelligence". You can find complete information on Reldan Nadler and his products by visiting True North Leadership.
Ms Jenni Wright from talks about the Dalai Lama the torch relay and compassion.
The Dalai Lama has recently attended a five-day Seeds of Compassion conference. The conference featured dozens of workshops on various subjects, beginning with a panel ... Views: 1411
What kind of love are you talking about?
There are many forms of love that English has only has one word for which is 'love' and it gets bantered about indiscriminately. Greek has five, which are more descriptive:
Desire – Attraction (epithumia)
Longing – Romance (eros) ... Views: 7310
We all have a scenario of our life. We invent, adopt, are led by and measure ourselves against our personal narratives. These are, normally, commensurate with our personal histories, our predilections, our abilities, limitations, and our skills. We are not likely to invent a narrative which is ... Views: 5383
You can learn to enjoy yourself pursuing relationships if you know the secrets to relating and practice them. Beyond a common sense clean physical presentation (you should know most women like this), the essential secret is to be yourself.
When you hear this, do you usually start imaging how ... Views: 1595
“If he can control his emotions today…..he can win this tournament.”
If you’re a golfer, you’ve heard broadcasters announce this many times before the final round of a
professional golf event. The statement is a very strong endorsement for what’s important to ... Views: 1332
Emotional Intelligence has been found to be the critical success factor for leaders when compared with their Intelligence (IQ) and technical expertise. The further a leader goes up in an organization the more they need Emotional Intelligence. Emotionally Intelligent leaders know and manage ... Views: 4019
Being members of Selfgrowth puts us in a unique position of appreciating the power of social networking, and networking sites like Ecademy, LinkedIn, and Facebook. So what is the power of social networking?
Well those in the know say it is about forming relationships. OK then what? Well then ... Views: 3341
In our effort to balance very full and hectic lives with our families and our jobs, we may have been neglecting an all-important facet of our child’s life: their emotional well-being. The first three years of a child’s life is a critical time for a child, and the trauma of changing ... Views: 1230
When I was invited to participate as a contributing editor in an internet newsletter, I was all at once flattered, enormously thrilled, and instantly filled with absolute panic! My mind suddenly went on overload. I heard myself thinking, "I don't know anything! How can I write about something ... Views: 1278
Have you ever been asked the question, “What’s your aim in life?”
Have you ever understood what the person asking the question meant?
It’s quite a powerful question because it is a pretty direct and incisive way to ascertain what your purpose in life is and what you aim to achieve as a goal. ... Views: 20287
I learned this morning one more time - how important it is to pay attention to my thoughts and feelings.
It happened as I was looking at the barriers I've put up to 'receiving'.
I was curious to know why I don't receive more love, more success, etc. I knew I must be blocking so much of ... Views: 1683
Without Fear or Favor
There is an old joke about a man who went to India and spent all
day, every day swinging a live tiger by the tail around and
around in a circle above his head.
When a passer-by asked him what he was doing, he said "I'm
keeping away the lions."
This confused the ... Views: 1251
Emotions are a great gift. Because of our sensory capacity to feel, the world is richer. It has texture. These sensory responses in turn let us know when and how we should act. Emotion is after all, related to motion, or movement. For many of us, emotions are a confusing thing. We sense too ... Views: 2341
People who excel in life are said to be emotionally intelligent. This means you have greater self-control, compassion and awareness for other people’s feelings in relation to your own.
There are several parameters to determine your EI Quotient. The following are the guidelines to ... Views: 8996
Anger is energy, an emotion, and it is part of the experience of life. Anger can become your greatest enemy toward developing good health and well being or it can become your greatest ally toward healing and finding personal peace. It all hinges upon how you relate to your emotions. Before we ... Views: 9690
Have you ever been unfocused before an exam, when you really needed to concentrate instead?
Or have you ever been really nervous before giving a lecture, when instead you needed to be confident?
Or perhaps you’ve been down in the dumps when you needed to be ‘on’ and positive ... Views: 7825
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Emotional Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence is an ability, capacity, or skill to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of one's self, of others, and of groups. Emotional Intelligence is often measured as an Emotional ... Views: 2232
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Emotional Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence is an ability, capacity, or skill to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of one's self, of others, and of groups. Emotional Intelligence is often measured as an Emotional ... Views: 2004
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Emotional Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence is an ability, capacity, or skill to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of one's self, of others, and of groups. Emotional Intelligence is often measured as an Emotional ... Views: 1955
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Emotional Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence is an ability, capacity, or skill to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of one's self, of others, and of groups. Emotional Intelligence is often measured as an Emotional ... Views: 2018
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Emotional Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence is an ability, capacity, or skill to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of one's self, of others, and of groups. Emotional Intelligence is often measured as an Emotional ... Views: 2953
Most people experience life as a roller-coaster of different emotional states, accepting without question that emotions are something that just happen in response to life events. In any given day, you may experience a range of states, some positive and some that are negative or distressing. The ... Views: 11783
1. Change the cause of emotion. Fix the thoughts, fix the emotions. Circumstances do not cause emotions – rather, your thoughts and attitudes about those circumstances do. the only exception is when emotion is driven by a physical chemical imbalance in the brain, which can be identified and ... Views: 10329
Most people would agree that it's important to communicate what you're feeling. But how do you KNOW what you are feeling? Here are some simple yet profound ways to know what you're feeling and how to use those feelings to improve your life.
1. Know what feelings are. They're simply ... Views: 1684
Alexithymia from the Greek words λεξις and θυμος (literally "without words for emotions") is a term coined by Peter Sifneos in 1973[1][2] to describe a state of deficiency in understanding, processing, or describing ... Views: 3061
Emotional Intelligence (EI), often measured as an Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ), describes an ability, capacity, or skill to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of one's self, of others, and of groups. As a relatively new area of psychological research, the definition of EI is ... Views: 3094
When we watch toddlers dance we feel their joy. When they trip, they don't fall far and their butts are padded. Their excitement at two-legged mobility is infectious.
When we see kids of all ages running, jumping, giggling and then falling asleep at ease, we assume children are carefree and ... Views: 1539
Recall the opening scene in the blockbuster movie, Forrest Gump – a feather floating in the wind, up and down and all around with no control or sense of direction whatsoever. I would argue that many business people feel that awful feeling of being powerless, being blown around by the latest ... Views: 2300
Excerpts from The Sedona Method: Special Preview Teleseminar
David Ellzey, professional life and business coach, hosted a recent teleseminar for Joy and Success International in which he shared some of the secrets of the Sedona Method. The Sedona Method has been used by over 1/3 of the teachers ... Views: 1082
"Organisms do not experience environments, they create them."
-- From A Simpler Way, by Margaret Wheatley
Walking down Lincoln Avenue in Portsmouth, I am struck by the beauty of the day – forsythia, tulips and daffodils, bright sun, warm breeze – and the freedom and privilege I have to walk in ... Views: 949
The obvious - but often unspoken - premise of most emotional healing lies with finding a way to rid yourself of those so-called bad emotions. Any way you can.
Because some feelings are good, and others are bad. Even little kids knows that.
We develop a hierarchy of good and bad emotions: ... Views: 2195
One of the biggest problems we all experience with our emotions involves getting 'stuck' in them. Meaning, we keep feeling the same exact feelings, over and over; day after day.
If you seem stuck in your feelings - it's almost guaranteed to be painful. Or at least unpleasant. Sadly, we end up ... Views: 5313
I had a good crying spell yesterday.
Actually, I felt pretty okay about it. Because it showed me where my boundaries of pain were, and it showed me I was going into those boundaries. As a way to expand myself.
In other words, the crying spell was a signal, or a manifestation, of the process ... Views: 8460
It’s Always Personal: Three Ways to Beat Criticism at its Own Game
(Part 1 of 3)
Does criticism control your life?
Think about your last argument with a friend, co-worker, employer, or neighbor. Whether the subject matter at hand was missing a lunch date or forgetting to turn the office ... Views: 2925
But if in your fear you would seek only love’s peace and love’s pleasure, Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love’s threshing-floor, Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.
From ... Views: 1449
Role Reversal – the Good, the Bad and the Unexpected
Have you sometimes wished that your spouse (or someone else close to you) could walk in your shoes for just one day? And did you hope that this role reversal would enable your spouse to have a better perspective on what your day is really ... Views: 3443
Have you been the victim of cruelty or injustice at some point of your life? Are you presently despondent over your personal circumstances in life? Has someone broken your heart because of treachery or rejection? If you answered yes to one or all of these questions, you are not alone.
Many ... Views: 3568
The beginning of a new year, like the beginning of anything, brings with it thoughts of change, rejuvenation, new life, and resolutions about how to accomplish these changes. Life offers possibilities of a fresh start for our relationships. But we don't always carry through on our resolutions. ... Views: 1287
The older we get – the more we forget – or so it seems. When I began my personal growth journey for recovery I began remembering the most traumatic events that transpired when I was a child. After researching information concerning memories, I realized that some of the things I was remembering ... Views: 2217
I speak to people everyday about the importance of emotions and feelings in our daily life. Most of them are completely numbed and all they can do is nod their head while reading my words or simply sigh when I’m finished speaking. They’re knee deep in symptoms of mental illness; depression or an ... Views: 8593
When something happens in your life, it tends to bring up a certain amount of feeling. Someone cuts you off in traffic, and it brings up anger or perhaps fear. That anger and that fear have a certain amount of volume to it.
Or perhaps you're grieving for the loss of a loved one. You have a ... Views: 1442
He came out of the night, appearing suddenly in my headlights, a big, golden dog, panting, his front paws tapping the ground in an anxious little dance. Behind him, tall cottonwoods in their April bloom. Behind the grove, the San Juan River, moving quickly, dark and swollen with spring melt.
It ... Views: 1082
From my perspective, our emotional wounds don't live in our minds. So healing our minds, as Dr. Eve Woods teaches on her show Healing Your Mind, Body, and Spirit, from September 19, 2006 titled "Rewrite Your Internal Script," does not actually get at the core issue. I find this idea - that ... Views: 3235
According to the Harvard Business Review (Feb, 2007), self-awareness has just been recognized as the most important capability for leaders to develop. I would add that this is a quality that is beneficial for anyone to develop. After all, we are all leaders somewhere in our lives aren’t we? ... Views: 1104
President Harry Truman said that, "a weeping man is an abomination." Truman was president from the close of World War II into the early 50s. I saw this quote just the other day, and was reminded of my grandfather, Oren Ryals. Oren was my father's father, and when I was a boy I idolized him. He ... Views: 2094
Quantum physics clearly demonstrates that energy, in one form or another, constitutes the most fundamental building blocks of the universe. To be even more precise, these building blocks, called quarks, or quanta, are actually the potential for a particular frequency, or state, or amount of ... Views: 2317
I love Mr. Mafioso on AskMen. “Look, college boy,” he writes, “there are certain lessons that all the books in the world couldn’t teach you.”
Strikes a chord with me. I came out of college quite the college girl. It was a college in rural Minnesota, very ... Views: 4827
Are you bracing yourself for December, unsure what to celebrate and how? Here’s what you can do:
D ... iversity
In today’s multicultural world, and office, there will likely be many faiths represented during the holiday season. You can’t assume any longer that ... Views: 1523
A positive body image is one that we should all strive for. This is when you know yourself and who you are. You have a very true perception of your size, shape, and weight. You see yourself as you are in the present. You accept yourself, even though you may be overweight. You believe in ... Views: 3619
As we all race to understand Emotional Intelligence, arguably the hottest thing on the business scene globally, there are many questions.
As ‘Ask the EQ Expert’ for a business website, I’ve been asked:
· Isn’t ‘Emotional Intelligence’ a ... Views: 1616