Hives or Urticaria is the kind of allergic reactions that cause itchy red bumps on the skin. Hives causes uncomfortable feeling with the most popular symptoms such as itching, difficult breathing, tongue or throat swelling, nausea, etc.
Hives emerges when the body’s immune system reacts to heat, anxiety, or varied temperature. Some of the common triggers of hives react to food, chemical, animal dancer, infection, etc.
In this writing, effective will list the top 10 best natural home remedies for treating hives without any side effect. It is the best information from reliable source but it is not aimed to give medical advice. Thus, you should meet your doctor to get his advice before applying for Urticaria treatment. Continue your reading if you want to find any more details about these ten natural home remedies.

1/ Cold compress:

Cold compress is the most common skin allergy treatment including hives that is good topical natural home remedy. Cold temperature helps the blood vessels retraction and release histamine block. Swelling, inflammation and itching are reduced.
-You will need:
Three or four ice cubes
A thick cloth
Wrap three or four ice cubes in a cloth. Massage the itchy bump areas for 10 minutes, from 2 to 4 times a day. If the hives is terrible, you should take a bath under the cold winter to calm skin inflamed by hives for 20-30 minutes.

2/ Baking soda:

Baking soda is traditional method to treat hives. Its anti-inflammatory properties can reduce swelling as well as itching.
-You will need:
Baking soda and cold water
Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a little cold water to form a thick paste. Apply it to the affected skin. Wait for 10 minutes before washing it with warm water.
3/Apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is another good natural home remedy for Urticaria treatment. Brown sugar relieves the itchy area and pain due to hives. Light or dark brown sugar help balance skin condition.
-You will need:
Light brown sugar or dark brown sugar and vinegar.

Take nearly a cup of organic apple cider vinegar
Cook it slowly and add a quarter cup of light brown sugar or dark brown sugar. Then, you apply it to the affected skin.
Another way, you can add two or three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a bathtub filled with warm water and soak in it for 20 minutes every day.

4/ Oatmeal:

Another way to treat a bad case of the hives is oatmeal. Using oatmeal controls the itching and inflammation because it has a good effect and respites the skin irritation

-you will need:

A tablespoonful of oatmeal
A cup of boiling water

Compound a cup of boiling water to a tablespoonful of oatmeal. Apply it to the affected skin.
Another way, you can add oatmeal to a bathtub filled with warm water and soak in it to get rid of itching.

5/ tea:

Green tea has some peculiar properties such as potent healing. The antihistamines in green tea can control the Urticaria symptoms. Tea can be drunk or applied directly to the skin.

A/ Using on the skin:

-You will need:

Some tea bags
Boiling water


Boil one quarter of a cup water per tea bag about 8 minutes then remove and let it cool. Apply the tea bag to affected skin by hives for 15-20 minutes.

B/ Drinking tea:

-You will need:

Green tea or chamomile tea
Licorice root

Mix the licorice root with 1 teaspoon and a hot cup herb, wait it 10-20 minutes
Drink 3-4 cups of herbal tea.

6/ ginger:

Known as a "wonder drug", ginger quickly suppresses the hives symbols such as redness, itching. Its antihistamine support skin healing and relives swelling.

-you will need:

One quarter of brown sugar
One piece of fresh ginger


Mix one piece of fresh ginger to one quarter of brown sugar then boil for several times. Mix it to warm waiter and apply on the affected skin several times.

7/ Aloe vera:

Aloe vera is an effective hives cure and helps heal the affected skin quickly. Itching and redness are disappeared by aloe vera gel.

-Will you need:

A fresh ole vera
A little water


Apply fresh aloe vera to hives skin directly. Do not use the gel too much, just enough to spread easily on the skin. Wait for 15 minutes and the wash it with warm water.
you should drink two tablespoon of ole vera juice to improve your immune system.

8/ Turmeric paste:

Turmeric paste is a common hives treatment at home. It has a lot of good oxidants that are important element to the treatment of hives.

-You will need:

One teaspoon of turmeric powder


Mix turmeric with water which is formed like thick paste. The yellow paste has to be applied on the affected skin for 15 minutes and washed it with cold water.

9/ Basil:

Basil also contains natural antihistamine and it is powerful for treating hives. It can reduce the itching and inflammation.
-You will need:
A tablespoon of dried basil leaves or some fresh basil leaves
Put one tablespoon dried basil leaves in bottle and inset hot water in it. Wait it cold. Apply this mixture on the affected skin with a cloth.
Crinkle some fresh basil leaves with your hand, apply it on the itching, wait it dry and clean it with warn water.


Nettle is kind of her including treating hives. It contains natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory that relieves swelling, inflammation and itching.
-You will need:
A tablespoon of dried nettle leaves
Some tablespoon of honey
Put a tablespoon of dried nettle leaves to a cup of hot water and add a little honey. Wait 15 minutes. Drink this tea two or three times a day.
To collect effective information related to different health problems and natural home remedies, go to visit effective remedies page. If you apply one of above home remedies for hives treatment, the symbols could not disappear, you have to meet your doctor to ask him for advice. This article is only for informational purpose.

Author's Bio: 

This article is posted by Hang Pham, a health & home remedies writer and the manager of the beauty community – Beauty Talk